ELSA Speak: Коррекция Акцента Mod Apk

ELSA Speak: Коррекция Акцента Взлом - Mod Apk 7.7.3

Разработчик: ELSA Speak
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно


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Научись говорить на английском бегло, как носитель языка, вместе с ELSA - первым в мире автоматическим корректором произношения.

ELSA - это мобильное приложение, которое помогает каждому говорить на английском как носитель языка. ELSA - это преподаватель основанный на искусственном интеллекте, который поможет тебе достичь прекрасного английского произношения, практиковать часто используемые английские слова, фразы и разговорные темы.

Впервые пользователи могут обучаться правильному произношению в английском извлекая пользу от специализированной обратной связи и практического словарного запаса. Разработанное на основе новейшей технологии автоматического распознавания речи и анализа произношения, ELSA не только укажет правильно ли твое произношение, но и обнаружит конкретные проблемные места, после чего предоставит упражнения для их улучшения.
Пользователи могут следить за своими прогрессом в обучении и игровыми достижениями. ELSA предоставляет увлекательную и легкую среду, где каждый может говорить без необходимости корректирования другими людьми. Тренируйся с ELSA каждое утро, каждый вечер или перед твоим следующим важным собеседованием. ELSA увлекательно и дружелюбно, и может значительно повысить твою уверенность в разговорном английском.

Уровни разделены на игры для правильного произнесения слов, ударения в словах или ударения в предложениях. Курс обучения составлен экспертами в английском произношении и разговорной речи. На каждом уровне пользователи играют и зарабатывают очки, тем временем обучаясь говорить корректно. Приложение предоставляет подсказки и указания о правильном произношении. Прекрасно подходит для молодых специалистов и студентов, где слова и предложения тщательно отобраны, чтобы предоставить пользователям практический запас слов и произношение.

С ELSA ты можешь записывать свой голос и тренироваться так много, как тебе того хочется. ELSA даст тебе мгновенный ответ и будет твоим карманным англоговорящим помощником. ELSA - это больше, чем обычный английский самоучитель. Мы верим, что большинство людей может самостоятельно изучить чтение и словарный запас, но разговорная речь с отличным произношением требует много прослушивания и обратной связи. Годы опыта в обучении английскому языку предоставили нам обучающий подход, который мы считаем важным: погружение себя в английский и постоянная практика разговорной речи. Ты можешь ошибиться в первый или во второй раз, но это позволит тебе совершенствоваться. Только практикуя говорение ты узнаешь свои ошибки и как их исправить.

Будь уверен в своем английском! Улучшай свою разговорную речь при подготовке к таким важным тестам как TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, а также для повседневного общения с иностранными друзьями, начальником, коллегами, туристами.

Знание английского языка способно изменить твою жизнь. Мы в ELSA хотим сделать обучение английском языку доступным каждому, чтобы каждый имел возможность тренировать разговорную речь в любой точке мира.

История обновлений

We’re excited to introduce the latest ELSA Speak update, your AI English coach!

-> Enjoy hyper-personalized learning paths, AI conversation practice, and a bilingual tutor for smooth transitions.
-> Get instant feedback on pronunciation, fluency, and word stress.
-> Engage in fun, bite-sized lessons and train in seven distinct accents.

Download/Update now to boost your confidence and master English effortlessly!
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We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
Default language - en-US
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
Default language - en-US
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
19 мар. 2023 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
3 мар. 2023 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
16 февр. 2023 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
2 февр. 2023 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
18 янв. 2023 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
13 янв. 2023 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
1 янв. 2023 г.
18 дек. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
30 нояб. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
17 нояб. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
26 окт. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
13 окт. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
27 сент. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
14 сент. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
30 авг. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
21 авг. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
28 июл. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
21 июл. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
1 июл. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
8 июн. 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
31 мая 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
24 мая 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
11 мая 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
29 марта 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
29 марта 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
4 марта 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
1 февраля 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
19 января 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
7 января 2022 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
21 декабря 2021 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
8 декабря 2021 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
2 декабря 2021 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!
5 ноября 2021 г.
We are launching an exciting updates with this version. We are adding a new game to let you practice linkage of different sounds! This will improve your speaking fluency and helps you sound more natural. Give it a try!

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