REALITY-Become an Anime Avatar Mod Apk

REALITY-Become an Anime Avatar Взлом - Mod Apk 25.8.0

Разработчик: REALITY, Inc.
Категория: Социальные
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot REALITY-Become an Anime Avatar mod apkGame screenshot REALITY-Become an Anime Avatar hackGame screenshot REALITY-Become an Anime Avatar apk download


С помощью REALITY трансляции становятся проще! Будь то стримы с виртуальными аватарами или игровые чаты с друзьями в реальном времени, просто нажмите, чтобы оставаться на связи!

Теперь у вас есть шанс погрузиться в новое, совершенно оригинальное виртуальное сообщество!


Настройте свой аватар!
Полностью настройте свой 3D-аватар так, как вам нравится — всё решаете вы!
Придайте своему стриму немного колорита с помощью сезонных костюмов и милых комбинезонов! Вы можете изменить свой внешний вид в соответствии с вашим настроением.
С помощью селфи-камеры вашего телефона REALITY переносит движения вашей головы и лица непосредственно на ваш аватар, оживляя его!

Транслируйте в прямом эфире!
Вы можете начать свой собственный стрим за считанные секунды!
И поскольку зрители могут видеть только ваш аватар, вы можете сохранить свою личность в полном секрете! Нужен контент для начала? Играйте в игры с рисованием и карточные игры во время стрима!

Смотрите в прямом эфире!
Смотрите популярных стримеров и развлекательный контент, когда захотите!
Вы даже можете отправлять интерактивные 3D-подарки, общаться в чате и многое другое, чтобы сделать трансляции более увлекательными!
REALITY отличается задержкой менее 1 секунды, четкой графикой высокого качества и настройками просмотра с экономией данных для всех! (*Примечание: не относится ко всему контенту).

Найдите свое цифровое племя!
Присоединяйтесь к виртуальным сообществам со своим персонализированным аватаром!
Попробуйте совместные стримы с участием до 4 человек, где играют в игры и викторины!
Общайтесь с другими пользователями с помощью чата вне стрима!


Мы рекомендуем REALITY, если:
・ Вам интересны VTubers, YouTube или стримы!
・ Вы просто обожаете примерять аватары!
・ Вы любите весело общаться с другими!
・ Вы хотите показать всем, как классно умеете петь!
・ Вы хотите завести друзей, которые разделяют ваши интересы!
・ Вы хотите кого-то поддержать!
・ Вы хотите оставить свой след в истории стримов!
・ Вам интересны VR, AR и 3D-контент!


