Teuida: Learn Languages Mod Apk

Teuida: Learn Languages Взлом - Mod Apk 1.19.20

Разработчик: TEUIDA
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot Teuida: Learn Languages mod apkGame screenshot Teuida: Learn Languages hackGame screenshot Teuida: Learn Languages apk download


Изучите испанский, корейский и японский язык, разговаривая с самого начала!

Попрактикуйтесь в произнесении основных выражений в сценариях от первого лица.

👀 «Но я могу научиться этому, просто посмотрев Netflix!?»

Точно так же, как если бы вы учились плавать, вы бы пошли в бассейн вместо того, чтобы смотреть видео с плаванием Майкла Фелпса. Вы не можете выучить корейский, слушая BTS, японский, смотря аниме, или испанский, поедая тако! Не поймите нас неправильно, мы тоже любим слушать K-pop, смотреть аниме и есть тако. Но если ваша цель — ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО ГОВОРИТЬ, вам придется… ну — ГОВОРИТЬ! Разговоры от первого лица в TEUIDA помогут вам говорить повседневными выражениями в реальных ситуациях.

⏳ 3 минуты > 30 минут

Мы считаем, что 3 минуты реального выступления помогут вам больше, чем 30 минут наблюдения за тем, как говорит кто-то другой.

Зачем тратить свое драгоценное время на изучение языков, если вы можете научиться говорить на них самостоятельно? Наши интерактивные уроки не только позволяют вам общаться с преподавателями, но и мгновенно проверяют ваше произношение.

😏 Преодолейте страх говорить

Исследования показывают, что одним из самых больших препятствий для владения языком является уверенность в себе. В конце концов, какой смысл знать все грамматические правила и спряжения глаголов, если ты не умеешь говорить в нужный момент? TEUIDA помогает вам преодолеть страх говорить, моделируя сценарии реальной жизни, но без социальной тревожности. (т. е. наши персонажи не будут бросать тень на вас за неправильное произношение!)

Вот список особенностей TEUIDA:

🎯 Основные выражения

Больше никаких странных, неуклюжих фраз (переведенных ботами), которые никто не использует в реальной жизни. (Давайте будем честными, когда вам в последний раз приходилось говорить «Я мальчик, ты женщина» в реальной жизни?)

🎯 Эффективная учебная программа

Освоив нашу учебную программу, вы сможете знать базовые словарные запасы, грамматику и, конечно же, разговаривать с друзьями на корейском и японском языках.

🎯 Преподают двуязычные репетиторы

Наш сумасшедший выбор полностью двуязычных преподавателей не только говорит на вашем целевом языке, но и понимает, откуда вы родом. Они точно знают, чему вас научить, потому что были на вашем месте!

🎯 Анализ произношения с помощью искусственного интеллекта

Какой смысл повторять предложения вслух, если не можешь понять, правильно ли ты их произносишь? TEUIDA имеет удобную систему распознавания голоса, которая мгновенно отслеживает ваше произношение.

🎯 Веселые интерактивные истории

Мы считаем, что обучение и развлечение не исключают друг друга. На самом деле, обучение наиболее эффективно, когда оно приносит удовольствие! Вы будете смеяться, кричать, а иногда даже съеживаться вместе с персонажами.

🎯 Реальные сценарии

Реальные повседневные ситуации! Все, от заказа напитка в кафе до вопросов, как пройти!

🎯 Советы по культуре

Один мудрый человек однажды сказал: «Человек, который изучает язык, не изучая культуру, рискует стать свободно говорящим дураком». Мы считаем, что понимание культуры является ключом к изучению языка. Поэтому мы вручную отобрали каждый сценарий, чтобы отразить культурные особенности каждой страны.

И так, чего же ты ждешь? Хватит читать и начни говорить с TEUIDA!


Обратите внимание, что вам понадобится план TEUIDA Premium, чтобы получить доступ ко всему контенту и эксклюзивным функциям.
Мы используем распознавание голоса микрофона только для оценки вашего произношения.


