We’ve worked on performance improvements and bug fixes to keep your birding experience smooth and enjoyable. Happy birding with Birda!
We’ve worked on performance improvements and bug fixes to keep your birding experience smooth and enjoyable. Happy birding with Birda!
We’ve worked on performance improvements and bug fixes to keep your birding experience smooth and enjoyable. Happy birding with Birda!
We’ve worked on performance improvements and bug fixes to keep your birding experience smooth and enjoyable. Happy birding with Birda!
The wait is over (sorry it took so long!). Our most requested feature, Past Sessions, has finally landed. No more juggling your phone while trying to spot that rare feathered friend. Now you can enjoy the great outdoors uninterrupted, and log your bird session after your adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned birding pro or just learning to peck around, Past Sessions makes birdwatching a breeze. So go ahead and log when you're ready!
The wait is over (sorry it took so long!). Our most requested feature, Past Sessions, has finally landed. No more juggling your phone while trying to spot that rare feathered friend. Now you can enjoy the great outdoors uninterrupted, and log your bird session after your adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned birding pro or just learning to peck around, Past Sessions makes birdwatching a breeze. So go ahead and log when you're ready!
* performance and stability improvements
* new avatar styles
* sensitive sightings hidden automatically
* similar species added to the species guide
* species guide can be sorted by A-Z or which birds are commonly found at your location
- improved onboarding
* whole new profile screen - there's no place like home
- feeds a few little bugs to the fledglings
* you can now add several images at once to a sighting or session
* share on Twitter
* bug fixes
Mar 15, 2023
* Birda users are now citizen scientists, sightings can now be shared with the GBIF
* add sightings to existing sessions
* edit start and end time of sessions
* search life list
* photo life list
* all life lists have bird photos
Feb 17, 2023
* edit your session start and end times - perfect if you have accidentally left a session running!
* a few bugs gobbled up
Jan 27, 2023
* restyled notifications screen (much less noisey!)
* pressable session year ticks / lifers from the feed
* share challenges
* species list screen is faster
* lots of small style tweaks
* bugfixes
Jan 5, 2023
- SPECIES GUIDE!!!! Find out more about your favourite birds and where to see them
Dec 23, 2022
- fun facts in species guide
- birdlife species distribution maps
- profile pic in tab
- show useful messages when location permissions denied
- bugfixes
Nov 23, 2022
- new photos feed
- unidentified sightings feed
- see which species you can see at a location by month
- show species photos by default
- year ticks!
- perf boosts
Nov 14, 2022
- Notifications button took a much needed break. It saw lots of really great birds and is feeling a lot better now.
Oct 19, 2022
- lots of lil updates and fixes
Oct 12, 2022
- new feed! Find out what's going on near you and other places too
- let us know if a bird beens mis-identified. Don't worry we'll handle it tactfully.
- more tools to curate your followers
- better share stickers for sessions and sightings
- plenty of bugs have been eaten so the bird can do a migrate