Wallet: крипто Mod Apk Wallet: крипто Взлом - Mod Apk 202309.1.9

Разработчик: Blockchain Luxembourg S.A.
Категория: Финансы
Цена: Бесплатно


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Описание ​ Это самая надёжная, мировая платформа для транзакции с использованием криптовалют, на которой создана свыше 60 млн крипто валютных кошельков , и с транзакциями превышающие 620 млрд долларов США.Будь то трейдинг, получение процентов по вкладам,проверка платежа или кредитование с использованием криптовалют, предоставляет самые распространённые и зaрекомендованные пути для инвестирования в криптовалюты для миллионов пользователей из около 200 стран.

Криптовалютный кошелек бывает 2 типов:
- Не кастодиальный криптовалютный кошелек, что означает что только вы контролируйте доступ к вашей криптовалюте и к приватным ключам.
-Кастодиальный криптовалютный кошелек который позволяет вам использовать все возможные действия как покупка продажа, конвертирование таких криптовалют как Bitcoin и Ethereum , Перевод средств на депозитные счета Где вы можете получать до 12% прибыли.

Самый распространенный путь покупки, продажи и хранения криптовалюты.По сравнению с конкурентами, наш криптовалютный кошелек дает возможность совершать сделки и получать прибыль по вкладам без потери контроля над вашими средствами.

Что ещё , используя криптовалютный кошелек ,вы поддерживаете экосистему помогая нам, как Coinbase, и Binance предоставлять, для всех на планете с интернет соединением, бесплатный и доступный Криптовалютный Кошелек и Блокчейн Explorer.

Криптовалютный кошелек блокчейн дает вам доступ ко всему что можно было только мечтать от крипто кошелька. Безопасность, безграничные возможности и превосходящий конкурентов удобный в использовании интерфейс. Загрузи криптовалютный кошелек блокчейн с AppStore сегодня ведь наша функциональность это то что ставят нас на порядок выше.

Доступ к криптовалютам для покупки и продажи , отправки и получения, конвертации и инвестиции на долгосрок :
Bitcoin (BTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Stellar (XLM)
ALGO (Algorand)
USDT (Tether)
wDGLD (Wrapped-DGLD)
USD Digital (USDD)

На регулярной основе мы дополняем свой список существующих крипто активов , такими привлекательными криптовалютами как Ripple, Chainlink , Polkadot и другими defi проектами.

* Используй “КУПИТЬ” чтобы приобрести известные криптовалюты как Bitcoin и Etherium
*Отправляй и Получай Bitcoin ,Etherium, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Algorand, Tether и USD PAX внезапно в любой точке мира.
*Зарабатывай до 12% прибыли годовых по вкладам в BTC,ETH,USDT,PAX ,XLM , и BCH.
Заметка: Криптовалюты имеют разные процентные ставки по депозитам. Последние котировки по процентным ставкам доступны на нашем веб-сайте.
*Используй Bitcoin как обеспечение , и получи в кредит USD Digital в твоём кошельке прямо сегодня. Для того чтобы воспользоваться этой функцией Вам необходимо пройти Gold верификацию.
* С легкостью принимайте платежи в криптовалютах- везде и в любое время.
(прилагается поддержка QR-код).
*Простой и доступный в использовании интерфейс функции “SWAP”позволяет Вам с легкостью конвертировать криптовалюту.
* Поддерживая 8 языков удобный в использовании на всей планете.
Доступ к мировым рынком
*Без какого-либо труда покупайте и продавайте Bitcoin в 36 странах и обменивайте криптовалюту с безопасностью из вашего крипто валютного кошелька,в реальном времени по лучшим в классе обменным котировкам .
*Рыночные котировки цены и исторические ценовые графики в реальном времени

*Отслеживайте транзакции и адреса с помощью нашего по последнему слову техники блок исследователю.
* Конвертирование криптовалют осуществляется в блокчейн сети поэтому они более надежны и устойчивы к мошенничеству.

Eсли у вас возникли какие-то вопросы , наша лучшая команда технической помощи будет рада вам помочь через наши официальные каналы социальных сетей :
Twitter: @Blockchain and @AskBlockchain
Facebook: @Blockchain
LinkedIn: /company/blockchain
Instagram: @Blockchainofficial
YouTube: Blockchain
VKontakte: /blockchainru

История обновлений

In this release, with pride we say,
BNB Smart Chain now joins the fray.
DeFi Wallet enhanced, features to explore,
Manage BNB tokens, we've got much more.

