Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs Mod Apk

Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs Взлом - Mod Apk 3.17.2

Разработчик: Musopia
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно


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Изучите игру на гитаре с помощью приложения JustinGuitar — самого надежного приложения для обучения игре на гитаре, которым пользуются более 1 миллиона пользователей! Это приложение предлагает лучший способ освоить уроки игры на гитаре, помогая новичкам быстро и эффективно освоить игру на гитаре. Погрузитесь в комплексные уроки игры на гитаре, охватывающие все: от навыков настройки гитары до легкого исполнения песен, аккордов и трюков. Это идеальное приложение для обучения игре на гитаре разработано лучшим в мире преподавателем игры на гитаре Джастином Сандерко, что делает его идеальным приложением для всех ваших потребностей в обучении игре на гитаре.

Это приложение Justin Guitar предназначено для начинающих и использует проверенные и проверенные уроки игры на гитаре Джастина, методы и приемы обучения, разработанные за более чем 20 лет опыта обучения миллионов начинающих гитаристов, таких же, как вы!

Мастер с экспертом, уроками и учебными пособиями. Изучите гитарные аккорды, мелодию, гаммы и многое другое.

Научитесь легко играть на гитаре: ваша главная задача с Guitar Tricks & Scales.
🎸 Веселые и эффективные уроки игры на гитаре для начинающих
🎸 Уровень курса: начальный 1 и 2 класс и совершенно новый 3 класс!
🎸 210 видео уроков по гутайру (всего 36 часов)
🎸 Отобранные вручную песни для отработки каждого модуля.
🎸 Короткие уроки, которые можно быстро выучить в удобном для вас темпе.
🎸 Более 1500 хитов для гитары, плюс регулярно добавляются новые песни!
🎸 Инновационные цветные аккорды помогут вам быстрее научиться играть гитарные аккорды.
🎸 Простой в использовании гитарный тюнер ·
🎸 НОВАЯ звуковая технология - как при игре с настоящей группой
🎸 НОВАЯ опция вокала с минусовками
🎸 НОВЫЙ интерфейс просмотра песен для поиска песен в новых добавленных темах, помимо жанров, модулей и коллекций аккордов.
🎸 НОВЫЕ плейлисты для создания списков песен для автоматического воспроизведения и совместного использования.

Изучите гитарные аккорды:

JustinGuitar — универсальное обучающее приложение. Получите гитарный тюнер и песенник с фильтром аккордов, а также удобный для начинающих проигрыватель песен с уникальными цветными аккордами. Благодаря интерактивным урокам игры на гитаре вы научитесь играть на гитаре, попрактикуетесь в игре на аккордах и учитесь самым эффективным и приятным способом.

Слушайте свои любимые песни с Джастином:

Практикуйте свои гитарные аккорды и играйте под песни в стиле поп, рок и кантри. Наш интерактивный проигрыватель песен специально разработан для всех и обладает такими замечательными функциями, как замедление темпа или сопровождение текста, а также отображение гитарных аккордов.

Опыт работы в гитарной группе:

Представляем новую современную звуковую систему, которая обеспечивает ощущение настоящей гитарной группы и добавляет возможность вокала. Теперь ваша тренировка будет звучать так, как будто вы играете с настоящей группой и своим собственным вокалистом!

Ваш личный учитель игры на гитаре и тренер по игре на гитаре — Джастин!

Известный своим дружелюбным и увлекательным стилем преподавания, Джастин делает уроки игры на гитаре увлекательными и эффективными, а также сохраняет мотивацию на протяжении всего учебного пути – точно так же, как если бы у вас был личный учитель! У Джастина отличный способ объяснять и преподавать уроки для начинающих, и он помогает легко освоить даже самые сложные навыки, такие как смена аккордов на гитаре или игра на ударных.


Программа ежедневной практики объединяет все основные упражнения для каждого модуля в веселую и эффективную 10-минутную программу, которую вы можете повторять ежедневно, пока не будете готовы перейти к следующему модулю.

Обратная связь: [email protected]

Приложение предлагает несколько пакетов подписки с ПОЛНЫМ ДОСТУПОМ, которые открывают неограниченный доступ ко всей коллекции песен и ко всем этапам обучения.

