QuitNow PRO: бросайте курить Mod Apk

QuitNow PRO: бросайте курить Взлом - Mod Apk 11.0.12

Разработчик: Fewlaps
Категория: Медицина
Цена: 3 599,00 ₽ (Download for free)


Game screenshot QuitNow PRO: бросайте курить mod apkGame screenshot QuitNow PRO: бросайте курить hackGame screenshot QuitNow PRO: бросайте курить apk download


Если вам понравилось приложение QuitNow, приобретите версию Pro – она стоит меньше пачки сигарет!

- Разблокированный экран "Здоровье"
- Полностью настраиваемый виджет
- 52 дополнительных достижений
- Индикаторы упоминаний и уведомления в реальном времени
- Неограниченная прокрутка чата
- Никакой рекламы!
- Благодарность команды разработчиков :)
- ... ожидаются дополнительные преимущества!

История обновлений

Приветствуем вас в обновленной версии 11.0.12 нашего приложения QuitNow! Мы исправили некоторые проблемы с уведомлениями, чтобы они работали так, как вы ожидаете. Теперь уведомления о упоминаниях в чате и достижениях по улучшению здоровья ведут вас туда, куда нужно. Мы продолжаем работать, чтобы сделать ваш путь к отказу от курения еще более гладким. Поздравляем вас с тем, что вы уже сделали, и помните, что мы всегда готовы прислушаться к вашим отзывам и предложениям на [email protected]. ...
Приветствуем вас в новой версии 10.9.0 нашего приложения QuitNow! Мы добавили 20% скидку на подарочные карты для пользователей PRO, учли високосные года на экране достижений, и теперь показываем 3 достижения в ряд вместо 2, если устройство находится в альбомной ориентации или экран достаточно большой. Также мы сделали описания достижений более привлекательными. Мы продолжаем работать, чтобы помочь вам в отказе от курения. Поздравляем вас с вашим успехом! Если у вас есть отзывы, пожалуйста, на...
Приветствуем вас в новой версии 10.8.0 QuitNow! Мы обновили дизайн экрана с информацией для тех, кто хочет бросить курить, и добавили контент для наших испаноязычных пользователей. Также теперь вы можете управлять своими предпочтениями относительно отслеживания данных в рекламе, благодаря новому экрану согласия. Мы всегда рады вашим отзывам и предложениям на [email protected]. Поздравляем вас с тем, что вы решили бросить курить! Ваша поддержка и успех - наша главная мотивация.
Привет! Мы рады представить вам обновленную версию 10.7.0 нашего приложения QuitNow! Теперь вы можете войти в систему с помощью Apple на своих Android-устройствах. Мы всегда рады услышать ваши отзывы и предложения на [email protected]. Продолжайте в том же духе, вы делаете отличную работу, бросая курить!
Привет, друзья! Мы рады представить вам новую версию 10.4.0 QuitNow, в которой мы сделали ряд технических улучшений для более комфортного использования. Мы очень ценим ваше мнение, поэтому не забудьте отправить нам свои отзывы на [email protected]. Поздравляем вас с тем, что вы решили бросить курить!
Приветствуем вас в обновленной версии 10.3.2 QuitNow! Мы продолжаем работать над техническими улучшениями, чтобы сделать ваш путь к отказу от курения еще более гладким. Мы всегда рады вашим отзывам и предложениям на [email protected]. Поздравляем вас с тем, что вы решили бросить курить!
Привет! Мы рады представить вам обновленную версию 10.3.1 QuitNow, в которой мы внесли ряд технических улучшений для более комфортного использования. Мы гордимся вашими успехами в бросании курить! Если у вас есть отзывы или предложения, пожалуйста, напишите нам на [email protected].
Привет! Мы рады представить вам обновленную версию 10.1.1 нашего приложения QuitNow. Мы устранили ошибку, которая могла вызывать сбои приложения, и улучшили процесс регистрации новых пользователей. Также мы добавили поддержку большего количества языков для наших заметок о выпуске. Ваше мнение очень важно для нас, поэтому не стесняйтесь отправлять свои отзывы на [email protected]. Продолжайте в том же духе, мы гордимся вашими успехами в бросании курить!
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
12 февр. 2023 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
21 янв. 2023 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
22 дек. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
7 дек. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
7 дек. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
16 нояб. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
4 нояб. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
21 окт. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
5 окт. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
19 сент. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
20 авг. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
8 авг. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
28 июл. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
14 июл. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
7 июл. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
7 июн. 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
30 мая 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
6 мая 2022 г.
This version is a mix of huge and small things. On the huge side is the new breath section that will help you calm down, while on the other side there are a lot of tiny things that will improve your experience while using QuitNow. If you have any feedback about the app, please share it at [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
22 февраля 2022 г.
QuitNow has turned 10 years old, and to celebrate it, we have been working on this huge update that changes everything. We've put sooo much effort into it, and we sincerely hope that you like it a lot. If there's something you don't like or you miss from the old version, please share it on [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
11 февраля 2022 г.
QuitNow has turned 10 years old, and to celebrate it, we have been working on this huge update that changes everything. We've put sooo much effort into it, and we sincerely hope that you like it a lot. If there's something you don't like or you miss from the old version, please share it on [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
30 января 2022 г.
QuitNow has turned 10 years old, and to celebrate it, we have been working on this huge update that changes everything. We've put sooo much effort into it, and we sincerely hope that you like it a lot. If there's something you don't like or you miss from the old version, please share it on [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
16 декабря 2021 г.
QuitNow has turned 10 years old, and to celebrate it, we have been working on this huge update that changes everything. We've put sooo much effort into it, and we sincerely hope that you like it a lot. If there's something you don't like or you miss from the old version, please share it on [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
30 ноября 2021 г.
QuitNow has turned 10 years old, and to celebrate it, we have been working on this huge update that changes everything. We've put sooo much effort into it, and we sincerely hope that you like it a lot. If there's something you don't like or you miss from the old version, please share it on [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
21 ноября 2021 г.
QuitNow has turned 10 years old, and to celebrate it, we have been working on this huge update that changes everything. We've put sooo much effort into it, and we sincerely hope that you like it a lot. If there's something you don't like or you miss from the old version, please share it on [email protected]. Thank you so much for being there, and congratulations on your quit!
10 ноября 2021 г.
This version of QuitNow is just... better than the one before! We're constantly improving QuitNow, so make sure you always download the latest version.

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Have a question? Check the que F.A.Q. section in the preferences screen or visit quitnow.app/faq

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Скачать QuitNow PRO: бросайте курить MOD APK 11.0.12

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