Trade, swap, with ease and pace,
Join us now in the crypto race!
In this release, with pride we say,
BNB Smart Chain now joins the fray.
DeFi Wallet enhanced, features to explore,
Manage BNB tokens, we've got much more.

Trade, swap, with ease and pace,
Join us now in the crypto race!
In this release, with pride we say,
BNB Smart Chain now joins the fray.
DeFi Wallet enhanced, features to explore,
Manage BNB tokens, we've got much more.

Trade, swap, with ease and pace,
Join us now in the crypto race!
Your App just got better!
In addition to bug fixes, we've made general improvements to enhance your overall experience.
Keep on exchanging your favorite digital assets directly from your wallet, leveraging the power of decentralisation with DEX. Now you can switch to Dark Mode and enjoy a visually appealing, comfortable browsing experience like never before.
Update now and enjoy the new and improved version of our app!
Your App just got better!
In addition to bug fixes, we've made general improvements to enhance your overall experience.
Keep on exchanging your favorite digital assets directly from your wallet, leveraging the power of decentralisation with DEX. Now you can switch to Dark Mode and enjoy a visually appealing, comfortable browsing experience like never before.
Update now and enjoy the new and improved version of our app!
Your App just got better!
In addition to bug fixes, we've made general improvements to enhance your overall experience.
Keep on exchanging your favorite digital assets directly from your wallet, leveraging the power of decentralisation with DEX. Now you can switch to Dark Mode and enjoy a visually appealing, comfortable browsing experience like never before.
Update now and enjoy the new and improved version of our app!
Your App just got better!
In addition to bug fixes, we've made general improvements to enhance your overall experience.
Keep on exchanging your favorite digital assets directly from your wallet, leveraging the power of decentralisation with DEX. Now you can switch to Dark Mode and enjoy a visually appealing, comfortable browsing experience like never before.
Update now and enjoy the new and improved version of our app!
Your App just got better!
In addition to bug fixes, we've made general improvements to enhance your overall experience.
Keep on exchanging your favorite digital assets directly from your wallet, leveraging the power of decentralisation with DEX. Now you can switch to Dark Mode and enjoy a visually appealing, comfortable browsing experience like never before.
Update now and enjoy the new and improved version of our app!
Say hello to DEX, our powerful built-in decentralised exchange feature. Experience fast and secure transactions, with the ability to connect to popular blockchain networks and take control of your assets like never before.
Say hello to DEX, our powerful built-in decentralised exchange feature. Experience fast and secure transactions, with the ability to connect to popular blockchain networks and take control of your assets like never before.
Your App just got better!
Introducing our latest update, featuring an improved user experience on recurring buys. With our new recurring buys feature, it's now easier than ever to set up and manage your recurring purchases.
We’ve also made improvements and bug fixes so you can now enjoy smoother transitions.
Click the update button and prove it yourself.
Your App just got better!
Introducing our latest update, featuring an improved user experience on recurring buys. With our new recurring buys feature, it's now easier than ever to set up and manage your recurring purchases.
We’ve also made improvements and bug fixes so you can now enjoy smoother transitions.
Click the update button and prove it yourself.
Your App just got better!
Introducing our latest update, featuring an improved user experience on recurring buys. With our new recurring buys feature, it's now easier than ever to set up and manage your recurring purchases.
We’ve also made improvements and bug fixes so you can now enjoy smoother transitions.
Click the update button and prove it yourself.
Your App just got better!
Introducing our latest update, featuring an improved user experience on recurring buys. With our new recurring buys feature, it's now easier than ever to set up and manage your recurring purchases.
We’ve also made improvements and bug fixes so you can now enjoy smoother transitions.
Click the update button and prove it yourself.
Ваше приложение только что улучшилось!
Ваше приложение только что улучшилось!
17 мар. 2023 г.
Your app just got better! Welcome to your new app, a SuperApp for crypto. Experience powerful crypto trading together with a self-custody wallet, all in one place. Click the update button and enjoy a whole new experience.
16 февр. 2023 г.
Your app just got better! Welcome to your new app, a SuperApp for crypto. Experience powerful crypto trading together with a self-custody wallet, all in one place. Click the update button and enjoy a whole new experience.
