دروس تعلم الأورغ الشرقي Mod Apk

دروس تعلم الأورغ الشرقي Hack - Mod Apk 1.13

Developer: ArtTechOriginal
Category: Education
Price: Free


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This educational method is a set of lessons specifically designed to learn the oriental organically in a correct and academic way, with many examples and exercises.
- With these lessons we will learn to play the keyboards correctly using both hands and all fingers, in addition to learning to read the notes very easily and learn the Eastern Maqam.
- We will use several educational methods in this application, including video, image, audio and programs specially designed to help in learning the oriental organ.
There are two versions of this application, the first version and the professional version.
The first version allows you to finish the first level on the correct rules in learning and play some melodies and you can move later to the second level either with us by moving to the professional version of the application or with a teacher.
- Professional version helps you to move to the intermediate level and continue in learning the oriental organ and later to the advanced level. It also allows to support this work, which requires a lot of effort, time and cooperation between specialized programmers and musicians.
We wish you pleasure and interest. For all inquiries you can contact us at [email protected]

Version history

Jan 9, 2021
تفعيل المستوى المتوسط
حل مشكلة في التفعيل
دروس تعلم الأورغ الشرقي
مع هذه الدروس سوف نتعلم عزف الأورغ بشكل صحيح باستخدام اليدين الاثنتين وجميع الأصابع، هذا بالإضافة لتعلم قراءة النوتة بشكل سهل جدا وتعلم المقامات الشرقية.
سنستعمل عدة وسائل تعليمية في هذا التطبيق من فيديو وصورة وصوت وبرامج مصممة خصيصا للمساعدة في تعلم الأورغ الشرقي.

Ways to hack دروس تعلم الأورغ الشرقي

Download دروس تعلم الأورغ الشرقي MOD APK 1.13

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