🔍 Explore a new world! See the metaverse of various regions at a glance with Max Tour! Travel anywhere in the country and experience new experiences through the map-based digital twin Max Tour.
📍 Features:
🌐 Integration with other metaverse apps: Freely explore the metaverse of various regions within Max Tour. By linking with the local metaverse app, you can experience the realistic metaverse of the region.
🕶️ 360 VR Experience: You can experience the registered area in realistic 360 VR.
🎮 Virtual Activities: Experience new activities through a virtual digital twin.
🌍 GIS 3D map: You can observe the area with a detailed and realistic bird view.
🖥️ More features on the web!: You can experience more features on the Max Tour website.
👉 Download now and experience the virtual world in your digital twin! 🌟