Связаться с разработчиком:
Юридический адрес: Республика Корея, Сеул, Каннамгу, Ёксам-ро, 165, 5-й этаж

История обновлений

Before we saying goodbye to 2024, Teuida Recap is here to celebrate your wonderful achievements with Teuida app!
Look back on how much effort you’ve put into your language studies this year and also set your new personal goals for 2025.
Don’t forget to share your personal achievement card on Social Media and with your loved ones :)
Please give it a try and let us know what you think
- Team Teuida
Before we saying goodbye to 2024, Teuida Recap is here to celebrate your wonderful achievements with Teuida app!
Look back on how much effort you’ve put into your language studies this year and also set your new personal goals for 2025.
Don’t forget to share your personal achievement card on Social Media and with your loved ones :)
Please give it a try and let us know what you think
- Team Teuida
Before we saying goodbye to 2024, Teuida Recap is here to celebrate your wonderful achievements with Teuida app!
Look back on how much effort you’ve put into your language studies this year and also set your new personal goals for 2025.
Don’t forget to share your personal achievement card on Social Media and with your loved ones :)
Please give it a try and let us know what you think
- Team Teuida
Before we saying goodbye to 2024, Teuida Recap is here to celebrate your wonderful achievements with Teuida app!
Look back on how much effort you’ve put into your language studies this year and also set your new personal goals for 2025.
Don’t forget to share your personal achievement card on Social Media and with your loved ones :)
Please give it a try and let us know what you think
- Team Teuida
Before we saying goodbye to 2024, Teuida Recap is here to celebrate your wonderful achievements with Teuida app!
Look back on how much effort you’ve put into your language studies this year and also set your new personal goals for 2025.
Don’t forget to share your personal achievement card on Social Media and with your loved ones :)
Please give it a try and let us know what you think
- Team Teuida
Before we saying goodbye to 2024, Teuida Recap is here to celebrate your wonderful achievements with Teuida app!
Look back on how much effort you’ve put into your language studies this year and also set your new personal goals for 2025.
Don’t forget to share your personal achievement card on Social Media and with your loved ones :)
Please give it a try and let us know what you think
- Team Teuida
Before we saying goodbye to 2024, Teuida Recap is here to celebrate your wonderful achievements with Teuida app!
Look back on how much effort you’ve put into your language studies this year and also set your new personal goals for 2025.
Don’t forget to share your personal achievement card on Social Media and with your loved ones :)
Please give it a try and let us know what you think
- Team Teuida
The wait is over! The project we’ve been working on for the past 3 months is now here!
We’ve completely remade the Vocab exercises from scratch to help you memorize and retain your favorite words the Teuida way.
Please give it a try and let us know what you think!
- Nelson and Team Teuida
The wait is over! The project we’ve been working on for the past 3 months is now here!
We’ve completely remade the Vocab exercises from scratch to help you memorize and retain your favorite words the Teuida way.
Please give it a try and let us know what you think!
- Nelson and Team Teuida
The wait is over! The project we’ve been working on for the past 3 months is now here!
We’ve completely remade the Vocab exercises from scratch to help you memorize and retain your favorite words the Teuida way.
Please give it a try and let us know what you think!
- Nelson and Team Teuida
Everyone knows that language learning opens doors!
Well, with this update, you will be able to CHOOSE which doors to open!
Yup. You heard me.
Choose. Your. Own. Adventure. (by speaking, ofc)
Need I say more?
Update now and try it out!
-Nelson and Team Teuida
Thanks to your help, we hunted down and fixed some of those sneaky bugs hiding in every nook and cranny of the app.
Please let us know if you find any other bugs by emailing us at [email protected]
Thanks to your help, we hunted down and fixed some of those sneaky bugs hiding in every nook and cranny of the app.
Please let us know if you find any other bugs by emailing us at [email protected]
Thanks to your help, we hunted down and fixed some of those sneaky bugs hiding in every nook and cranny of the app.
Please let us know if you find any other bugs by emailing us at [email protected]
Finished your lesson at 00:01 and lost your 300-day streak?
Worried about your streak plant dying?
Wish you could take a day off?

No more worries.
With this update, Premium users get a Streak Revival Potion that can revive your streak plant if used within 24 hours of withering!

Enjoy it!
-Nelson and Team Teuida
Finished your lesson at 00:01 and lost your 300-day streak?
Worried about your streak plant dying?
Wish you could take a day off?

