Alpaca Farm! Animal Adventure Mod Apk

Alpaca Farm! Animal Adventure Hack - Mod Apk 1.0.61

Developer: Salt Castle Studio
Category: Simulation, Casual
Price: Free


Game screenshot Alpaca Farm! Animal Adventure mod apkGame screenshot Alpaca Farm! Animal Adventure hackGame screenshot Alpaca Farm! Animal Adventure apk download


Get ready to build the most exciting alpaca empire! Take care of amazing alpacas. Build and expand your farm. Beat the competition in exciting trade shows.

You will build an alpaca paradise, with stables, shearing rooms, spa, fitness room, … All your amazing animals generate lots of wool, that you craft into fashionable wares for the market. Hire sales managers to sell your wares on the market and earn money to expand in your farm.


BUILD - your alpaca shelter. Install new stables, workshops and facilities for animal care.
GROW - your herd to see new unique alpacas emerge from the hay day by day.
DESIGN - your booth for the trade shows to maximise sales and earn the best rewards.
UPGRADE - every part of your alpaca farm to take control of new and bigger markets.
CARE - for your alpacas in the spa to get the best out of every animal on your farm.
SELL - your products at trade shows and earn enough to boost your farm to the next level.
DEVELOP - your product portfolio to make more sales than your competitors.
DECORATE - your farm and surroundings in different styles.
CRAFT - new decorations for your booth by recycling old ones.

Only the best alpacas and products will sell on the market as there is stiff competition! Add more and more attractive alpacas to your herd, offer high quality wollen crafts and use your most charismatic sellers to win on the market.

There is always something to do! Your employees will take care of the animals, design new garments, develop marketing gadgets to beat the competition, craft new decorations for your market stalls and sell the products on-line.

Become a farm owner - build and grow your alpaca empire
What are you waiting for? Play your new alpaca farm adventure now!

Questions about the game? Ask our support team: [email protected]

Version history

Hello Alpaca Fans!

We’re excited to introduce our first puzzle season! Meet the princess and help her restore her alpaca castle to its former glory by playing the new puzzle mode. Earn exclusive cosmetics, diamonds, and many other rewards.

We've also enhanced the user experience and fixed several minor bugs.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

New markets have been unlocked in Paca City!
This time we have added unique hero alpacas!
Hero alpacas have a unique look and special abilities.
Finally, we have targeted a bug that affects the farmers' league reset times.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

The next markets in Paca City are available now!
We also added new professional employees that are especially good at their job.
Finally, we've improved the rewards from the Farmers League.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We have made changes to the crafting system. Crafting new products is now faster.
Also, the first part of Paca City is now available.

Minor bug fixes and also fixed some issues related to the Farmer's League.

More updates will follow soon!

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We added our first multiplayer feature, the Farmers' League!
Take part by completing markets and rise to the top of the ranking.
The best players will earn amazing rewards!
We also fixed a bug concerning the living quarter room in your farm.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We are currently making preparations for the next stop on your journey.
We also corrected localization mistakes and fixed some usability issues.
You can now get berries in the shop.
We fixed the issue with one of the tutorials and some general bugs.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We added a new game mode. Take part in the alpaca talent show and win all sorts of rewards!
We improved the alpaca of the day offer and added a way for your to compare it with your current alpaca.
Further addressed minor balancing issues and fixed some bugs.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

You can now feed berries to your alpacas to improve their power
New resource "Alpaca Dollar" will replace "Alpaca Tickets".
Decoration crafting has been updated. Recyled parts have been combined.
Improvements to balancing and daily alpaca offer bug fix.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We've made some improvements to the difficulty of the beginning of the game.
We've also fixed a few little bugs and made preparations for a new game mode that will be coming soon!

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We've added randomly appearing room activities on your farm.
You will now be able to engage in small activities around your farm for extra rewards.
We've also added additional offers, allowing you to customize the look of your farm!

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

The journey continues! Explore the Cherry Blossom Valley and overcome new challenges!
We've also added new decorations for your booth, new quests and new items!

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We made some balancing changes and improved the power of golden booths!
We also added some new farm appearances and special offers.
Stay tuned for the next content update!

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We added a new feature where you can customize the color of your favorite alpacas!
We've fixed an issue causing some devices to experience crashes.
Lastly, we made some additional performance improvements.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We redesigned big parts of the early game experience and tutorials.
We've added more quests and improved the balancing further.
The look of the user interface has also received an update.
Lastly, we fixed some performance issues and bugs.

Happy farming!
Hello, alpaca fans!

We have redesigned the alpaca hike feature to be more interactive and prettier!
The quest log has also received an update to its look and functionality.
We've implemented some fixes regarding the facebook login and resource display issues.

Happy farming!
Mar 24, 2023
Hello, alpaca fans!

We pushed an important stability hot fix that should resolve some issues with lower performance devices.

Happy farming!
Feb 22, 2023
Hello, alpaca fans!

New activities and features are available! Dress up your alpaca with fancy accessories!
Finally, we've also made important performance improvements and eliminated more bugs.

Happy farming!
Jan 27, 2023
Hello, alpaca fans!

The journey continues! Visit Old Town and join the festival.
New features are available! You can now complete achievements for extra rewards.
We've also added several new decorations for your booth.
Finally, we've further improved the game and fixed some issues.

Happy farming!
Dec 17, 2022
Hello, alpaca fans!

New features are available! Change the style of your farm to make it your own!
We've added several appearances for you to choose from.
Furthermore, we've implemented cloud saving to help protect your progress!
Finally, we've also made important improvements and eliminated more bugs.

Happy farming!
Dec 1, 2022
Hello alpaca fans!

New adventures await! Explore the snowy fjords and continue your journey!
we've also made imporant improvements and eliminated them pesky bugs.

Happy farming!
Nov 23, 2022
German Localisation
Nov 14, 2022
Hello alpaca fans!

We've made important changes and improvements in preparation for the upcoming release of new markets.

Happy farming!
Oct 26, 2022
Hello farmers!

The national park is now open!
More awesome content coming soon.

Happy farming!
Oct 14, 2022
Various improvements and bug fixes.
Happy farming!

Ways to hack Alpaca Farm! Animal Adventure

Download Alpaca Farm! Animal Adventure MOD APK 1.0.61

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