Плата за подписку списывается с вашей учетной записи Google Play после подтверждения покупки. Все подписки будут АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИ продлеваться, если автоматическое продление не будет отключено как минимум за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода. С вашей учетной записи Google Play будет снята стоимость продления, равная стоимости исходной подписки, в течение 24 часов до окончания текущего периода.

Вы можете управлять своими подписками и отключить автоматическое продление в настройках учетной записи после покупки. Подписки не подлежат возврату и не могут быть отменены в течение активного периода подписки.
Политика конфиденциальности: http://musopia.net/justin-privacypolicy.
Условия использования: https://musopia.net/terms.

История обновлений

Christmas and the New Year are around the corner— now is the perfect time to pick up the guitar with the Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs App!
New Karaoke Mode: Try the fresh UI and share your feedback!
One Minute Changes: Added a chord detection toggle for more control.
Fixed fretboard scaling in tablet exercises.
Removed built-in count-in for The Musopians songs.
Restored automatic result filling for One Minute Changes.
Improved Recommended Songs to exclude overly complex chords.
Christmas and the New Year are around the corner— now is the perfect time to pick up the guitar with the Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs App!
New Karaoke Mode: Try the fresh UI and share your feedback!
One Minute Changes: Added a chord detection toggle for more control.
Fixed fretboard scaling in tablet exercises.
Removed built-in count-in for The Musopians songs.
Restored automatic result filling for One Minute Changes.
Improved Recommended Songs to exclude overly complex chords.
Christmas and the New Year are around the corner— now is the perfect time to pick up the guitar with the Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs App!
New Karaoke Mode: Try the fresh UI and share your feedback!
One Minute Changes: Added a chord detection toggle for more control.
Fixed fretboard scaling in tablet exercises.
Removed built-in count-in for The Musopians songs.
Restored automatic result filling for One Minute Changes.
Improved Recommended Songs to exclude overly complex chords.
Black Friday is here and so is the biggest sale of the year! Now is the perfect time to start learning guitar at a discount!
Learn faster and have more fun with our brand-new interactive exercises, making your practice sessions even more engaging.
You asked, we delivered! The Day 1 riff now features a visual tab display for easier viewing and learning.
We've enhanced chord recognition in One-Minute-Changes
Black Friday is here and so is the biggest sale of the year! Now is the perfect time to start learning guitar at a discount!
Learn faster and have more fun with our brand-new interactive exercises, making your practice sessions even more engaging.
You asked, we delivered! The Day 1 riff now features a visual tab display for easier viewing and learning.
We've enhanced chord recognition in One-Minute-Changes
There’s never been a better time to begin your guitar-learning journey with this exciting update!
Alongside new songs being added frequently, we’ve also made some big changes to the app including...
The learn page, song page and practice page have had a full redesign making the app sleeker and easier to navigate!
We’ve fixed an issue where some users were unable to complete certain practice sessions!
We've made some minor improvements to the app to ensure its stability and enjoyability!
There’s never been a better time to begin your guitar-learning journey with this exciting update!
Alongside new songs being added frequently, we’ve also made some big changes to the app including…
The song page and practice page have had a full redesign making the app sleeker and easier to navigate!
We’ve fixed an issue where some users were unable to complete the practice sessions in module 8!
We've made some minor improvements to the app to ensure its stability and maximum enjoyment!
We're introducing a game-changing feature for guitar enthusiasts like you: PERSONALIZED SONG RECOMMENDATIONS. It's now easier than ever to explore the songs based on your skill level and what you have already learned!
We understand that mastering the guitar is an incredible journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way. With our latest update, practicing has never been more exciting and rewarding.
We've also added new songs & made minor improvements to the app.
There's never been a better time to start your guitar-learning journey!
BREAKING NEWS!!! Have you been looking to master your right-hand strumming? Well, look no further than the brand-new strumming course worth $39 included for free when you are on a yearly plan!
The design of the tuner in the app has been changed!
We’ve added a new practice tab that makes navigating easier!
We've made minor improvements to the app!
If you are enjoying the JustinGuitar App, please rate and review it!
There's never been a better time to start your guitar-learning journey!
We've made some major changes to the app that we hope you all enjoy!
