Circle of Fifths of 100+Scales Mod Apk

Circle of Fifths of 100+Scales Hack - Mod Apk 3.1.1

Developer: PG App Studio
Category: Music & Audio
Price: Free


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In music theory, the Circle of Fifths (also called Circle of Fourths) is a way of organizing the 12 chromatic pitches as a sequence of perfect fifths. This Circle of Fifths trainer allows you to figure out chord progressions (e.g. I, IV, V) in any key for more than 80 heptatonic scales. It is useful for composing chord progressions/modulations and mixing in keys. This advanced circle of fifths app is very useful for beginners and experienced musicians.

⭐ Circle of Fifths and Fourths
⭐ More than 80 scales besides the modes like Aeolian, Locrian or Phrygian
⭐ Shows triads or 7th chords
⭐ Key selection including Octave
⭐ Rotate wheel to set the Key
⭐ Shows the chords on the Piano, Guitar and Staff
⭐ Easy to use Metronome with many instrument sounds
* Play chords by simply pressing on the wheel
⭐ Play chords along with simple but powerful Metronome with Speed-Trainer
⭐ Left and Right handed Guitar
⭐ Clockwise and anti-clockwise Circles
⭐ Option to show simple note names
* Chord root is played Bass guitar
* Separate volume control for Piano/Guitar, Bass and Metronome
* Help on each page describing how to use that page
⭐ The Circle of Fifths builds upon Music Theory Companion - the ultimate reference for chords, scales, music theory
⭐ Circle of 5ths with 100% privacy

This app can be used as a circle of fifths guitar trainer for the guitarists and circle of fifths piano trainer for the pianists.

A big thank you for reporting problems, suggestions or feedback: [email protected]

Have fun and success learning, playing and practicing with your Guitar, Piano... 🎸🎹👍

Version history

Version 3.1.1

We’re excited to introduce the latest update to our Circle of Fifths of 100+Scales app! Here’s what’s new:

✔️ Added Pentatonic Scales

Update now to enjoy these improvements!
Version 3.0.5

We’re excited to introduce the latest update to our Circle of Fifths of 100+Scales app! Here’s what’s new:

✔️ Improved Metronome
✔️ VIP benefits are explained in a better way
✔️ Fixed few bugs

Update now to enjoy these improvements!
❤️ Added elapse time in Metronome
❤️ Added Settings to choose dark & light theme
✔️ Fixed few major and minor bugs
❤️ Speed Trainer feature is added in the Metronome
💎Text size on the circle are made adaptive to the screen size
-- Scale notes are made playable
-- Improved Help
Feb 13, 2023
-- Fixed VIP membership
Jan 23, 2023
❤️ Initial release

Ways to hack Circle of Fifths of 100+Scales

Download Circle of Fifths of 100+Scales MOD APK 3.1.1

Download MOD APK


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