Some minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Also better support for promotion partners.
Much more preflop multiway ranges ... if you check out the preflop multiway ranges section of the app then you will find instructions on how to acquire a lot of the new ranges that we have created.
Better support for promotion partners.
Also some minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Much more preflop multiway ranges ... if you check out the preflop multiway ranges section of the app then you will find instructions on how to acquire a lot of the new ranges that we have created.
Much more preflop multiway ranges ... if you check out the preflop multiway ranges section of the app then you will find instructions on how to acquire a lot of the new ranges that we have created.
Due to popular demand we have added the option to explore different solutions within the same stacksize. A good example can be seen in the CASH - BVB - 100bb configuration.
Fixed the youtube player.
Fixed the colour for LIMP in the Preflop Multiway screen so that it is distinct from the bet and all in colours so you can easily distinguish it.
Various other small bug fixes and performance improvements.
Fixed the colour for LIMP in the Preflop Multiway screen so that it is distinct from the bet and all in colours so you can easily distinguish it.
Various other small bug fixes and performance improvements.
Fixed a small bug in the rendering of the EQ EV charts in the analysis screen.
Improvements made to our servers so that we can better serve sims better during high load. We've seen some recent issues in downtime and this update will resolve it for you guys!
Enjoy! And if you still see issues after this update then please message us on our support email or via our discord.
Feb 6, 2023
Improvements made to our servers so that we can better serve sims better during high load. We've seen some recent issues in downtime and this update will resolve it for you guys!
Enjoy! And if you still see issues after this update then please message us on our support email or via our discord.
Dec 6, 2022
Support for new Android version to improve performance.
Aug 4, 2022
Extra support in Preflop+ multiway for Heads Up preflop ranges.
Also various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Jun 6, 2022
We've added a 200bb cash Preflop Multiway spot ... and we've also improved support for our preflop multiway spots to add new seat positions.
Preflop Multiway lookups now get Range Splits too. We're working on bringing more stacksizes and game types to the new Preflop Multiway screen ... but currently MTT 40bb is good to go! :)
February 19, 2022
Fixed a UI rendering issue introduced when we previously fixed another UI rendering issue related to showing tiny slithers of certain actions in the combo boxes.
Fixed range thumbnail rendering bug. Previously range thumbnails would be fuzzy but now they are shown crisp and clear.
January 27, 2022
Fixed a bug related to the combinatorics filtering in the Range Split analysis screen ... whereby previously tapping a combinatoric to filter the range by that combo type might have highlighted more cells then it should. The range is now correctly narrowed when combinatoric rows are tapped.
Individual rows in the Combinatorics section of the Range Split screen can now be tapped to highlight hands in the range that make the combo.
January 5, 2022
Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Individual rows in the Combinatorics section of the Range Split screen can now be tapped to highlight hands in the range that make the combo. We've removed the yellow higlighting and we've replaced it with fading in/out to retain the splits within each cell. Try tapping any row in the combinatorics section!