ManaBox Mod Apk

ManaBox Взлом - Mod Apk 3.18.1

Разработчик: SkillDevs
Категория: Инструменты
Цена: Бесплатно


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- Мощный поиск с фильтрами всех карт и наборов, все офлайн
- Сканировать карты камерой
- Актуальные цены от Cardmarket, TCGplayer и Card Kingdom
- Совершенствуйте свою колоду, проверяйте ценность своих колод и просматривайте различные характеристики (кривая маны, производство маны...)
- Организуйте свою коллекцию карт
- Мощный симулятор колоды для тестирования и улучшения ваших колод
- Полная информация о карте с актуальными правилами и законами
- Легко обмениваться картами с друзьями
- Отслеживайте свои любимые карты
- Лента с несколькими статьями Magic the Gathering
- Торговый инструмент

ManaBox — это вспомогательный инструмент для игроков Magic: The Gathering (MTG). С ManaBox вы можете БЕСПЛАТНО искать по всем картам и наборам без исключения. ManaBox позволяет вам получить доступ к актуальным рыночным данным от Cardmarket, TCGplayer и Card Kingdom, чтобы вы всегда знали стоимость своих карт или просматривали цены на карты, которые вы хотели бы получить.

Храните все свои колоды в приложении и размещайте их в папках, если хотите.

Вы можете поделиться любой картой с друзьями, а также ссылкой на рынок по вашему выбору.

Просматривайте любой набор и любую карту в истории MTG в одном приложении. Постоянно обновляемая база данных означает, что вы никогда не пропустите ни одного недавно выпущенного набора или карты.

ManaBox включает в себя мощный торговый инструмент, который позволяет вам заключать сделки лучше, быстрее и честнее. Удобный поиск между различными наборами и выбор конкретной версии карты, которую вы хотите обменять.

Мы постоянно работаем над улучшением приложения, мы будем рады услышать ваши отзывы и предложения по адресу [email protected].

Цены предоставлены, и
Авторские права на Magic: The Gathering принадлежат Wizards of the Coast, а ManaBox никоим образом не связана ни с Wizards of the Coast, ни с Hasbro, Inc.

