-Improved input functionality on the Host Address page.
-Improved user experience for the referral program.
-Resolved delay in displaying disconnected chats for host families and au pairs.
-Updated au pair preference options.
-Improved user experience for the matching pool scrollbar.
-Suggestions are now visible without requiring host families to clear filters.
-Increased the maximum number of chats from 3 to 5.
-Reduced photo requirements for au pair bedrooms, households, and communities.
-Backend improvements for hiding Au Pairs
-App sync improvements
-Re-engagement process improvements
-Improved messaging experience for unavailable favorited Au Pairs
-Improved error handling for Host Family match requests
-Video thumbnail bug fix
-Chat usability improvement chatting and send button behavior
-In-chat text highlight function enhancement
-Host Family suggestions bug fix
-Favorited and suggestions Au Pair user experience update
-Improvements to the chat availability model
- Household members bug fix
- Fixed web button overlap in Matching Pool
- Updated payment plan selection text
- Host Family matching compliance fix
- Saved Search feature
- Host Family preferences update
- Hiding Au Pairs feature
- Updated the suggested Au Pair experience.
- Fixed issue with starting chats with Au Pairs.
- Improved Current Au Pair HomeScreen display.
- Enhanced HomeScreen connection display.
- Added Account Summary for detailed financial information.
- Refund blank page fix on web.
- Au Pair Responsibilities descriptions submission fix.
- Removed UK ETA pop-up notification.
* New Host Family matching update.
* UK Electronic Travel Authorization update.
* Password error handling.
* Payment API enhancement.
* Additional validations when users sign into the wrong app.
* Installment plan improvements.
* Account creation bug fix.
* Favoriting Au Pairs bug fix.
* Matching disconnection fix.
* Event section link availability.
* Added a banner for account deletion.
* Improvements to matched connection disconnections.
- Improved API for account deletion.
- Fixed a bug with favoriting au pairs.
- Added due dates for payments.
- Improved app analytics.
- Fixed a compliance bug in the extension request process.
- Fixed timezone issues on reminder emails.
- Resolved issue preventing some host families from adding a second parent due to email errors.
- Improved reengagement flow for renewal host families with active hosting relationships.
- Convenient snackbar notification added for PDF downloads.
- Email validation now works perfectly with trimmed and lowercased inputs.
- Updated reengagement flow for host families.
- Added extra logging for smoother navigation and page tracking
- Created an API to check if a Host Family and Au Pair can match.
- Added review popups after matching for better user confirmation.
- Removed WeChat asset picker.
- Fixed issues with app icons displaying incorrectly.
- Fixed hosting relationships generated in the past and added logging for these instances.