ibis Paint X Mod Apk

ibis Paint X Взлом - Mod Apk 12.2.13

Разработчик: ibis inc.
Категория: Искусство и дизайн
Цена: Бесплатно


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ibis Paint X — это популярное и универсальное приложение для рисования, загруженное в общей сложности более 400 миллионов раз в виде серии, которая содержит более 47000 кистей, более 21000 материалов, более 2100 шрифтов, 84 фильтров, 46 скринтонов, 27 режимов наложения, запись процессов рисования, мазки. функция стабилизации, различные функции линейки, такие как линейки радиальных линий или линейки симметрии, а также функции обтравочной маски.

*Рисование лекции Канал YouTube
Курс рисования На канале YouTube мы распространяем много полезных способов использования ibis Paint.
Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь.

*Концепция · Особенности
- Аутентичное приложение для рисования, превосходящее программное обеспечение для ПК!
- Чувство приятного рисования плавно, высокая скорость работы с использованием технологии OpenGL!
- Возможность сохранения процесса рисования рисунка в виде фильма!
- Прикладное приложение с функцией SNS, чтобы научиться рисовать изображение!

Ориентируясь на совместное использование видео в процессе рисования изображений, мы также улучшили функцию в качестве приложения рисования.

[Функция кисти]
- Гладкая, максимально 60 кадров в секунду
- Более 47000 вида кистей, таких как G-перо, ручка, цифровая ручка, воздушная щетка, круглая щетка, плоская щетка, карандаш, масляная краска, уголь, карандаш, штамп

[Функция уровня]
- Функция уровня, которая может быть добавлена неограниченно
- режимы наложения, такие как непрозрачность на слой, альфа-смешивание, сложение, вычитание, умножение

*О планах приобретения ibis Paint
Для ibis Paint доступны следующие планы покупки:
- ibis Paint X (бесплатная версия)
- ibis Paint (платная версия)
- Удалить дополнение к рекламе
- Премиум-подписка (Месячная подписка / Годовая подписка)
В платной и бесплатной версиях нет никакой разницы в возможностях, кроме наличия или отсутствия рекламы.
Если вы приобретете дополнение Удалить дополнение к рекламе, реклама не будет отображаться и не будет никаких отличий от платной версии ibis Paint.
Для использования более продвинутых функций необходимы следующие контракты Премиум-подписка (Месячная подписка / Годовая подписка).

Премьер-член может использовать основные функции. Только в первый раз вы можете использовать 7-дневный или 30-дневный бесплатный пробный период. Если вы станете Премиум-подписка, вы сможете использовать следующие функции и услуги.
- 20 ГБ емкости облачного хранилища
- Никакой рекламы
- Удаление полупрозрачных надписей в видео
- Неограниченное использование векторного инструмента(*1)
- Перемещение и масштабирование на векторном слое
- Первоклассные фильтры
- Основной корректирующий слой
- Изменение порядка произведений искусства в Моей галерее
- Настройка цвета фона экрана Canvas
- Создание анимационных работ любого размера
- Первоклассные материалы
- Первоклассные шрифты
- Первоклассные холсты
(*1) Вы можете пробовать его бесплатно до 1 часа в день.
* После того как вы получите Премиум-подписка с бесплатной пробной версией, плата за продление будет взиматься автоматически, если вы не отмените Премиум-подписка по крайней мере за 24 часа до окончания бесплатного пробного периода.
* Мы добавим премиум-функции в будущем, пожалуйста, обратите внимание на них.

*О сборе данных
- Только когда вы используете или собираетесь использовать SonarPen , приложение собирает звуковой сигнал от микрофона. Собранные данные используются только для связи с SonarPen и никогда не сохраняются и не отправляются в любое место.

*О вопросах и проблемах
Вопросы в обзоре, отчеты об ошибках не могут быть подтверждены и переписаны, поэтому обратитесь в службу поддержки ibis Paint.

*Условия использования ibisPaint

История обновлений

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug on devices with SoC of Exynos 2400 and GPU of Xclipse 940, such as Galaxy S24+, that some drawings disappeared after merging layers, and that fills by drawing tools were not drawn correctly.
- Fixed a bug that the display range of the window could be incorrect when the keyboard is closed by touching the screen in the artwork information window.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=158276433
[Improvements, Changes]
- Improved the Color window design.
- Changed the size of the toolbar icons and buttons on the Layer window.
- Changed so that when SonarPen is selected in Pressure Sensitive Stylus section of the Settings window, an alert is displayed if the app is not allowed to use the microphone.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=145443617
[Improvements, Changes]
- Changed advertisements' processing.