12 янв. 2023 г.
In this release we’ve expanded the Earn feature by adding Staking. Secure your favourite networks and receive daily rewards!
We’ve also focused on fixing bugs and improving performance for a speedy start to the new year :christmas_tree:.
21 дек. 2022 г.
In this release we’ve expanded the Earn feature by adding Staking. Secure your favourite networks and receive daily rewards!
We’ve also focused on fixing bugs and improving performance for a speedy start to the new year :christmas_tree:.
15 дек. 2022 г.
In this release we’ve expanded the Earn feature by adding Staking. Secure your favourite networks and receive daily rewards!
We’ve also focused on fixing bugs and improving performance for a speedy start to the new year :christmas_tree:.
11 дек. 2022 г.
In this release we have added support for our Staking account in a read-only mode. We have also improved app performance and fixed some bugs under the hood.
19 нояб. 2022 г.
In this release we have added support for our Staking account in a read-only mode. We have also improved app performance and fixed some bugs under the hood.
19 окт. 2022 г.
In this release, we have doubled down on bug-fixing to improve the user experience. We've also made a number of optimisations under the hood in preparation for some new features coming soon.
7 окт. 2022 г.
In this release we have improved our QR scanner and made it easier to choose amounts when Selling and Swapping! We have also made a bunch of bug-fixes and improvements under the hood.
28 сент. 2022 г.
In this release we have added self-custody support for the STX coin! You can now send and receive STX from your private key wallet.
21 сент. 2022 г.
24 авг. 2022 г.
In this release we have added convenient buttons to make your crypto purchasing experience smoother. We have also doubled down on bug-fixes and improvements.
15 авг. 2022 г.
In this release we have improved error messaging. Users will now see more useful instructions if they encounter an error within the app. We have also added extra functionality when it comes to currencies, you can now set up your preferred fiat trading and your preferred balance display currency from Settings. We have also made a variety of bug fixes and improvements under the hood.
1 авг. 2022 г.
In this release we have added Referrals. Users can now share a code with others and enjoy shared Rewards. We have also made a bunch of bug fixes and improvements under the hood.
19 июл. 2022 г.
In this release we have added Referrals. Users can now share a code with others and enjoy shared Rewards. We have also made a bunch of bug fixes and improvements under the hood.
30 июн. 2022 г.
In this release we have added support for cross chain assets and introduced additional features in the notification centre. We have also made a bunch of bug fixes and improvements focusing on users’ access to Customer Support.
21 июн. 2022 г.
In this release we have added support for cross chain assets and introduced additional features in the notification centre. We have also made a bunch of bug fixes and improvements focusing on users’ access to Customer Support.
16 июн. 2022 г.
In this release we have added support for cross chain assets and introduced additional features in the notification centre. We have also made a bunch of bug fixes and improvements focusing on users’ access to Customer Support.
10 июн. 2022 г.
In this release we have added support for cross chain assets and introduced additional features in the notification centre. We have also made a bunch of bug fixes and improvements focusing on users’ access to Customer Support.
31 мая 2022 г.
14 мая 2022 г.
In this release we have updated our token details page to show more granular information about tokens. We have also made a bunch of bugfixes and improvements under the hood.
22 апреля 2022 г.
In this release we have made it easier to verify your account if you are based in Europe.
31 марта 2022 г.
In this release we have made it easier to send crypto to Blockchain domains.
4 марта 2022 г.
In this release we have added support for protocols Bitcoin BIP21 and Ethereum EIP681. For new users, we’ve added an onboarding tour to the main features in the Wallet.
17 февраля 2022 г.
We've been improving the Onboarding to our App, the path from account creation to verification is now clearly defined in 3 easy steps.
18 января 2022 г.
In our first release of the new year we have focused on bug fixing and improving onboarding for new users
16 декабря 2021 г.
In this release we have made a number of improvements to our user interface and introduced a new actions button to simplify navigation.
29 ноября 2021 г.
In this release we have made a number of bug fixes and optimisations to improve speed to checkout and the buy experience on the app.
27 октября 2021 г.
In this release we have made a bunch of bug fixes and optimisations to help improve the overall experience of the app.

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