No more worries.
With this update, Premium users get a Streak Revival Potion that can revive your streak plant if used within 24 hours of withering!

Enjoy it!
-Nelson and Team Teuida
Finished your lesson at 00:01 and lost your 300-day streak?
Worried about your streak plant dying?
Wish you could take a day off?

No more worries.
With this update, Premium users get a Streak Revival Potion that can revive your streak plant if used within 24 hours of withering!

Enjoy it!
-Nelson and Team Teuida
Hold on to your chopsticks, sTeuidents! 🥢
We've got some exciting news for you.

A new premium feature has been added.
Some bugs has been fixed.

Nelson and Team Teuida
Hold on to your chopsticks, sTeuidents! 🥢
We've got some exciting news for you.

A new premium feature has been added.
Some bugs has been fixed.

Nelson and Team Teuida
Hold on to your chopsticks, sTeuidents! 🥢
We've got some exciting news for you.

A new premium feature has been added.
Some bugs has been fixed.

Nelson and Team Teuida
Hold on to your chopsticks, sTeuidents! 🥢
We've got some exciting news for you.

A new premium feature has been added.
Some bugs has been fixed.

Nelson and Team Teuida
Hold on to your chopsticks, sTeuidents! 🥢
We've got some exciting news for you.

A new premium feature has been added.
Some bugs has been fixed.

Nelson and Team Teuida
Hold on to your chopsticks, sTeuidents! 🥢
We've got some exciting news for you.

Teuida is taking its language game up a notch by adding Japanese! 🇯🇵
That's right, now you can go from ramen to bibimbap, sushi to kimchi with ease!
Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Gamsahamnida! And Arigato!
Nelson and Team Teuida
Hold on to your chopsticks, sTeuidents! 🥢
We've got some exciting news for you.

Teuida is taking its language game up a notch by adding Japanese! 🇯🇵
That's right, now you can go from ramen to bibimbap, sushi to kimchi with ease!
Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Gamsahamnida! And Arigato!
Nelson and Team Teuida
23 мар. 2023 г.
Hold on to your chopsticks, sTeuidents! 🥢
We've got some exciting news for you.

Teuida is taking its language game up a notch by adding Japanese! 🇯🇵
That's right, now you can go from ramen to bibimbap, sushi to kimchi with ease!
Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Gamsahamnida! And Arigato!
Nelson and Team Teuida
22 февр. 2023 г.
Important Update!
In order for Teuida to continue providing affordable Korean education for the world in a sustainable way, we made a difficult decision to lock our lessons.
Don’t worry, all your progress has been saved which means the lessons you have already completed remain unlocked.
Also, you will still be able to unlock one lesson per day for free using the Lesson Key.
Please join us in our mission to create a more understanding world by signing up to Teuida Premium.

Nelson and Team Teuida
16 февр. 2023 г.
Important Update!
In order for Teuida to continue providing affordable Korean education for the world in a sustainable way, we made a difficult decision to lock our lessons.
Don’t worry, all your progress has been saved which means the lessons you have already completed remain unlocked.
Also, you will still be able to unlock one lesson per day for free using the Lesson Key.
Please join us in our mission to create a more understanding world by signing up to Teuida Premium.

Nelson and Team Teuida
7 февр. 2023 г.
Important Update!
In order for Teuida to continue providing affordable Korean education for the world in a sustainable way, we made a difficult decision to lock our lessons.
Don’t worry, all your progress has been saved which means the lessons you have already completed remain unlocked.
Also, you will still be able to unlock one lesson per day for free using the Lesson Key.
Please join us in our mission to create a more understanding world by signing up to Teuida Premium.

Nelson and Team Teuida
15 янв. 2023 г.
Were you bothered by having to press the mic button every time you wanted speak? 🤷
In 2023, Teuida is going on auto-pilot! You can enjoy your lessons and stories hands-free.🙌

But if you’d rather have some time to think, you can always go in the settings and turn auto-mic off as well!

Happy New Year! 🐰
Nelson and Team Teuida
8 янв. 2023 г.
Were you bothered by having to press the mic button every time you wanted speak? 🤷
In 2023, Teuida is going on auto-pilot! You can enjoy your lessons and stories hands-free.🙌

But if you’d rather have some time to think, you can always go in the settings and turn auto-mic off as well!

