Triple Yatz Mod Apk

Triple Yatz Hack - Mod Apk 2.1

Developer: Computersmith Apps
Category: Casual
Price: Free


Game screenshot Triple Yatz mod apkGame screenshot Triple Yatz hackGame screenshot Triple Yatz apk download


Triple Yatz is similar to YAHTZEE* (aka Yatzy, Yaht & Yacht) except that there are three scoring columns for each game instead of the just one. Columns 2 & 3 multiply the category scores by 2x & 3x. Complete a game in 39 turns of up to 3 rolls & maximize your game total by strategically applying scores in the column where you'll get the best result.

Customize dice & category colors, share your scores to Google Play leaderboards & unlock achievements.

Triple Yatz is quick & easy to play & is a great go-to for a distraction when you're standing in line, waiting for an appointment, or just have a couple of minutes (or hours!) of downtime.

*YAHTZEE is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc.

Version history

Minor bug fixes & performance improvements.
Minor bug fixes & performance improvements.
Minor bug fixes & performance improvements.
Initial Release

Ways to hack Triple Yatz

Download Triple Yatz MOD APK 2.1

Download MOD APK


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