История обновлений

- [FIX] Bracket calculation in online/shared decks.
- [NEW] Commander bracket support in decks. In the future we will allow manually setting the bracket.
- [NEW] Deck notes now support specifying the set and/or the number of the card in the card links. With the format "CardName | SetCode | CardNumber"
- [CHANGE] Encourage email verification for the upcoming data sync feature.
- [CHANGE] Updated some icon styles.
- [NEW] Innistrad Remastered cards.
- [NEW] Updated Canadian Highlander points.
- [NEW] We're thrilled to introduce Japanese, Norwegian, and Polish as new language options! Pick your preferred language and enjoy an even more personalized experience!
- [NEW] Improve CSV import compatibility.
- [NEW] VND currency.
- [FIX] Add to collection when using quantity filters.
- [FIX] Back navigation.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
- [NEW] Pro users now can run multiple trades at the same time.
- [FIX] Better support for window resizing in tablets.
- [FIX] Minor fixes and improvements.
- [NEW] Tap a card in the simulator hand to preview it.
- [CHANGE] Improvements in the deck and collection import.
- [FIX] Minor fixes and improvements.
- [NEW] Wilds of Eldraine cards.
- [NEW] More powerful options to look for missing cards in your decks. You can now ignore exact printings and look in other decks.
- [NEW] Lock multiple sets in the scanner.
- [NEW] "Not legal" filter in the search.
- [NEW] Show the number of cards in your collection in the card details screen.
- [CHANGE] Moved the "Register in the collection" button to the collection view in the deck screen.
- [FIX] Flip double faced tokens in the simulator.
- [NEW] Smart autofill of basic lands in decks, accessible from the collapsable arrow menu.
- [NEW] Dice rolls in the simulator.
- [NEW] Reset purchase price for a card selection in the collection.
- [NEW] Remember search filters in random card search.
- [CHANGE] Small redesign of the mana value chart.
- [FIX] Minor bugfixes and improvements.
- [NEW] Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth cards.
- [NEW] Import decks using links from multiple sites.
- [NEW] Miscellaneous filter for cards in your collection.
- [NEW] Export binders and lists as plain text.
- [NEW] Option to ignore the maybeboard when sharing a deck as text.
- [FIX] Scrolling issue in the set screen.
- [FIX] MTGA deck export compatibility.
- [FIX] Cardmarket import when it contains playsets.
- [NEW] Add complete sets to the collection.
- [NEW] Export all the collection into a single CSV file.
- [NEW] Use whitespaces in the Oracle text filter.
- [CHANGE] Canadian Highlander points update.
- [FIX] Add cards to a deck from the swiper.
- [FIX] Battles not appearing in the pie chart.
- [NEW] March of the Machine cards.
- [NEW] Defense stat from Battle cards. You can search by this property in the Stats filter.
- [NEW] Allow landscape rotations when previewing certain cards.
- [NEW] Support importing .dek files from MTGO.
- [FIX] Copy deck notes when duplicating decks.
- [FIX] Issue when changing prices provider while trading.
- [NEW] Bulk edit cards in the collection. Change the quantity, foil, language... to multiple cards at once.
- [FIX] Sometimes cards were not properly being changed when the format of the deck changed.
- [FIX] Improved the collection cards creation date assignment when cards are merged.
- [FIX] Tokens when building decks from the collection.
16 мар. 2023 г.
- [NEW] Improved scanning of borderless and white bordered cards on uniform backgrounds.
- [NEW] 9 additional deck formats with its legalities. Default formats can be configured on the settings screen.
- [FIX] Improved behavior of generic mana results in the mana cost filter.
18 февр. 2023 г.
- [NEW] Option to prefer foils while scanning.
- [NEW] Remember last open tab in the collection filters.
- [NEW] Handle Serum Powder effect in the simulator.
- [NEW] Option to add cards by text in the scanning screen.
- [CHANGE] Style the bottom navigation bar.
- [CHANGE] Show the collector number in the collection cards.
31 янв. 2023 г.
- [NEW] Phyrexia: All Will Be One cards.
- [NEW] Collection filters. Filter by card quantity, foil, language, purchase price...
- [NEW] Sort by quantity and modification date in the collection cards.
- [NEW] Ascending/Descending option for sorting decks.
- [NEW] Link cards in the deck notes with [[Card name]].
- [FIX] Error screen when importing into a binder.
- [FIX] Dragging with a stylus on the card slider.
10 янв. 2023 г.
15 дек. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Starter Commander Decks and Dominaria Remastered cards.
- [NEW] Quantity button in the scanner.
- [NEW] Small image of the scanned card in the scanner.
- [FIX] Export and share precon decks as text.
1 дек. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Jumpstart 2022, The Brother's war promos and The List cards.
- [CHANGE] Updated localizations in some languages.
- [FIX] Scanner didn't work on some devices.
- [FIX] Better optimization using the camera.
- [FIX] Automatic sign in.
19 нояб. 2022 г.
ManaBox 3.0. The long awaited card scanning feature is out. We've been testing it for a while with good results, but we would like feedback from more people.