Grade 3 has arrived!
Chord recognition is now available for the ‘One Minute Changes’ exercises in the app!
We’ve increased the font size within exercises
We fixed an issue where uncommon email address endings were excluded from creating an account
-We've made minor improvements to the app!
If you are enjoying the JustinGuitar App, please rate and review it!
There's never been a better time to start your guitar-learning journey!
We've made some major changes to the app that we hope you all enjoy!
Grade 3 has arrived!
Chord recognition is now available for the ‘One Minute Changes’ exercises in the app!
We’ve increased the font size within exercises
We fixed an issue where uncommon email address endings were excluded from creating an account
-We've made minor improvements to the app!
If you are enjoying the JustinGuitar App, please rate and review it!
There's never been a better time to start your guitar-learning journey!
Alongside new songs being added frequently, we've also made some great improvements to the app including:
- You asked and we listened! We’ve now improved the ‘Chord Perfect’ exercise in the app to allow it to listen to your playing and provide feedback, you’ll be playing perfect chords in no time at all!
- We've made minor improvements to the app!
If you are enjoying the JustinGuitar App, please rate and review!
8 мар. 2023 г.
There's never been a better time to start your guitar-learning journey!
Alongside new songs being added frequently, we've also made some great improvements to the app including:
- We fixed a bug where lessons were not marked as complete after watching!
- Your most recently played songs will now appear in the songs section!
- Added chord videos for Major 7th chords!
- If you are enjoying the JustinGuitar App, we’d be very grateful if you could please spread the word and rate/review!
28 февр. 2023 г.
There's never been a better time to start your guitar-learning journey!
Alongside new songs being added frequently, we've also made some great improvements to the app including:
- We fixed a bug where lessons were not marked as complete after watching!
- Your most recently played songs will now appear in the songs section!
- Added chord videos for Major 7th chords!
- If you are enjoying the JustinGuitar App, we’d be very grateful if you could please spread the word and rate/review!
27 дек. 2022 г.
Alongside new songs, we've made some great improvements in this release including:
- Create an in-app account today and easily transfer your progress/playlists to new devices as well as unleashing other useful features!
- Minor improvements to the app's overall speed and stability
If you are enjoying the JustinGuitar app, please spread the word and rate/review!
14 дек. 2022 г.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Alongside new Christmas songs, we've made some great improvements in this festive release including:
- Create an in-app account today and easily transfer your progress/playlists to new devices as well as unleashing other useful features!
- Minor improvements to the app's overall speed and stability
If you are enjoying the JustinGuitar app, please spread the word and rate/review!
23 нояб. 2022 г.
There's never been a better time to start your guitar-learning journey!
Alongside new songs being added every 2 weeks we've also made some great improvements to the app including:
The ‘Jump Back In’ feature has returned to the app meaning you can see what songs you have recently played without spending too much time searching!
We’ve made lots of minor improvements to the app's overall speed and stability!
Enjoying the JustinGuitar App? please feel free to rate, review and spread the word!
28 окт. 2022 г.
Now is the best time to learn guitar! We have added inspiring new songs for you as well as many improvements including:
* New Native Tuner Experience: our tuner has been transformed - it’s now much easier and faster to tune your guitar. Give it a go!
* Don’t forget to check out the ‘Day 1 Guitar Challenge’ and learn to play your first song in under 30 mins!
* Speed & Performance improvements
If you're enjoying the JustinGuitar app, please spread the word and leave us a review
6 окт. 2022 г.
New features & improvements in this new version:
NEW Day 1 Guitar Challenge - now you can learn to play a song on your first day! Justin will show you how to tune, and play a chord, and a song - all in just 30 mins!
New & Improved Tuner - tuning your guitar is much easier and faster with our new native tuner. Give it a try - we think you'll like it!
Strumming - we listen to your feedback and make the strumming pattern for each song easier to find and help improve your strum.
Song player fixes:
* Relocated rewind control upwards so it doesn’t conflict with system controls
* Added support for songs with 12/8 time signature (new tracks coming soon)
* Other small improvements and fixes

Practice session screen fixes:
* No longer jumps to the top when completing an exercise
Зависит от устройства
28 октября 2021 г.
* Stability and performance improvements

Способы взлома Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs

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