❖ Fix: Euro and some other characters display incorrectly
❖ Improved compression to reduce download/install size
If you have any problems with this update, please get in touch with us using the in-game support system. Thank you for playing!
❖ Added more indicators to show when content is being loaded
❖ Fix: Sometimes adverts failed to load
If you have any problems with this update, please get in touch with us using the in-game support system. Thank you for playing!
❖ Fix: Game data was sometimes not saved after restarting the app
❖ Fix: Incorrect behaviour when a device's unique identifier has changed
If you have any problems with this update, please get in touch with us using the in-game support system. Thank you for playing!
New in version 2.83:
❖ Improved scrolling and word dragging, should be better at choosing when to do which
❖ Disables system back gesture when in-game; swipe up from the bottom of the screen to make navigation temporarily available
❖ Added EU, Greece and Ukraine flag icons for subscribers
❖ Fix: Anytime puzzles weren't removed after completion
If you have any problems with this update, please get in touch with us using the in-game support system. Thank you for playing!
Jan 7, 2023
❖ Fix: the game timer could slow down under some circumstances.
Dec 3, 2022
❖ Fixed: Word list font was incorrect size
❖ Toolbar labels now follow the "Text size" setting
❖ Smartened up various icons
❖ Slightly larger text on some tablet resolutions
❖ Fixed: Subscriber badge highlight wasn't rendering properly
❖ Fixed: App became unresponsive when loading an advert after resuming (rare)
Oct 7, 2022
❖ Fix: Crashes on some devices running 32-bit ARM processors
Sep 18, 2022
❖ Improved pack puzzle selection form
❖ Fix: Crash on start-up on some devices
❖ Fix: Some buttons were sometimes missing on the Subscribe screen
Sep 4, 2022
❖ Some puzzles contain an auto-filled starter word (can be disabled in Settings)
❖ New title screen layout shows previews of daily puzzles
❖ New anytime screen layouts
❖ New Settings screen
❖ Lots of internal upgrades
❖ Fix: Notifications weren't working when we replied to a message
❖ Fix: Rare crash on start-up
Jun 13, 2022
❖ Fixed: Home screen corrupted on 480 pixel-wide screens
May 3, 2022
❖ Fixed: Subscriptions and purchase not available on first run
❖ Fixed: Sometimes the first daily score didn't get submitted if you'd only just agreed to the data privacy notice
❖ No longer nags forever if you run out of stamps and just want to watch ads between daily games
❖ We might ask you if you'd rate the app every so often. We're really, really appreciate a nice rating and evern maybe a review!
❖ Graphics drawing performance upgrade
March 30, 2022
❖ Better handling of the leaderboard when the Data Privacy form has not been accepted
❖ Fixed: crash when showing a message on the results screen
❖ Fixed: App freeze when requesting an ad on relaunch
November 2, 2021
❖ Better handing of network errors