История обновлений

- Screenshots taken during streams or as a collab guest can now be posted directly to your Avatar Feed!
- Push notifications are now sent when your avatar feed posts receive comments or likes. (Can be toggled ON/OFF in "Push Notifications" settings.)
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Screenshots taken during streams or as a collab guest can now be posted directly to your Avatar Feed!
- Push notifications are now sent when your avatar feed posts receive comments or likes. (Can be toggled ON/OFF in "Push Notifications" settings.)
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Screenshots taken during streams or as a collab guest can now be posted directly to your Avatar Feed!
- Push notifications are now sent when your avatar feed posts receive comments or likes. (Can be toggled ON/OFF in "Push Notifications" settings.)
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Screenshots taken during streams or as a collab guest can now be posted directly to your Avatar Feed!
- Push notifications are now sent when your avatar feed posts receive comments or likes. (Can be toggled ON/OFF in "Push Notifications" settings.)
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Screenshots taken during streams or as a collab guest can now be posted directly to your Avatar Feed!
- Push notifications are now sent when your avatar feed posts receive comments or likes. (Can be toggled ON/OFF in "Push Notifications" settings.)
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Push notifications are now sent when your avatar feed posts receive comments or likes. (Can be toggled ON/OFF in "Push Notifications" settings.)
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Comments can now be added to posts in the Avatar Feed!
- Minor bug fixes.
- Push notifications are now sent when your avatar feed posts receive comments or likes. (Can be toggled ON/OFF in "Push Notifications" settings.)
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Comments can now be added to posts in the Avatar Feed!
- Minor bug fixes.
- Push notifications are now sent when your avatar feed posts receive comments or likes. (Can be toggled ON/OFF in "Push Notifications" settings.)
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Comments can now be added to posts in the Avatar Feed!
- Minor bug fixes.
- The names "Room" and "Booth" have been changed to "Room L" and "Room S.”
- The "Avatar Camera" can now be accessed from the app settings screen.
- Comments can now be added to posts in the Avatar Feed!
- The Avatar Feed got an update! Take photos of your avatar in various "poses"! Enable it from "NEXT REALITY" in the settings.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Comments can now be added to posts in the Avatar Feed!
- The Avatar Feed got an update! Take photos of your avatar in various "poses"! Enable it from "NEXT REALITY" in the settings.
- Space visibility settings now include options like language or "Mutual Followers Only.”
- Double-tapping a post in the Avatar Feed now gives it a "Like.”
- Minor bug fixes.
- Comments can now be added to posts in the Avatar Feed!
- The Avatar Feed got an update! Take photos of your avatar in various "poses"! Enable it from "NEXT REALITY" in the settings.
- Space visibility settings now include options like language or "Mutual Followers Only.”
- Double-tapping a post in the Avatar Feed now gives it a "Like.”
- Minor bug fixes.
- Comments can now be added to posts in the Avatar Feed!
- The Avatar Feed got an update! Take photos of your avatar in various "poses"! Enable it from "NEXT REALITY" in the settings.
- Space visibility settings now include options like language or "Mutual Followers Only.”
- Double-tapping a post in the Avatar Feed now gives it a "Like.”
- Minor bug fixes.
- The Avatar Feed got an update! Take photos of your avatar in various "poses"! Enable it from "NEXT REALITY" in the settings.
- Space visibility settings now include options like language or "Mutual Followers Only.”
- Double-tapping a post in the Avatar Feed now gives it a "Like.”
- Released the "Avatar Feed" feature, where photos of avatars taken in booth or room can be posted!
- It’s now possible to stream your gameplay using OBS! Check the in-app notifications for details.
- Minor bug fixes.
- The Avatar Feed got an update! Take photos of your avatar in various "poses"! Enable it from "NEXT REALITY" in the settings.
- Space visibility settings now include options like language or "Mutual Followers Only.”
- Double-tapping a post in the Avatar Feed now gives it a "Like.”
- Released the "Avatar Feed" feature, where photos of avatars taken in booth or room can be posted!
- It’s now possible to stream your gameplay using OBS! Check the in-app notifications for details.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Space visibility settings now include options like language or "Mutual Followers Only.”
- Double-tapping a post in the Avatar Feed now gives it a "Like.”
- Released the "Avatar Feed" feature, where photos of avatars taken in booth or room can be posted!
- It’s now possible to stream your gameplay using OBS! Check the in-app notifications for details.
- Booths are becoming more customizable than ever before!
- Minor bug fixes.
- Bio text on the profile screen can now be selected and copied.
- Taking profile pictures is now possible within the room.
- Rank score is now displayed on both the streaming and viewing screens.
- Blocking of users is now possible through long-pressing on comments.
- Blocked users' comments will no longer be displayed.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Blocking of users is now possible through long-pressing on comments.
- Blocked users' comments will no longer be displayed.
- The conditions to enable the streamer rank have been removed. Now, anyone can optionally enable the rank at their discretion.
- Room can now be opened not only while live streaming but also from the Avatar Home screen and Profile screen. Decorate your room anytime!
- Minor bug fixes.
- The conditions to enable the streamer rank have been removed. Now, anyone can optionally enable the rank at their discretion.
- Room can now be opened not only while live streaming but also from the Avatar Home screen and Profile screen. Decorate your room anytime!
- The method for reporting violations has been updated, allowing for more detailed reporting, such as the ability to select the reason for the report.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Improved the readability of comments during streams.
- Room can now be opened from the profile screen even when not live streaming. Decorate your room anytime!
- Fixed an issue where the same comment could be sent multiple times.
- Improved the functionality of comments on the streaming screen.
- The layout of the streaming and viewing screens has been changed.
- The method to send likes has been changed to a double-tap on the viewing screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Room can now be opened from the profile screen even when not live streaming. Decorate your room anytime!
- Fixed an issue where the same comment could be sent multiple times.
- Improved the functionality of comments on the streaming screen.
- The layout of the streaming and viewing screens has been changed.
- The method to send likes has been changed to a double-tap on the viewing screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Improved the functionality of comments on the streaming screen.
- The layout of the streaming and viewing screens has been changed.
- The method to send likes has been changed to a double-tap on the viewing screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Improved the functionality of comments on the streaming screen.