Happy New Year! 🐰
Nelson and Team Teuida
29 дек. 2022 г.
Teuida’s Profile Page is here just in time for this jolly season! ❄

☕ See all your learned expressions in one place.
☕ Unlock various achievements by completing the missions.
☕ Check out different stats regarding your studies!

Our Community Page also got a makeover! ☃

☕ You can now reply to comments, as well :)

Happy holidays 🙂

-Nelson and Team Teuida
8 дек. 2022 г.
Minor bug fixes regarding story keys and mic recognition.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

Stay Warm,
-Team Teuida
21 нояб. 2022 г.
Here’s Teuida’s latest update (feat. Kpop artists)!

In order to spice up your Korean learning, we decided to collaborate with the one and only VIVIZ!

- Experience a fansign event with Eunha!
- Learn a new choreo from dance session with SinB.
- End your day with a video call from Umji!
- … and more!

New episodes will be released every week. Keep an eye out!

-Yeji and team Teuida
13 нояб. 2022 г.
Here’s Teuida’s latest update (feat. Kpop artists)!

In order to spice up your Korean learning, we decided to collaborate with the one and only VIVIZ!

- Experience a fansign event with Eunha!
- Learn a new choreo from dance session with SinB.
- End your day with a video call from Umji!
- … and more!

New episodes will be released every week. Keep an eye out!

-Yeji and team Teuida
4 нояб. 2022 г.
Stories got an extreme makeover!

New Stories Layout ✨
- Find the story you want at a glance with our curated carousels!
New Summary Page 🌤
- See the whole script at a glance with our new summary page!
Swipeable Subtitles! 💫
- Easily swipe through each line without having to rewatch the whole story!
Mic Auto-Activation 🌧️
-Set it on from Video Options and use the app Hands-Free

Let us know how you like them!

-Nelson and Team Teuida
25 окт. 2022 г.
👋 Study Reminders
Did you lose your streak because you forgot to talk to your plant today?
No worries! Study Reminders are here to help you!
Set a time and receive a message from us reminding you to study!

🔑Story Keys
Ever miss an episode because you skipped a day?
Don’t feel like waiting forever for the episode you want to unlock?
No more waiting!
Now YOU get to choose which story to play next!

-Nelson and Team Teuida
20 окт. 2022 г.
👋 Study Reminders
Did you lose your streak because you forgot to talk to your plant today?
No worries! Study Reminders are here to help you!
Set a time and receive a message from us reminding you to study!

🔑Story Keys
Ever miss an episode because you skipped a day?
Don’t feel like waiting forever for the episode you want to unlock?
No more waiting!
Now YOU get to choose which story to play next!

-Nelson and Team Teuida
16 окт. 2022 г.
👋 Study Reminders
Did you lose your streak because you forgot to talk to your plant today?
No worries! Study Reminders are here to help you!
Set a time and receive a message from us reminding you to study!

🔑Story Keys
Ever miss an episode because you skipped a day?
Don’t feel like waiting forever for the episode you want to unlock?
No more waiting!
Now YOU get to choose which story to play next!

-Nelson and Team Teuida
5 окт. 2022 г.
You can’t stay motivated? 🤷‍♀️
We have new updates for you to make studying Korean a regular part of your day! 📚
1. Streaks - See how your cute plant grows by achieving as many days in a row as possible! 🌱
2. Day Markers - Study only the amount we recommend to avoid study burnout! 📅
3. Unit 4 is finally out! - Learn how to order food to fully enjoy your experience in Korea! 🍲
4. Check out our new branded contents where you get to explore Gyeongsangbuk-do! 🧭

-Yeji and Team Teuida
26 сент. 2022 г.
You can’t stay motivated? 🤷‍♀️
We have new updates for you to make studying Korean a regular part of your day! 📚
1. Streaks - See how your cute plant grows by achieving as many days in a row as possible! 🌱
2. Day Markers - Study only the amount we recommend to avoid study burnout! 📅
3. Unit 4 is finally out! - Learn how to order food to fully enjoy your experience in Korea! 🍲
4. Check out our new branded contents where you get to explore Gyeongsangbuk-do! 🧭

