BrainOS® Mobile Mod Apk

BrainOS® Mobile Hack - Mod Apk 2.12.0

Developer: Brain Corp.
Category: Productivity
Price: Free


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Brain Corp is the leading AI Software platform that powers the world’s largest fleet of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) operating in indoor public spaces. BrainOS® Mobile allows you to pair with your BrainOS® Enabled Robotic Floor Cleaners to understand how they are performing. This App enables features such as allowing important notifications for when routes are completed or when the machine requires an assist. View current and historical trends for cleaning and machine performance, and stay up to date with BrainOS® Mobile.

Version history

Big performance improvements and optimizations.
Thanks for using BrainOS® Mobile!
Fixes potential input lagginess for those with scanning sites.
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
Upgrades camera module to fix qr scanner sometimes showing black screen.
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
* Added rankings to eligible sites on site details screen
* Added a note on site details screen indicating potential LTE latency and pending uploads
* Added "Show on Map" button for insight details
* Added ability to sign up for shelf scanning insights for particular areas
* General performance enhancements and bug fixes.
Thanks for using BrainOS® Mobile!
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
We hope you enjoy this round of features and improvements.
* Upgraded core libraries and SDKs
* Added site name to machine preview cards
* General performance improvements, enhancements, and bug fixes
Mar 20, 2023
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
We hope you enjoy this round of features and improvements.
* Fixed bug where some users would sometimes receive duplicate push notifications.
* Added summary section for all sites when clicking into site overview section from overview screen.
* General performance improvements, enhancements, and bug fixes
Feb 14, 2023
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
* You can now choose how long you would like your session to last when scanning your machine!
* Added ability to extend session up to 30 days
* Introduced a banner letting you know when your session is about to expire. To extend, simply press “Pair Again” and scan your machine.
* Added ability to easily pause notifications from the Home Screen of the app.
* Added support for Mexico
* General improvements and bug fixes
Jan 11, 2023
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
We hope you enjoy this round of features and improvements.
* Added support for non-video operator memos
* General performance improvements, enhancements, and bug fixes
Dec 20, 2022
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
We hope you enjoy this round of features and improvements.
* Added route icons next to all route labels
* Improved navigation transitions
* General improvements and bug fixes
Nov 22, 2022
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
We hope you enjoy this round of features and improvements.
* Device Map enhancements (percentage complete, battery status, transition improvements)
* Added “Scanning in Progress”, “Recently Scanned”, and “Ready to Scan” statuses
* Added “In Assist” status (red) to machine cards
* General improvements, refactoring, and bug fixes
Nov 3, 2022
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
We hope you enjoy this round of features and improvements.
* Added support for scanner t7 images
* Added scanning complete push notification support
* Machine search improvements (text match highlighting)
* Added Finland as a region option
* General improvements and bug fixes
Oct 20, 2022
Thank you for using BrainOS® Mobile!
We hope you enjoy this round of features and improvements.
* Added delete all notifications button to Notification Center
* Added multi machine per QR code support for sites with multiple machines
* Translation improvements
* Fixed bug where machine details summary would sometimes show 0
* General improvements and bug fixes

Ways to hack BrainOS® Mobile

Download BrainOS® Mobile MOD APK 2.12.0

Download MOD APK


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