Simple OSM Viewer Mod Apk

Simple OSM Viewer Hack - Mod Apk 1.8 24-04-15

Developer: mspnr
Category: Maps & Navigation
Price: Free


Game screenshot Simple OSM Viewer mod apkGame screenshot Simple OSM Viewer hackGame screenshot Simple OSM Viewer apk download


This is a very simple application for browsing Open street maps.

- gestures for moving and zooming the map

- zoom buttons for using native OSM zoom levels

- map button for switching between OSM classic and OpenTOPO maps

- follow your location

The application is based on OSMDroid-library, so all displayed maps are cached and can be displayed without internet.

The app is open sourced under MIT license:

Version history

1.8 24-04-15
- bumping up versions of SDK and libraries
- adding text for permanently denied permission
1.7 23-02-09
- adding experimental feature: display position outside of the screen
- adding experimental feature: keep screen on
1.6 21-08-19
August 27, 2021
- adding joints to measuring polyline
- back button exits measuring mode
- making background of scale bar overlay white in topo-mode to make it more visible
- adding hints to settings

Ways to hack Simple OSM Viewer

Download Simple OSM Viewer MOD APK 1.8 24-04-15

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