○ Updated the Live Sharing code to improve device discovery.
○ Updated the automation track edit page to include pinned documents, recordings and MIDI presets.
○ Updated the Quick MIDI window to only show MIDI presets assigned to the current user.
○ Updated the Import Settings function to first clear the local settings, in case some local settings aren't included in the import file.
○ Restored the annotation button to the document toolbar for songs that have no documents or lyrics. You can use this to add annotations to a blank canvas for these songs.
○ Updated the OSC engine to restart automatically when changing an OSC device's address or port to use the new values.
○ Fixed a crash when rotating the device while viewing a full-screen document or lyrics.
○ Fixed a problem where the on-screen keyboard appeared and disappeared when clicking a text field on an older device.
○ Added a Size setting to the document edit page to allow setting the size for individual documents. This allows a mixture of Letter and A4 documents in the same account. If this isn't set, documents will use the size from Settings > General > Defaults > Document Size as before.
○ Fixed a problem that prevented removing a MIDI continuous controller trigger from an app control action.
○ Restored the handling of bank numbers when using incoming MIDI.
○ Restored the Portuguese translation.
★ Added Double-Click and Hold options to the list of app control triggers for foot switch (keyboard), MIDI controller and MIDI note messages.
★ Added Loop settings to the document and recording edit pages.
○ Added Settings > Audio & MIDI > Recording Button Stop Behavior with options for Pause or Stop.
○ Added Exclude Songs From Set List and Exclude Songs From Smart List options to the song picker.
○ Added a File Name field to the set list Share Set List and Share Songs pages.
○ Fixed a problem where updates might not download if you navigate back to the Accounts list while a sync is running.
○ Added Settings > Appearance > Hide Brackets When Inline.
○ Added Settings > Appearance > Hide Parentheses Within Unbracketed Chords.
○ Added Settings > Advanced > Use Old Chord Recognition to restore the functionality that allows unbracketed chords and unparenthesized non-chord text on the same lines. However, that functionality is still no longer supported.
★ Added Move After Song and Swap With Song functions to the set list Edit Songs page.
★ Added a popup menu to the tempo button in the set list view containing options to override the tempo or tap a new tempo.
★ Added some default event settings to the event category edit pages.
★ Added a Show As Roman Numerals option to the document tools menu.
⚠ Added Settings > General > Defaults > Second Recording.
○ Added Aux Send as an output item for stage plots.
• Fixed a problem where empty lines in the Lyrics or Chords field would display instead of an attached document.
• Correctly showed unused Shares fields on the event edit page as empty instead of 0.
• Restored the sending of pinned MIDI presets before song MIDI presets when sending both from the same app control action.
• In the Settings > App Control > Actions > Common list, added Start Auto-Scroll and replaced Start/Stop Automation with Start Automation.
• Fixed a crash when sending pinned MIDI presets from a layout that contains the Multiple MIDI Buttons item and a song that contains enough MIDI presets to make that button scroll and no MIDI presets are pinned.
• Stopped MIDI buttons in song lists from showing pinned MIDI presets twice.
• Updated the document, recording and MIDI buttons in song lists to be active if only pinned items are available for a song.
• Updated the Settings > App Control page to correctly save the Speak Text field.
• Added missing layout actions for Start Auto-Scroll, Stop Auto-Scroll, Start Automation, Stop Automation, Start Video and Stop Video.
★ Added a text background color button to the text formatting toolbar.
○ Rearranged the fields on the event edit page to make it more intuitive that users must be selected.
○ Added a Bass Drum tempo click sound.
○ Updated the display of bracketed chords to ignore bold, italic or underline applied to the surrounding text, but to use the color of the surrounding text if no chords color is set.
○ Updated the set list sort and shuffle functions to keep linked songs together.
★ Added Shares fields after the Pay field on the event edit page.
○ Increased the compression in transmitted screen images to make the screen sharing function more responsive.
○ Cropped URLs in custom fields to their domain names when displayed in a song list.
○ Fixed a crash when viewing the last song in a set list when the layout includes a +2 field.