-Yeji and Team Teuida
26 сент. 2022 г.
You can’t stay motivated? 🤷‍♀️
We have new updates for you to make studying Korean a regular part of your day! 📚
1. Streaks - See how your cute plant grows by achieving as many days in a row as possible! 🌱
2. Day Markers - Study only the amount we recommend to avoid study burnout! 📅
3. Unit 4 is finally out! - Learn how to order food to fully enjoy your experience in Korea! 🍲
4. Check out our new branded contents where you get to explore Gyeongsangbuk-do! 🧭

-Yeji and Team Teuida
15 сент. 2022 г.
You can’t stay motivated? 🤷‍♀️
We have new updates for you to make studying Korean a regular part of your day! 📚
1. Streaks - See how your cute plant grows by achieving as many days in a row as possible! 🌱
2. Day Markers - Study only the amount we recommend to avoid study burnout! 📅
3. Unit 4 is finally out! - Learn how to order food to fully enjoy your experience in Korea! 🍲
4. Check out our new branded contents where you get to explore Gyeongsangbuk-do! 🧭

-Yeji and Team Teuida
4 сент. 2022 г.
You can’t stay motivated? 🤷‍♀️
We have new updates for you to make studying Korean a regular part of your day! 📚
1. Streaks - See how your cute plant grows by achieving as many days in a row as possible! 🌱
2. Day Markers - Study only the amount we recommend to avoid study burnout! 📅
3. Unit 4 is finally out! - Learn how to order food to fully enjoy your experience in Korea! 🍲
4. Check out our new branded contents where you get to explore Gyeongsangbuk-do! 🧭

-Yeji and Team Teuida
29 авг. 2022 г.
👂Teuida has been listening to your feedback, and upgraded to enhance your learning experience!💖

1. Speech recognition!🔊
See what you’re saying to improve your pronunciation
2. More practice!🧪
Review what you’ve learned with our review quiz!

1. UNIT 2 is finally up!🌟
Thank you so much for your patience. Hope you enjoy Unit 2
2. Special Unit🌈
Because you’ve been so patient with us, we’ve prepared a special unit! Check out our Drama Contents!

-Yeji and Team Teuida
18 авг. 2022 г.
👂Teuida has been listening to your feedback, and upgraded to enhance your learning experience!💖

1. Speech recognition!🔊
See what you’re saying to improve your pronunciation
2. More practice!🧪
Review what you’ve learned with our review quiz!

1. UNIT 2 is finally up!🌟
Thank you so much for your patience. Hope you enjoy Unit 2
2. Special Unit🌈
Because you’ve been so patient with us, we’ve prepared a special unit! Check out our Drama Contents!

-Yeji and Team Teuida
3 авг. 2022 г.
👂Teuida has been listening to your feedback, and upgraded to enhance your learning experience!💖

1. Speech recognition!🔊
See what you’re saying to improve your pronunciation
2. More practice!🧪
Review what you’ve learned with our review quiz!

1. UNIT 2 is finally up!🌟
Thank you so much for your patience. Hope you enjoy Unit 2
2. Special Unit🌈
Because you’ve been so patient with us, we’ve prepared a special unit! Check out our Drama Contents!

-Yeji and Team Teuida
15 июл. 2022 г.
👂Teuida has been listening to your feedback, and upgraded to enhance your learning experience!💖

1. Speech recognition!🔊
See what you’re saying to improve your pronunciation
2. More practice!🧪
Review what you’ve learned with our review quiz!

1. UNIT 2 is finally up!🌟
Thank you so much for your patience. Hope you enjoy Unit 2
2. Special Unit🌈
Because you’ve been so patient with us, we’ve prepared a special unit! Check out our Drama Contents!

-Yeji and Team Teuida
8 июл. 2022 г.
Teuida is on the NEXT LEVEL 🎶
We’re now offering more than just conversational dramas!

