This Live Wallpaper can produce a parallax effect by slightly offsetting the position of the wallpaper. You can create new playlists with multiple wallpapers from the device and activate whenever you want.
Slider supports multiple and single wallpapers with a parallax effect so you can easily switch between multiple and single wallpaper.
Features of Live Slider
◼Material UI
This app is designed on official material designed principles and we have focused on the simplicity of the app, which gives a great performance and battery efficiency.
◼Additional Storage
This app creates a copy of every wallpaper in your playlist and stores it in your local storage that will not be visible in any android gallery application. So if you delete the originally added wallpaper from its source nothing will actually happen to your live playlist all will work as it was.
◼Battery Efficiency
This app is created for low-end devices too so, it always uses very little battery compared to any other live wallpapers. Overall memory consumption of this app is under 100MB and will always work under this memory allocation. So you don't even have to worry about your ram and memory as this app is already optimized for all possible cases.
Thank you
Version history
Jul 18, 2020
First Stable Release
Support for large Playlists
Change slideshow time
Double Tap to change the wallpaper