- The layout of the streaming and viewing screens has been changed.
- The method to send likes has been changed to a double-tap on the viewing screen.
- Minor bug fixes.
- "Stream Category" can now be set from the Stream Settings.
- Penalties for accounts that violate the terms of service have been updated. Accounts under restrictions will be in a suspended state with the inability to access any of the app's features.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- "Stream Category" can now be set from the Stream Settings.
- Penalties for accounts that violate the terms of service have been updated. Accounts under restrictions will be in a suspended state with the inability to access any of the app's features.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- "Stream Category" can now be set from the Stream Settings.
- Penalties for accounts that violate the terms of service have been updated. Accounts under restrictions will be in a suspended state with the inability to access any of the app's features.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- "Stream Category" can now be set from the Live Stream Settings.
- Penalties for accounts that violate the terms of service have been updated. Accounts under restrictions will be in a suspended state with the inability to access any of the app's features.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Penalties for accounts that violate the terms of service have been updated. Accounts under restrictions will be in a suspended state with the inability to access any of the app's features.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Phone number login now available.
- Emojis are now available for use in the live stream title and live whiteboard.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
- Fixed a minor bug.
20 мар. 2023 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
12 мар. 2023 г.
- Photos and videos can now be shared from other apps to REALITY chats.
3 мар. 2023 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
24 февр. 2023 г.
- The list of viewers who have entered the Live Results screen now displays the number of times each user has entered the live stream.
- Reacting to chat messages has become easier.
17 февр. 2023 г.
- Discount rates are now displayed on sale items in the Avatar Shop.
- Items worn in the Avatar Shop and Gacha Closet can now be removed by tapping them again.
- When you share an announcement to chat, you can now send a message with it.
12 февр. 2023 г.
- You can now choose the Emote of your avatar that will be displayed on your profile.
8 февр. 2023 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
27 янв. 2023 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
19 янв. 2023 г.
- Push notification settings for Gacha and Avatar Shop can now be changed individually.
- URLs sent to chat can now be shared with other chats.
- It is now possible to hide Viewing and Online status.
16 янв. 2023 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
9 янв. 2023 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
27 дек. 2022 г.
- A stream history function has been added. You can send thanks messages to past streams.
20 дек. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
18 дек. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
9 дек. 2022 г.
- It is now easier to send an Avatar Stamp to a friend you are chatting with for the first time.
- Text-To-Speech will no longer say the viewer's name.
5 дек. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
24 нояб. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
17 нояб. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
15 нояб. 2022 г.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the chat screen was opened from other than the bottom navigation bar.
- Fixed a minor bug.
8 нояб. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
7 нояб. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
27 окт. 2022 г.
- It is now easier to share screenshots with friends when you are live streaming or watching a live stream.
21 окт. 2022 г.
- When a chat partner is on a video call, Avatar on video call is now displayed.
16 окт. 2022 г.
- Streamers can now ban certain viewers from commenting and delete certain comments.
- When opening a game invitation sent to chat, a confirmation will now appear before the game starts.
7 окт. 2022 г.
- The chat invite link is now more convenient to use.
- The display when making video call has been changed.
29 сент. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
22 сент. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
16 сент. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
12 сент. 2022 г.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the app to close when opening another user's profile.
6 сент. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
2 сент. 2022 г.
- Reaction stickers can now be added in addition to text messages.
- It is now easier to notice incoming video calls when certain screens are open, such as chat or home
26 авг. 2022 г.
- The Coinshop has been redesigned.
19 авг. 2022 г.
- GIF images can now be sent in chat.
- A mini-player is now displayed on the chat screen.
15 авг. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
5 авг. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
28 июл. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
26 июл. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
22 июл. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
14 июл. 2022 г.
- Reaction Stickers can now be sent in chat rooms.
8 июл. 2022 г.
- Thanks messages notifications can now be turned on or off.
- Fixed a problem in which an unintended stream board was displayed at the start of broadcast.
4 июл. 2022 г.
- Minor bugs fixed.
27 июн. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
17 июн. 2022 г.
- Fixed a problem in which items of a different color from the selected color were displayed.
10 июн. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
2 июн. 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
30 мая 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
24 мая 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
17 мая 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
25 апреля 2022 г.
- A limit has been set on the number of characters that can be entered for a feature that allows a message to be constantly displayed to the viewer during streaming.
11 апреля 2022 г.
- A gear icon has been added to the upper right corner of the chat screen. Tapping the gear icon now allows users to set notifications, etc.
28 марта 2022 г.
- Photo and video recording and submission is now available in the chat room.
14 марта 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
7 марта 2022 г.
- Icons of recommended users are now displayed in the chat.
28 февраля 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
21 февраля 2022 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
7 февраля 2022 г.
- Tapping "Like" will now display a gift.
24 января 2022 г.
- The microphone icon now displays a meter depending on the volume during video chat.
27 декабря 2021 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
20 декабря 2021 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
13 декабря 2021 г.
- Fixed an issue where unnecessary text would be displayed in some dialogs.
7 декабря 2021 г.
- Fixed a minor bug.
25 ноября 2021 г.
- The position of the button that displays the share screen when watching streaming has been moved to the top of the screen.
8 ноября 2021 г.
- The position of the button to display the share screen when watching a streaming has been moved to the bottom of the screen.
- The registration screen is now displayed when the date of birth is not registered.

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