1. New Curriculum
Master our new curriculum, and pass level 1 of TOPIK like a pro. 🏄‍♀️
2. Vocab Flashcards
Memorize words that will help you with learning new expressions. 🌴
3. Fun Exercises
Play games to improve long term memory. 🧠
4. Friendly Lessons & Conversations
Experience fun grammar / language classes for the first time! 🗣
5. Badges
Reward yourself with special badges ⭐
20 июн. 2022 г.
Teuida is on the NEXT LEVEL 🎶
We’re now offering more than just conversational dramas!

1. New Curriculum
Master our new curriculum, and pass level 1 of TOPIK like a pro. 🏄‍♀️
2. Vocab Flashcards
Memorize words that will help you with learning new expressions. 🌴
3. Fun Exercises
Play games to improve long term memory. 🧠
4. Friendly Lessons & Conversations
Experience fun grammar / language classes for the first time! 🗣
5. Badges
Reward yourself with special badges ⭐
7 июн. 2022 г.
Yay! Here's what's up in our newest update for Teuida. 🍭

1. Mic Issues Solved 🎤
Bye mic issues! This had been one of the biggest problems for Android devices and we've finally fixed it.

2. Community Tab and Notifications 🍫
Were you drowning in fandom posts when all you wanted was to find that grammar post by Yeji? Solved! Now you have different tabs to organize them.

Enjoy :)
and as always, let us know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

-Nelson and Team Teuida 🙆🏻‍♂️
Yay! Here's what's up in our newest update for Teuida. 🍭

1. Mic Issues Solved 🎤
Bye mic issues! This had been one of the biggest problems for Android devices and we've finally fixed it.

2. Community Tab and Notifications 🍫
Were you drowning in fandom posts when all you wanted was to find that grammar post by Yeji? Solved! Now you have different tabs to organize them.

Enjoy :)
and as always, let us know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

-Nelson and Team Teuida 🙆🏻‍♂️
19 мая 2022 г.
Yay! Here's what's up in our newest update for Teuida. 🍭

1. Mic Issues Solved 🎤
Bye mic issues! This had been one of the biggest problems for Android devices and we've finally fixed it.

2. Community Tab and Notifications 🍫
Were you drowning in fandom posts when all you wanted was to find that grammar post by Yeji? Solved! Now you have different tabs to organize them.

Enjoy :)
and as always, let us know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

-Nelson and Team Teuida 🙆🏻‍♂️
12 мая 2022 г.
Yay! Here's what's up in our newest update for Teuida. 🍭

1. Mic Issues Solved 🎤
Bye mic issues! This had been one of the biggest problems for Android devices and we've finally fixed it.

2. Community Tab and Notifications 🍫
Were you drowning in fandom posts when all you wanted was to find that grammar post by Yeji? Solved! Now you have different tabs to organize them.

Enjoy :)
and as always, let us know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

-Nelson and Team Teuida 🙆🏻‍♂️
26 апреля 2022 г.
Yay! Here's what's up in our newest update for Teuida. 🍭

1. Mic Issues Solved 🎤
Bye mic issues! This had been one of the biggest problems for Android devices and we've finally fixed it.

2. Community Tab and Notifications 🍫
Were you drowning in fandom posts when all you wanted was to find that grammar post by Yeji? Solved! Now you have different tabs to organize them.

Enjoy :)
and as always, let us know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

-Nelson and Team Teuida 🙆🏻‍♂️
18 апреля 2022 г.
Yay! Here's what's up in our newest update for Teuida. 🍭

1. Mic Issues Solved 🎤
Bye mic issues! This had been one of the biggest problems for Android devices and we've finally fixed it.

2. Community Tab and Notifications 🍫
Were you drowning in fandom posts when all you wanted was to find that grammar post by Yeji? Solved! Now you have different tabs to organize them.

Enjoy :)
and as always, let us know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

-Nelson and Team Teuida 🙆🏻‍♂️
30 марта 2022 г.
Learning Korean can feel lonely at times, right?😢
With our new update, you won't have to worry about that anymore. 😌

Introducing Teuida Community! 🔥

You will now be able to encourage each other in your Korean learning journey.
Share tips, struggles, questions, and concerns with other fellow Korean learners!

We have also fixed some bugs regarding lessons not playing properly!