○ Fixed incorrectly placed checkmarks when adding a new song or searching for songs from the song picker.
★ Added two Include Contacts checkboxes to the event edit page to send event confirmation or cancellation notifications to the event contacts.
★ Added an Invoices page to the Finance module.
⚠ Moved the contact info shown on stage plots from the account level to the project level.
○ Added an arrow symbol to the Title +1 and Title +2 fields if the current song is linked to the next songs.
○ Fixed a problem that caused the Move To Set buttons to trigger the Move Multiple Items function.
- Added an option to visually link songs in a set list.
- Added an Only Between Linked Songs option for the Next Song action on the layout Edit Details page.
- Added a Move Multiple Items button to the song options on the set list Edit Songs page.
- Added an export button to the song edit page.
- Updated the Auto-Accept Connections live sharing setting to revert to a manual acceptance when the following device isn't using a current app version.
- Updated the Follow Song Selections live sharing action to work when the lead device isn't using the current app version.
Mar 1, 2023
- Fixed a problem that prevented a smart copy from inheriting changes to its original copy's automation tracks or font sizes.
- Restored the automatic inheriting of an original copy's automation track and font sizes when those values are cleared.
- Fixed the sorting of the Smart Lists list by Sort Order.
Feb 3, 2023
- Updated the + button on the Accounts list to show an intro page with marketing images, and options to log into an existing account, register for a new account or view account pricing.
- Added the account expiration date and a Renew Your Account button to the Settings > General Settings page.
- Restored line wrapping in the Lyrics field when viewed from the song edit page.
- Fixed a crash on the Share Songs page when songs contain more content in the Chords field than will fit on a page.
Dec 18, 2022
- Fixed an intermittent crash on launch.
Nov 27, 2022
- Changed the URL used for testing the Internet connection since the third-party URL used in the last version was not reliable.
Nov 4, 2022
- Added an Import Chords button below the Chords and Personal Chords fields on the song edit page.
- Updated to better support freeform window sizing.
- Added a live Window Size display to the Help > About page.
- Updated the document preview on the song, event, contact and transaction edit pages to open more smoothly and close by double-tapping the middle of the document.
- Fixed a problem that sometimes displayed items in a hierarchical checklist in the wrong order.
Oct 28, 2022
- Added a Follow Remote Control Messages option to the Settings > Live Sharing page.
- Added remote control actions View Page/Marker 1-10.
- Added automatic background syncing if you make changes while offline, close the app, then go online later.
- Added validation when adding a file to ensure you have enough file storage space left in your account.
- Updated the document annotation function to remember the last-used tool.
Plus more changed listed in the release notes on our website.
Oct 17, 2022
- Fixed a crash when viewing lyrics.
Sep 16, 2022
- Added support for FLAC audio files.
- When selecting a file for a new document or recording, removed the step of viewing files that have been copied into the app's data directory but not uploaded into your account.
- Updated the Standard MIDI File button on the recording and MIDI preset edit pages to allow selecting an existing MIDI file.
- Fixed a problem where copying a set list and then clicking the Edit Songs button would edit the songs for the original set list.
Aug 26, 2022
- Fixed a problem that sometimes caused the login information to get mixed up when you have multiple accounts on the same device.
- Updated the document and recording functionality to allow attaching the same document or recording to multiple items.
- Changed the document and recording edit pages to allow editing their projects directly. This lets you have a song in multiple projects, with one document that only appears in one project and another document that only appears in another.
Aug 19, 2022
- Added a Repeat Edits setting to the event edit page for repeated events, to indicate whether you want to apply edits to the current event only, or all following events.
- Changed the default Users value for new layouts to the current user instead of all users.
- Added support for editing layouts with a different screen size than the current device.
- Changed the default Users value for documents added to an event to empty, so that users must be explicitly selected.
Aug 12, 2022
- Softened the graphic design by adding rounded corners and relying more on background colors instead of border lines to delineate content.
- Added more colors of layout background boxes.
- Added a Fit to Background Box button to the options popup for text field, multiple button and document viewer layout items.
