Ovulation Tracker App - Premom Mod Apk

Ovulation Tracker App - Premom Взлом - Mod Apk 1.36.1

Разработчик: premom.com
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Пытаетесь зачать? Узнайте свои самые фертильные дни с Premom Fertility и Ovulation Tracker. Повысьте свои шансы забеременеть, отслеживая овуляцию даже при нерегулярных циклах. Откройте для себя возможности нашего точного калькулятора овуляции, трекера фертильности и простого календаря менструаций (калькулятор менструаций).

Наш всеобъемлющий трекер циклов и считыватель тестов на овуляцию избавят вас от догадок при прогнозировании окна фертильности и дня овуляции. Благодаря точным прогнозам, основанным на ваших гормонах, наше приложение для беременных поможет повысить ваши шансы на зачатие. Но мы больше, чем просто приложение для отслеживания овуляции. Premom служит вашим средством отслеживания месячных, календарем фертильности и приложением для беременных на каждом этапе вашего репродуктивного пути.

Premom использует безопасный анализ данных, основанный на тестах на овуляцию (OPK), базальной температуре тела (BBT) и отслеживании менструации, чтобы точно прогнозировать дни с самой высокой фертильностью. Наше бесплатное приложение для отслеживания овуляции является важным инструментом для женщин, пытающихся забеременеть, отслеживая беременность или менструальный цикл. Premom — ваш компаньон в области фертильности, предлагающий руководство и поддержку на пути к материнству.

Функции калькулятора овуляции и отслеживания фертильности

Отслеживание овуляции, программа для чтения тестов и диаграмма BBT
+ Сканируйте тесты на овуляцию с помощью камеры вашего телефона, и Premom точно предскажет ваши шансы на беременность
+ Знайте, когда у вас овуляция, рядом с другими признаками фертильности на одной легко читаемой диаграмме BBT
+ Отслеживание базальной температуры тела: автоматически синхронизируйте температуру с нашим интеллектуальным базальным термометром, чтобы нарисовать линию покрытия и точно определить овуляцию
+ Получите персонализированную информацию о цикле на основе вашего BBT и отслеживания овуляции, помогая вам достичь ваших целей в области фертильности

Отслеживание менструального цикла и календарь менструального цикла
Никаких незапланированных визитов тети Фло. Передовая технология Premom может точно предсказать ваш период на основе ваших данных даже для женщин с нерегулярным циклом. Как современный трекер цикла, изучите свой период и отследите симптомы, такие как менструация, кровянистые выделения, цервикальная слизь, ПМС, настроение и многое другое. Загрузите наше бесплатное приложение для отслеживания месячных, чтобы получать точные прогнозы месячных!

+ Отслеживайте свой период, интенсивность потока, овуляцию, плодородное окно, осеменение и цервикальную слизь с помощью нашего трекера периода и овуляции
+ Отслеживайте более 30 симптомов и действий. Ведите дневник симптомов ПМС и овуляции.
+ Установите напоминания для вашего периода, дня овуляции, тестов на прогестерон, BBT и сексуальной активности

Калькулятор овуляции и отслеживание беременности
Отслеживайте овуляцию и определяйте дни фертильности, чтобы забеременеть естественным путем. С помощью трекера беременности Premom вы можете рассчитать дату родов, отслеживать беременность по неделям, считать удары и получать персонализированный контент о том, чего ожидать от молодой мамы.

Программа гарантии возврата денег
Этот трекер овуляции бесплатный? Да! Premom предлагает программу, которая может повысить ваши шансы забеременеть быстрее. Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно в приложении и следуйте рекомендуемым шагам для отслеживания овуляции. Если вы не забеременеете после 9 циклов выполнения наших шагов, мы возместим ваши расходы на покупку тестов на овуляцию Easy@Home/Premom, тестов на беременность и базального термометра. Узнайте больше: https://premom.com/pages/money-back-guarantee-program

Учитесь у экспертов по фертильности
Изучите более 200 материалов о фертильности и беременности, созданных экспертами. У вас есть вопросы о вашем менструальном цикле, овуляции или периоде? Воспользуйтесь нашей услугой «Спросите эксперта», чтобы получить персонализированные ответы.

Поддержать сообщество
Premom Ovulation Tracker — это безопасное место для знакомства с женщинами, которые пытаются забеременеть, проходят IUI/ЭКО или беременны. Задавайте вопросы, делитесь опытом и получайте поддержку от других в подобных путешествиях.

Загрузите наш бесплатный трекер фертильности, трекер овуляции, приложение для беременности и увеличьте свои шансы забеременеть. Женщинам ежедневно доверяют, чтобы помочь им достичь своих естественных целей планирования семьи с помощью этого трекера овуляции, трекера фертильности, календаря месячных и трекера беременности.

Вопросы? Электронная почта [email protected]

Примечание. Приложение Premom не следует использовать в качестве контроля рождаемости/контрацепции.

История обновлений

Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
1, Introducing "Kick Tracker" - your ultimate companion for monitoring your baby's kicks during pregnancy!
2, Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
7 мар. 2023 г.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
Optimize user experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
5 янв. 2023 г.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
1.Optimize the guidance for new users.
2.A new community on Pregnancy for new moms to connect with each other!
3.The video clarity is improved.
4.New language Portuguese is added. Welcome to join the Premom community!
We thank you for choosing to use Premom!
9 нояб. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
1. Added Arabic.
2. Optimize user experience.
3. UI optimization of community users
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better.
21 окт. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
1.TTC homepage is optimized for your better experience.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better. Feel free to leave us a rating and review.
13 окт. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
In our latest release:
1. New language Hindi is added. Welcome to join the Premom community!
2. Premom updates to be compatible with Android 12.
We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better. Feel free to leave us a rating and review.
20 сент. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
18 авг. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
12 авг. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
5 авг. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
22 июл. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
30 июн. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.

In our latest release:

-Improved your experience on ovulation test reading!

We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better. Feel free to leave us a rating and review.
10 июн. 2022 г.
Premom is constantly providing updates to further improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.

In our latest release:

-Premom is now compatible with more thermometers!

We thank you for choosing to use Premom! We look forward to hearing your feedback as that’s what keeps us motivated to make Premom even better. Feel free to leave us a rating and review.
12 мая 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Optimized the user experience.
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
11 апреля 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
10 февраля 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
Optimized the user experience.
Your feedback keep us motivated to make Premom even better! Feel free to review us.
27 января 2022 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
1.Premom membership is now called "Premium", only one subscription tier available.
2.Optimized the user experience.
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
2 декабря 2021 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
19 ноября 2021 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].
11 ноября 2021 г.
Premom is constantly updating to improve your fertility experience, helping you get pregnant quickly and naturally.
New in this version:
- Fixed some bugs
Your feedback is very important for our team to keep improving the app. Please leave us a review or send app feedback and suggestions to [email protected].

Способы взлома Ovulation Tracker App - Premom

Скачать Ovulation Tracker App - Premom MOD APK 1.36.1

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