- [NEW] Card scanning.
- [NEW] Navigate to rule from the rulebook search results.
- [CHANGE] Moved the settings tab to the home screen.
8 нояб. 2022 г.
- [NEW] The Brothers' War set cards.
- [NEW] Allow scrolling cards in the simulator hand.
- [NEW] Button in settings to force-check for updates in the cards database.
- [CHANGE] Restyle home buttons.
- [FIX] Sort by price in binders not working for foil cards.
25 окт. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Indicate when other printings are available in the "Build deck from collection" screen.
- [FIX] Reapply search filters.
- [FIX] Visual errors.
5 окт. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Explore/import preconstructed decks from MTG.
- [NEW] Unfinity cards.
- [CHANGE] Open the deck right after creating it.
- [FIX] Improved regional formats for dates and currencies.
- [FIX] Sort by value change in some currencies.
26 сент. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Filter the keywords in the glossary inside the rules.
- [CHANGE] To add the filter for cards without abilities a button has been added in the symbols menu in the card text filter section.
- [FIX] Issues with the cloud backups.
19 сент. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Warhammer 40,000 Commander cards and Dominaria United promos.
- [NEW] From now on, new cards will appear without the need to update the app from the store. This download will be over Wi-Fi (this behavior can be changed on the Settings tab).
- [NEW] Now it's possible to search cards without abilities.
- [FIX] Visual errors.
1 сент. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Dominaria United cards.
- [NEW] Now you can select all cards in the collection binders or select them based on a series of filters.
- [NEW] CSV collection import improvements.
- [CHANGE] The search grid columns setting now refers to the size of the grid tiles instead of the number of columns.
2 авг. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Filter by name collection binders and lists.
- [NEW] Long tapping on the bottom tab will go back to the first screen automatically.
- [NEW] CSV collection import improvements.
- [NEW] Support importing Cardmarket purchase CSV files.
- [FIX] Pauper legalities.
- [FIX] Minor bugfixes and improvements.
4 июл. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Double Masters 2022 and Alchemy exclusive cards.
- [NEW] Sort options and filter by name in the collection decks screen.
- [NEW] Pagination when searching cards to add to the collection.
- [NEW] Searches by set name now support typing the set code.
- [NEW] Display the date of the rulebook.
13 июн. 2022 г.
6 июн. 2022 г.
- [NEW] Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate cards.
- [FIX] Minor bugfixes and improvements.
7 мая 2022 г.
- [NEW] Collection decks: Improved integration between your decks and the collection.
- [NEW] Now the deck import will look for cards in the collection following the "Add cards behavior" option in settings.
- [NEW] Added additional tokens and card translations for the Streets of New Capenna set.
- [CHANGE] Include the card rarity in the exported CSV file.
- [FIX] Some foiling issues from Streets of New Capenna.
- [FIX] UI minor errors.
22 апреля 2022 г.
- [NEW] Streets of New Capenna cards.
- [FIX] Minor bugixes and improvements.
10 марта 2022 г.
- [NEW] Merge two binders from the long tap menu of the binder.
- [NEW] Reset purchase prices from a binder in the long tap menu of the binder.
- [FIX] Fix collector mode in edge cases.
- [CHANGE] Add the device name to the backup files.
- [CHANGE] Improvements in the deck and collection import.
19 февраля 2022 г.
- [NEW] Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty promo cards and tokens.
- [NEW] Translated card type lines to the different languages available. The advanced search by card type remains in English.
- [NEW] Toggable translation overlay when viewing a card image in a language other than english.
- [FIX] Move cards between binders.
11 февраля 2022 г.
- [NEW] Deck link sharing available to everyone.
- [NEW] Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards.
- [NEW] Most card texts translated to the different languages available. Type lines will come in a future update.
- [NEW] Added Foreign White Border, Italian Legends and Italian The Dark sets. (Only on Cardmarket)
22 января 2022 г.
- [NEW] ManaBox account. You can create one to be able to share the subscription perks between platforms and to share deck links with other people.
- [NEW] Share decks with a link and access them from a web browser. This is currently under a private Beta while we get the final touches done.
- [NEW] Deck import compatible with .dec files
- [NEW] TCGplayer Infinite articles on the feed
- [NEW] Cards from Commander Collection: Black, Innistrad: Double Feature and the new Secret Lair drops
21 января 2022 г.
- [NEW] ManaBox account. You can create one to be able to share the subscription perks between platforms and to share deck links with other people.
- [NEW] Share decks with a link and access them from a web browser. This is currently under a private Beta while we get the final touches done.
- [NEW] Deck import compatible with .dec files
- [NEW] TCGplayer Infinite articles on the feed
- [NEW] Cards from Commander Collection: Black, Innistrad: Double Feature and the new Secret Lair drops
7 декабря 2021 г.
- [NEW] Innistrad: Crimson Vow promo cards.
- [NEW] Allow searching cards with their name in the card text. It can be accessed from the symbols menu in the oracle text filter. This allows filtering card texts like the following: "~ enters the battlefield".
- [NEW] Copy rules by long tapping on them.
- [NEW] Added more than 600 missing card name translations per language.
22 ноября 2021 г.
- [NEW] Innistrad: Crimson Vow localized cards and new tokens.
- [NEW] Added new currencies: AED, CLP, QAR, BYR, TWD, PEN, CRC, UAH and KZT.
- [NEW] Now you can open the token details when viewing the token created by a card.
- [FIX] Keyboard not working after coming back to the app.
- [FIX] Some search issues with certain cards.
19 ноября 2021 г.
- [NEW] Innistrad: Crimson Vow localized cards and new tokens.
- [NEW] Added new currencies: AED, CLP, QAR, BYR, TWD, PEN, CRC, UAH and KZT.
- [NEW] Now you can open the token details when viewing the token created by a card.
- [FIX] Keyboard not working after coming back to the app.
- [FIX] Some search issues with certain cards.
1 ноября 2021 г.
- [NEW] Added french language for menu/UI on the app. Thanks to ad.hostein for the translation effort!
- [NEW] Pioneer Challenger Decks cards.
- [NEW] Show errors when the automatic backup fails.
- [CHANGE] Multiple fixes and new translations in German, Russian and Portuguese.
- [CHANGE] Remove autocorrect from some search bars.
- [CHANGE] Better errors when importing into the collection.
- [FIX] Recognize "Slightly played" condition in the collection import.

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