Plagiarism Checker App Mod Apk

Plagiarism Checker App Hack - Mod Apk 1.0.12

Developer: Enzipe Apps
Category: Tools
Price: Free


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Plagiarism Remover : Dupli checker

Download this amazing Plagiarism Checker app to detect duplicate content and plagiarized text in your document files.

Anyone can use our Plagiarism Checker as it is user-friendly and machine-independent. It gives you the finest experience of plagiarism detection and duplicate content checker. Moreover, this antiplagiarism app gives you detailed results with report and percentage of plagiarism checking.

All you need is a smart device and an active internet connection, and you can check plagiarism for free.

If you are looking for the best and Free Plagiarism Checker for scan duplicate and finding copyrighted text from your content. Give a try to this plagiarism checker software. It gives you results in percentage and details URL. No need to buy services of proofreader to find plagiarism in your article, essay or thesis. When you have this free plagiarism scanner app with the excellent feature of proofreading.

We have made this plagiarism checker app free for those, who want to check plagiarism with an advanced copyright checker for free. This duplicate document checker enables you to deeply scan your whole assignment, essay or content to find and check plagiarism. This duplicate finder gives you a cool experience of an antiplagiarism app and plagiarism detector. You can find duplicate content for free by using this plagrism checker.

How to use Plagiarism Checker App
Download and install this Plagiarism Checker from Play Store and follow the steps below:
- Type or paste the text into the input field of this Plagiarism Checker software.
- Or upload a Word, Text or PDF file from gallery.
- Click the "Check Plagiarism" button to get the plagiarism report.

Features of Plagiarism Detector
- Accepts three file formats (Word, Text, PDF) for uploading.
- Fast and accurate plagiarism checker.
- Plagiarism report with percentage of similarity and Duplicate Content.
- Shows the number of words.
- Deep analysis of plagiarism detection.
- Displays original sources with percentage similarity.
- Displays sentence-by-sentence or URL-by-URL sources.
- Excellent proofreading to find the plagiarized and copyrighted content.
- Advanced AI of Duplicate Finder and Plagiarism app.
- Smooth and accurate.
- Free Plagiarism Checker App online and Duplicate Checker.

There are many plagiarism checking software available in store, but this one will be your favorite one. Because this copyright checker works excellently as a Duplicate Content Checker. It is a lightweight antiplagiarism software, which can detect plagiarized content with advanced AI of plagiarism scanner. Give a try to this Plagiarism Checker Free App, remove duplicate content after detecting them with this plagiarism software and make 100% unique content.

Download this Plagiarism Checker app to mark duplicates before submitting your document anywhere. Best part of this plagiarism scanner app is that, it supports all languages. So, you can Check Plagiarism from content of any language without any hassle with this plagiarism checker software. Because our purpose is to provide a Free Plagiarism Checker for your ease.

Purpose of making this duplicate checker is to provide accurate plagiarism detection and remover for every student, teacher, writer, blogger and others. If the app detects copyright content, you can easily turn it into a unique and original by removing plagiarism.

We would love to hear your views and suggestions about our Plagiarism Checker software. So that we’ll be able to upgrade it as per your requirements and make it a best Plagiarism Checker Remover App for everyone. Thank you.

Version history

Bug fixes and stability improvements
Bug fixes and stability improvements
bug fixes and stability improvements
Feb 23, 2023
new improved design
bug fixes
dark mode added
Dec 5, 2022
Bug fixes
Oct 19, 2022
minor bug fixes
Jul 20, 2022
bug fixes

Ways to hack Plagiarism Checker App

Download Plagiarism Checker App MOD APK 1.0.12

Download MOD APK


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