-Nelson and Team Teuida
15 марта 2022 г.
We have opened new content for FREE!
You can watch 8 episodes through the Branded Contents section, and it’s free for life!
Learn new Korean expressions and take advantage of this new section!
TEUIDA will always provide fun contents so that you can learn more Korean expression and speak them!

-Team Teuida
7 марта 2022 г.
We have opened new content for FREE!
You can watch 8 episodes through the Branded Contents section, and it’s free for life!
Learn new Korean expressions and take advantage of this new section!
TEUIDA will always provide fun contents so that you can learn more Korean expression and speak them!

-Team Teuida
2 марта 2022 г.
We have opened new content for FREE!
You can watch 8 episodes through the Branded Contents section, and it’s free for life!
Learn new Korean expressions and take advantage of this new section!
TEUIDA will always provide fun contents so that you can learn more Korean expression and speak them!

-Team Teuida
18 февраля 2022 г.
We have opened new content for FREE!
You can watch 8 episodes through the Branded Contents section, and it’s free for life!
Learn new Korean expressions and take advantage of this new section!
TEUIDA will always provide fun contents so that you can learn more Korean expression and speak them!

-Team Teuida
28 января 2022 г.
We have opened new content for FREE!
You can watch 8 episodes through the Branded Contents section, and it’s free for life!
Learn new Korean expressions and take advantage of this new section!
TEUIDA will always provide fun contents so that you can learn more Korean expression and speak them!

-Team Teuida
14 января 2022 г.
We have opened new content for FREE!
You can watch 8 episodes through the Branded Contents section, and it’s free for life!
Learn new Korean expressions and take advantage of this new section!
TEUIDA will always provide fun contents so that you can learn more Korean expression and speak them!

-Team Teuida
28 декабря 2021 г.
We have opened new content for FREE!
You can watch 8 episodes through the Branded Contents section, and it’s free for life!
Learn new Korean expressions and take advantage of this new section!
TEUIDA will always provide fun contents so that you can learn more Korean expression and speak them!

-Team Teuida
20 декабря 2021 г.
You know Teuida is all about SPEAKING 🗣
But when our users talk, we LISTEN. 👂🏻

This update has a brand new UI with a handful of the most requested features!

1) Can I listen to the pronunciation mid-conversation? Yup, we got you!
2) Can I navigate freely through conversations? Yes you can!

All of these awesome features PLUS a whole new level 1 content!

At this rate, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say Teuida is all about listening, huh?

-Team Teuida
10 декабря 2021 г.
You know Teuida is all about SPEAKING 🗣
But when our users talk, we LISTEN. 👂🏻

This update has a brand new UI with a handful of the most requested features!

1) Can I listen to the pronunciation mid-conversation? Yup, we got you!
2) Can I navigate freely through conversations? Yes you can!

All of these awesome features PLUS a whole new level 1 content!

At this rate, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say Teuida is all about listening, huh?

-Team Teuida
29 ноября 2021 г.
You know Teuida is all about SPEAKING 🗣
But when our users talk, we LISTEN. 👂🏻

This update has a brand new UI with a handful of the most requested features!

1) Can I listen to the pronunciation mid-conversation? Yup, we got you!
2) Can I navigate freely through conversations? Yes you can!

All of these awesome features PLUS a whole new level 1 content!

At this rate, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say Teuida is all about listening, huh?

-Team Teuida
18 ноября 2021 г.
You know Teuida is all about SPEAKING 🗣
But when our users talk, we LISTEN. 👂🏻

This update has a brand new UI with a handful of the most requested features!

1) Can I listen to the pronunciation mid-conversation? Yup, we got you!
2) Can I navigate freely through conversations? Yes you can!

All of these awesome features PLUS a whole new level 1 content!

At this rate, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say Teuida is all about listening, huh?

-Team Teuida
14 сентября 2021 г.
Teuida is now teaching Japanese!

In our last survey, we asked which language you would be interested in learning next.
Seeing that so many people were interested in Japanese, we decided to go ahead and create a beta version.
We've added more grammar points in the lessons and made the conversations longer as many of you requested.

Please give it a try and let us know what you think! It's completely FREE!
If enough people love it, we may very well launch a full version in the future.

Способы взлома Teuida: Learn Languages

Скачать Teuida: Learn Languages MOD APK 1.19.20

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