Overboss Mod Apk

Overboss Hack - Mod Apk 0.13.10

Developer: GoblinzPublishing
Category: Board
Price: $3.99 (Download for free)


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Become a villain in this retro-inspired board game. Draft terrain tiles, recruit monsters, build your dungeon, and become the OVERBOSS!
You are a Boss. You've always been a master of monsters, a builder of dungeons, and a hunter of heroes. For many years, you've competed with other Bosses in contests of prowess and villainy. Now it's time to emerge from the underworld. It's time to shape a new land and bend it to your will. It's time to claim your crown as the ultimate OVERBOSS!
Each turn, you'll draft one tile and token set from the Market. Place the tile in an open spot of your map. Every terrain type is scored differently!
Swamps get Power points for being adjacent to coasts and other Swamps. Graveyards give a big bonus to whoever collects the most, while Forests increase in Power as you collect more.

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