[New Features in ver.12.2.0]
- Added the ability to create folders in My Gallery.
- For tablet devices, added the floating view of the Layer window.
- Added the Watercolor filter to AI filter category.
- Added Contents Layer Selection function, which is available via Eyedropper tool.
- Added the ability to select a category of the Daily Ranking to be displayed on the title screen.
[Improvements, Changes]
- Changed so that the time-lapse playback screen and animation playback screen can be closed by flicking down.
- Improved canvas display accuracy during frame change operations in the animation function.
- Changed the Ping-Pong icon in the animation settings window.
- Added a link to the How to Delete Account page in the Settings window.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=81348948
[New Features]
- Added Animation function.
- Added Brush Search function.
- Added Material Search function.
- Added "Background Removal" filter to the "AI" filter category.
- Added "Spin Blur" filter to the "Blur" filter category.
- Added "Retro Game" filter to the "Artistic" filter category.
- Added "History" category to filter and adjustment layers.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed app name in R2L lang.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=78536238
[New Features]
- Added keyboard shortcuts to select Brush and Eraser tools.

[Improvements, Changes]
- Improved so that "_Restored" given to the artwork name after playback restoration is not duplicated.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug in which tapping outside of the Artwork Information window did not close the window.
For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=77703354
[Improvements, Changes]
- Improved alert when the Transform tool is selected on a vector layer such as a text layer.
- Changed so that the results can be toasted when saving a file.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that prevented saving when selecting "Save to Device" for sharing when exporting artwork and settings files.
- Fixed a bug that layer images may become black-and-white noise on some devices.
For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=75695076
- Changed the shape of the ">" and "<" buttons in the Color and Brush windows to square.
- Narrowed the margin between the "Basic, Custom, Online" button and the brush list in the Brush window.
- Narrowed margins around "✓" and "✗" buttons.
- Some improvements with SonarPen support.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that caused some tutorials to be displayed even if the tutorial display was set to skip.
- Fixed choices in window to confirm import of PSD files.
[Improvements, Changes]
- "Cloud Synchronization" text color changed to black at the top of My Gallery.
- When "Upload Video to YouTube" is turned on, a window for setting the title, description, etc. of the YouTube video is now displayed when uploading.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that Google account could not be used to log in from "YouTube Channel" in the Settings Window.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=72856432
[Improvements, Changes]
- Exclude x86 and x86_64 from supported ABIs.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug in which undo/redo of canvas left/right, up/down flip did not flip only the selected layer left/right and up/down.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when trying to open My Gallery.
- Fixed a drawing problem when both "Anti-aliasing" and "Fixed Thickness" parameters are enabled.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=71107870
From this version, the supported OS is Android 5.0 or later.
We kindly ask for your understanding.

[New Features]
- Added "AI Super-resolution x2 (PNG)" to the Share button menu in My Gallery. (Images can be enlarged with high quality.)
- Added adjustment layer function.
- Added color history function.
- Added color mode function.
- Added "Invert Color" filter to the "Adjust Color" filter category.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=67066031
- Twitter account linked login function now supports Twitter API specification changes.
- Improved message when unable to connect when registering an Apple account.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug in which the expiration date of Facebook account credentials was not correctly determined.
- Fixed a bug that prevented in-app purchases when the Google Play Store app version is older.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=68448786
2 мар. 2023 г.
- Changed to save playback restored artworks as separate artworks.
- Improved to complete repair with the current playback result when an error occurs during playback restoration.
- Improved tab, category, and scroll position recording when closing the Material tool window, and restoring it the next time it is opened.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=65063351
16 янв. 2023 г.
- Improved the ability to save Rain filter videos to the device.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug in Relief filter that caused the area around the relief to become unnaturally transparent.
- Fixed a bug that the picture on a layer may shift when using screen tones.
- Fixed a bug that the image of a layer may become monochrome noise state on some devices.