- Added rounded corners to the document viewer when it is not touching the screen edges.
- Fixed a problem where the last day of multi-day events didn't appear on the calendar.
Jul 1, 2022
- Updated the chord transpose function to automatically space beats and bar lines.
- Updated MIDI presets to not send the Raw MIDI data when the Raw MIDI device is deactivated.
- Updated MIDI presets to delete the Raw MIDI data when the Raw MIDI device is deleted.
- Restored the missing Rating display in the set list view and the set list share functions.
- Fixed a problem that made the app navigate to the account login page on every launch.
- Fixed the song rating smart list filter.
Jun 10, 2022
- Updated the search field in file picker windows to be case-insensitive.
- Fixed the checklist copy function, which created invalid checklists in recent app versions.
- Fixed the set list picker in the smart list filter edit window when filtering songs included or not included in a set list.
- Applied the delay from Settings > Audio & MIDI > MIDI Options > Send MIDI Presets Together ... with Delay Between when sending multiple MIDI presets attached to a parent preset.
May 24, 2022
- Fixed a problem that temporarily reset some user settings when installing a new app version.
April 15, 2022
- Fixed a problem that made events on the automation track edit page unclickable.
- Added the Public setting on the custom field edit page for songs and contacts.
April 8, 2022
- Updated the Settings > Appearance > Lyrics Size Override function to work with songs that use the default text size.
- Updated the document tools button to correctly disable the Reset Text Size button when a song already uses the default text size.
- Stopped updating the Date Updated field for a set list when its settings but not its songs are changed.
- Completely disabled some fields on the song and event edit pages that appeared to be available to Added Only users.
March 31, 2022
- Restored the ability to add annotations to a song with no document or lyrics.
- Fixed a problem that left the tempo playing when starting a tempo and then selecting a song with no tempo with the Start/Stop Tempo layout action set to Song Selection.
- Hid the Add an Event button on the Schedule > Calendar page for read-only users on phones.
- Fixed a crash when saving a stage plot on a tablet.
- Fixed a crash when pinch-zooming a stage plot when the first touch lands on a stage plot item.
January 25, 2022
- Added an Include All Projects filter to the set list Add Songs popup.
- Added an Include All Projects filter to the Quick Add popup in the set list view.
- Fixed a problem that disabled the Edit Song button in the set list view when the bottom toolbar is hidden.
- Restored the ability to move the file download directory to removable storage on Android versions between 4.4 and 9.0, by turning on Settings > Account Sync > Use Removable Storage.
December 17, 2021
- Fixed a crash when emailing or exporting files when Settings > Account Sync > Use Removable Storage is on.
- Restored the automatic sizing of a document to one complete page when displayed full-screen in the same orientation as the device orientation.
- Fixed a problem that sometimes highlighted the wrong song in a smart list.
- Fixed a problem that prevented scrolling or zooming documents opened from the song edit page.
December 11, 2021
- Fixed a crash when opening or navigating the app on some devices.
- Fixed the email and print functions on some devices with recent Android versions.
- Stopped showing the shortcuts page in the right column on tablets after saving an edit page.
- Fixed a problem that added the Stop Auto-Scroll event instead of Start Auto-Scroll event when recording an automation track.
- Reduced the size of the document placeholder text, pause details text and break/pause timer text on phones.
November 24, 2021
- Fixed a problem with time pickers on Android 11+.
- Stopped using proper sharp and flat symbols when transposing since most Android devices can't show them with the correct text color.
- Fixed the Song Number and Set Number layout fields, and updated them to ignore sets that are excluded from the set list duration.
- Changed the first set heading in the set list view to not be selectable, since it doesn't represent a set break.
August 27, 2021
- Fixed Settings > Remote Control > MIDI Input Port, which was incorrectly filtering out all messages when set.
- Updated the Previous Page remote control action to go to the start of the current page instead of the start of the previous page if you have manually to the middle of a page
- When viewing lyrics without markers, updated the Previous Page and Next Page remote control actions to go to the same positions in the lyrics even if you scroll to other positions between these actions.