Ultimate Werewolf Moderator Pr Mod Apk

Ultimate Werewolf Moderator Pr Hack - Mod Apk 2.4.2

Developer: Bezier Games
Category: Tools
Price: Free


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Only compatible with QR-coded Ultimate Werewolf cards (2021+)

Generate Ultimate Werewolf decks, scan players and their cards, and run Ultimate Werewolf games easier than ever! This preview of the upcoming official companion app to Ultimate Werewolf works with Ultimate Werewolf (4th edition), Ultimate Werewolf Extreme (including the Kickstarter version), Ultimate Werewolf Bonus Roles, and Ultimate Werewolf Pro.

Build custom Ultimate Werewolf card decks with various deck attributes, such as the number of players, village/werewolf balance, length of game, moderator difficulty, role information, and specific roles. Save those decks in the app for future reference. Deal those cards to players, and then quickly scan the backs of the cards, the names of the players, and the faces of the players themselves into the app. Start the game, and the app will walk you through each day and night phase, including waking up each role at night, marking players who have been targeted by werewolves, and eliminating players.

This is a preview release, and there are many features that are not complete or have not been entirely implemented:
– Dice Tower Kickstarter roles are not implemented
– Scanning is functional, but not optimized yet
– Some complex role interactions are not implemented yet
– Day and Night timers are functional, but do not contain all the features of the UW Timer app yet

Please report any issues found to [email protected].

Version history

Mar 23, 2023
This is the final preview!

We've added a credits page, a standalone timer (In case you want to use the timer without the moderator or card scanning), and plenty of little bug fixes and polish throughout the app. We're gearing up for the full release, so please contact us with any issues you may have in this update!
Feb 20, 2023
Fixed broken deck builder.
Jan 17, 2023
Added a fully customizable fullscreen timer view! This includes everything found in the UW Timer app, including savable timer presets, unique alarm sounds, and an animated day/night cycle.
Nov 30, 2022
- Updated card-scanning screen
- Revamped settings menu, added choices for which roles the Magician can copy
- General polish and bugfixes
Oct 20, 2022
The Moderator App 2.0 beta is here!
This update reworks nearly every feature of the app, making things more user-friendly and taking over more of the moderation itself. Notable changes include:
- Updated deckbuilding: Randomly generates a deck by following the recommendations on the back of the rulebook.
- New and improved role integration: Nearly every role across the Villager and Werewolf teams, including all expansions, has a unique integration with the app.
Major improvements to scanning behavior when using protective card sleeves.
March 16, 2022
Major improvements to scanning behavior when using protective card sleeves.
December 2, 2021
Optimized memory usage to improve performance and stability on older devices.
November 22, 2021
Improved scanning function, particularly with sleeved cards. Minor bug fixes.
November 9, 2021
various bug fixes

Ways to hack Ultimate Werewolf Moderator Pr

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