For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=60708209
24 дек. 2022 г.
Thank you for using ibis Paint X!
The summary of this update is as follows.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Addresses a bug in the most recent update, Ver. 10.0.3 (a problem related to left-right flipping of layers).
30 нояб. 2022 г.
- Added "Show Frame around Object" switch to Translate Scale command of Transform tool. (Translate Scale command of Transform tool will operate in the same way as before ver.10 if this switch is set to off.)
For more details of ver.10.0.2, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=56088921

[New Features in ver.10.0.0]
- Changed maximum canvas size from 4096px to 16384px and now 600dpi on A4 paper is supported (On some devices it is not supported due to hardware limitations).
21 нояб. 2022 г.
- Changed maximum canvas size from 4096px to 16384px and now 600dpi on A4 paper is supported (On some devices it is not supported due to hardware limitations).
- Added the ability to display the guidelines of the manga manuscript paper on the canvas.
- Added grid function to the View menu, which is added at the top of the Canvas screen.
- Added the ability to extend/reduce the selection area in the Selection menu.
For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=54735849
27 окт. 2022 г.
- Added splash screen display at startup.

[Fixed bugs and Problems]
- Fixed an issue where edited artworks may be overwritten by data in the cloud when using Cloud Storage feature.
- Fixed a case where the connection with Google Play was lost and add-ons could not be purchased, so that the connection is reconnected when disconnected.
30 сент. 2022 г.
- Changed the content of the alert that confirms the Privacy Policy at first startup.

[Fixed bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that may cause a crash in the ad privacy setting process.
14 сент. 2022 г.
- Enhanced compliance with privacy laws. Added a privacy section to Settings, etc.

[Fixed bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that caused the screentone of Manga Background to be incorrect on some devices.
- The screentone of Manga Background was unintentionally different from the layer's screen tone, so it was corrected to be the same.
- Modified the order in which the Eyedropper tool's reference segment controls are displayed to match the order in which they appear elsewhere.
7 авг. 2022 г.
[Fixed bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that repeated 2/3 finger tap gestures may result in loss of operation.

[New Features in ver.9.4.5]
- Added the ability to be notified of app updates and other notifications.
- Added the ability to move, zoom in/out, and rotate by keyboard and single point touch or pen operation.

For more details of ver.9.4.5, please see the News in our website.
1 авг. 2022 г.
[New Features]
- Added the ability to be notified of app updates and other notifications.
- Added the ability to move, zoom in/out, and rotate by keyboard and single point touch or pen operation.

- Changed to display a description of the upload before uploading the artwork to ibispaint.com.
- Maximum brush thickness extended to 16,384px.

For more details of ver.9.4.5, please see the News in our website.
25 мая 2022 г.
[Fixed bugs and Problems]
- Fixed an issue where the wait indicator continued when a artwork could not be opened due to insufficient capacity.
- Fixed an issue of failure to share artworks to Google Drive on some devices.

[New Features in ver.9.4.0]
- Added "Rain" filter.
- Added PSD import function.
- Added Reference window function.

For more details of ver.9.4.0, please see the News in our website.
[Fixed bugs and Problems]
- Fixed an issue where the wait indicator continued when a artwork could not be opened due to insufficient capacity.
- Fixed an issue of failure to share artworks to Google Drive on some devices.

[New Features in ver.9.4.0]
- Added "Rain" filter.
- Added PSD import function.
- Added Reference window function.

For more details of ver.9.4.0, please see the News in our website.
21 апреля 2022 г.
[Fixed bugs and Problems]
- Fixed crashes when tapping Online Gallery button etc.
- Fixed a bug that the resolution may not be reflected when creating a canvas from a PNG.
- Fixed translation of the "Import Reference" in Reference Window to Russian and Traditional Chinese.

[New Features in ver.9.4.0]
- Added "Rain" filter.
- Added PSD import function.

For more details of ver.9.4.0, please see the News in our website.
18 января 2022 г.
From this version, the supported OS is Android 4.4 or later.
We kindly ask for your understanding.

[New Features]
- Added "Satin" filter to "Style" filter category.

- Improved memory usage when editing artworks.
- Changed the design of the Prime feature icon to make them easier to see.
- Changed to show the Prime feature icon even Prime Membership has been obtained.

For more details please see the News in our website.
1 декабря 2021 г.
[Changes in ver.9.2.2 - 9.2.3]
- Improved the user interface for cloud storage.
- Improved the palm rejection function for the standard Android stylus.

[New Features in ver.9.2.0]
- Added the Cloud Storage feature.
- Added the Canvas Paper feature.
- Added "Levels Adjustment", "Replace Color" and "Bevel (Outer)" filters.

For more details please see the News in our website.
21 октября 2021 г.
[Changes in ver.9.1.3]
- Fixed a bug that prevented image files from being uploaded to Online Gallery.

For more details please see the News in our website.

[New Features in ver.9.1.0]
- Added "Find Edges (Handwriting)" to the "Adjust Color" filter category.
- Added a new brush parameter "Fill with Current Color" for the "Double" type.

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