朝日新聞 - 国内外のニュースをいつでもどこでも Mod Apk

朝日新聞 - 国内外のニュースをいつでもどこでも Hack - Mod Apk 10.2.0

Developer: 朝日新聞社
Category: News & Magazines
Price: Free


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◇Not just economics, but also familiar topics, disaster information, and in-depth articles
◇You can find the information you want to know about domestic and international news anytime, anywhere.
◇Easy to understand because you can collect a wide range of information smartly

This is the official app of the Asahi Shimbun, which delivers reliable information on everything from social issues to familiar topics based on thorough research.
Never miss important information with push notifications. Enrich your news life with an experience that can only be achieved through an app.

Some features and content are available for free.

■Characteristics of the Asahi Shimbun app

[Unlimited reading of all articles] From breaking news to in-depth articles. You can learn about a wide range of events around the world.

[News Key Points] Picked up 3 notable news stories from today. Get important news right away.

[News Q] Quiz questions based on recent news topics. You can challenge one question a day and it will help you understand the news.

[Topics] Topics that allow you to read news with explanations or in chronological order. It helps you understand things because you can organize the news from various perspectives.

[Discover Tab] You can enjoy the news experience even more through various means, such as rankings of the most read articles of the day and "podcasts" where you can listen to behind-the-scenes stories of interviews.
There is also a wide range of popular serials, such as the classic series ``Tensei Jingo'' and ``Living as a Patient,'' which are familiar from the pages of the Asahi Shimbun, as well as the digital-specific ``The World You Can't Listen to Now'' and ``Today I'm in the Audience Seat.''

[Follow serials] Follow the latest episodes of special features that interest you, or read all the serials that stuck in your mind. You can create useful lists.

[Comments Plus] Reading comments from various experts will help you deeply understand social issues from a variety of perspectives on a single piece of news.

[Morning edition/Evening edition] The same information as in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper will be delivered to you every day.

[Reporter Follow] You can check the latest articles and tweets from reporters you care about on your timeline, making the news feel more familiar.

[Menu tab] Quickly access the information you need, such as saved articles and articles automatically collected using your keywords. It also includes a member-only newsletter and daily Sudoku challenges.

[Widget] By adding a widget to your device's home screen, you can more easily check the latest news.

Version history

■ ホームタブのデザインをより見やすくしました
■ 記事につくコメントプラス本文に、文字サイズ設定が反映されるようにしました
■ その他、軽微な改修を行いました




■ プッシュ通知の設定に「ニュースの要点」を追加しました
■ 一部条件下でテーマカラーが正しく反映されていなかった問題を解消しました
■ その他、軽微な改修を行いました

■ 一部のコメントが有料会員でなくても全文読めるようになりました
■ ログイン中の設定画面に、メール設定ページへのリンクを追加しました
■ ログイン中の設定画面に、記者イベントカレンダーへのリンクを追加しました
■ その他、軽微な改修を行いました

■ コメントへの共感を表現できるハートボタンを追加しました(有料会員限定)
■ フォロー中連載の一覧画面を2列表示にしました
■ v9.5.0から一部の画面で小さくした文字を、元の大きさに戻しました

■ サポートバージョンを Android 7.0 以降に変更しました
■ 連載記事画面上部の連載名を、その連載の目次へのリンクにしました
■ ランキング一覧から記事を閲覧した際、「前の記事/次の記事」ボタンが使えない不具合を修正しました
■ その他、軽微な改修を行いました

■ 記事につくコメント一覧画面にSNSシェアボタンを追加しました


Ways to hack 朝日新聞 - 国内外のニュースをいつでもどこでも

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