Развивающие игры для детей 2-7 Mod Apk

Развивающие игры для детей 2-7 Hack - Mod Apk 3.0.38

Developer: Школа Умняшек
Category: Educational
Price: Free


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🐰 "School for Clever Boys" - an application for the comprehensive development and education of preschoolers - interesting lessons and educational games for children from 2 to 7 years old according to a full educational program in all subjects by the age of the child.

The program has been prepared professionally and with love for children by the team of the Sozvezdiye (Sozvezdie) Children's Developing Montessori Clubs network (Moscow, since 2005)

🧑🎓The application is designed for comprehensive education of children. With its help, your child learns letters and numbers, learns to read, write and count, draw and do many other creative works, learns the world around him and develops vocabulary. This is not only an excellent preparation for school, but also the full development of children from 2 to 7 years old, including additional areas such as: training attention and memory, the development of logic, writing.

Features of our application:

👨🎓Teaching according to a full-fledged educational program for boys and girls of all ages: 2 years old, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old and 7 years old. Lessons and educational games for toddlers.

🕹️ We teach in a game format: 4 age levels - 4 annual training programs, 1250 original lessons, more than 10,000 games and exercises. We are constantly supplementing our application - we teach and learn ourselves!

💡Two modes: sequential (step-by-step training program) and free (you can perform all tasks in any order). The training takes place through interesting educational video lessons, followed by mini-games to consolidate knowledge.

👨🎓Page-by-stage program with the consolidation of the passed. Such applications known to us simply give tests, performing which, you need to understand and remember something. In “School of Clever Girls” we first explain everything to the child, tell and show, and then reinforce knowledge in games and make sure that the material has been mastered. Testing is carried out once a quarter, and children receive real diplomas!

👩 The experience of the best methodologists, teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, who made up our lessons and educational games, and made teaching children not only useful, but also fun.

🧒 The child can study independently and play educational games without even knowing how to read. All tasks are voiced by a professional speaker.

Personal contact with your child! We call the child by name, and this helps to establish contact and achieve more.

⭐Rewards to motivate and reward success - the app has star rewards and tickets that you can spend on setting up your virtual room, getting pets and much more. As well as diplomas after completing the tests.

No ads - we respect you and your little ones, and we do not use ads.

Join the lessons and start learning now! You can try it for free!

“Smart School” is educational lessons, cognitive games for children, puzzles, coloring books that develop creativity, speech development, alphabet, recipes and much more!

In the most diverse learning systems, play has always been and still has a special place. And this is explained by the fact that children's play is very consonant with the nature of the child. Playing for him is not just an interesting pastime, but a way of modeling the adult world, its relationships, acquiring communication experience and new knowledge.

The use of the game for educational purposes allows you to develop communication skills, leadership qualities, form competencies and teach a child to study in emotionally comfortable conditions for him and in accordance with age tasks.

"Smart Boys School": learn and get to know the world around you. In our application, useful educational games for children: we learn letters (alphabet), numbers, learn to read, and not only by syllables, learn to count and write, draw, conduct speech development and even do articulatory gymnastics.
"School of Clever Girls" is an excellent preparation for school and an educational game for kids of all ages: 2 years old, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, 7 years old.

Attention! On devices with less than 3 GB of RAM and operating systems lower than Android 9, the application may become unstable.

Version history

Добавлена поддержка Android 14, обновлены SDK
Мы добавили более удобную пользователям подписку на 1 мес. и сделали ряд небольших улучшений.
Реализована система предварительной загрузки заданий к урокам для более быстрого запуска.
Oct 28, 2022
Исправили проблему с зависанием процесса регистрации аккаунта на некоторых моделях устройств.
Sep 15, 2022
Jun 29, 2022
Мы постоянно работаем над улучшением работы приложения и добавляем новые удобные функции, а также игровые задания.
Будем признательны за отзывы о работе приложения - они помогут нам стать ещё лучше.
Желаем вам приятных занятий!
May 3, 2022
Исправили ошибку в играх на соединение картинок линиями, появившуюся в предыдущей версии.
February 24, 2022
Мы постоянно работаем над улучшением работы приложения и добавляем новые удобные функции, а также игровые задания.
Будем признательны за отзывы о работе приложения - они помогут нам стать ещё лучше.
Желаем вам приятных занятий!
January 24, 2022
Исправили проблему долгой загрузки заданий на некоторых моделях устройств. Приятных занятий в Школе Умняшек!
December 27, 2021
Исправили проблему долгой загрузки заданий на некоторых моделях устройств. Приятных занятий в Школе Умняшек!
December 1, 2021
В этом обновлении мы оптимизировали работу приложения, восстановили скачивание уроков для занятий без доступа к сети интернет, а также изменили систему подписок. Приятных занятий!
November 25, 2021
В этом обновлении мы оптимизировали работу приложения, восстановили скачивание уроков для занятий без доступа к сети интернет, а также изменили систему подписок. Приятных занятий!
August 6, 2021

Ways to hack Развивающие игры для детей 2-7

Download Развивающие игры для детей 2-7 MOD APK 3.0.38

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