Livly Island Mod Apk

Livly Island Взлом - Mod Apk 2.51.0

Разработчик: cocone corporation
Категория: Социальные
Цена: Бесплатно


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*Требуются новые владельцы!*

Мы вернулись! Остров Ливли⁠ — дом для тех загадочных существ, известных как живые существа, которые едят жуков и драгоценности экскрементов⁠ — был перезагружен!

Лаборатория Livly Reboot, расположенная где-то в Токио, ищет новых владельцев для проведения исследований этих загадочных существ, рожденных древним искусством алхимии.

Почему бы не начать новую и беззаботную жизнь в качестве исследователя, где вы сможете зарабатывать деньги по своему вкусу, одевать своего аватара-гомункула (гом) в модные наряды и украшать свой остров всевозможными захватывающими предметами.

Позаботьтесь о своей жизни

Тела Ливли меняют цвет, когда едят жуков. Кормите своих питомцев в рамках вашего исследования и превращайте их в цвета по вашему выбору. Самое приятное то, что живые какашки дают драгоценности, которые можно использовать для покупки вещей в магазине!

Одень своего мужчину

Подберите модный наряд для своего дома! Возможно, вы захотите, чтобы ваш дом соответствовал внешнему виду вашего бойкого, или, может быть, даже вместо этого соответствовал стилю вашего острова.

Украсьте свой остров

Думайте об острове, где живет ваш дом и ваша жизнь, как о чистом холсте. Вы можете заполнить его множеством предметов по вашему выбору и украсить его в любом стиле!

Выращивайте изменяющие жизнь фрукты

Полейте островные деревья волшебным эликсиром, и они принесут плоды, которые можно использовать для изготовления трансформирующего соединения под названием Необелмин. Используйте это зелье на своих вещах, чтобы увидеть, как они трансформируются!

Помогите в лаборатории

Вы можете устроиться на неполный рабочий день в лабораторию и получать вознаграждение, которое можно использовать для покупки предметов. Превратите свое живое исследовательское хобби в полезное предприятие!

Livly Island рекомендуется всем, кто

- Любит милых животных.

- Любит существ, которые выглядят или ведут себя немного иначе.

- Хочет домашнего питомца, но не может его завести.

- Хочет завести необычного питомца.

- Любит миниатюрные вещи и настольные сады.

- Увлекается модой и созданием аватаров.

- Любит слегка мрачноватый готический стиль.

- Просто хочет расслабляющее хобби.

История обновлений

This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Valentine’s events are now on their way.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・New Year’s events are now on their way.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Improvements to the External Sharing Function of Art Gallery Park have been made.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Christmas events are now on their way.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・You can now easily track the draws remaining until you receive a Soul-link Chat from Maharaja, the manager of New Mahara Shop.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・New fruit trading and gifting postage (GP→dd) will be available soon.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.

We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Halloween events are now on their way.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Osanpo Pocket Book is now accessible from the island screen.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Livly Island 2nd Anniversary events are now on their way.
・New owners can now pick their first livly from among all livly Neobelmin species when they register as a livly owner for the first time.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Livly Island 2nd Anniversary events are now on their way.
・A new area in G.L.L. Castle, Wisdom Chamber, will be unlocked soon.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・The all-new Gredery Shop is coming soon.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・All-new limited Lab Work for rookie owners is coming soon.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
23 мар. 2023 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Part of the tutorial for new livly owners has updated.
・New unisex starting fashion items have been added together with the tutorial update.
・The Livly Island app icon image has been updated for Easter.
・Easter events are now on their way.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
23 февр. 2023 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Item Lock feature has been added.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
12 февр. 2023 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
27 янв. 2023 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Valentine's events are now on their way.
・Display of other owners' names when visiting their islands has been readjusted.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
12 янв. 2023 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・The Livly Island app icon image has been changed back to the regular version.
・Owners can return GP Gifts in bulk to friends.
・Owners can tap on a friend's Friend Rank icon to check their Friend Points.
・Sort and Filter features have been modified on the Potions screen.
・An Exhaustion icon will appear on a livly's Bio-Record when they are tired.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
26 дек. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・The Music item type has been changed to layerable BGM and Ambience item types.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We will continue furthering our research and strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
22 дек. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・The Livly Island app icon image has been changed back to the New Year's version.
・A new title screen visual and other updates are coming soon.
・New Year's events are now on their way.
・Social media follow & connect feature has been added.
・The Complete Livlypedia has been added to Submenu>Other.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
7 дек. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
6 дек. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
24 нояб. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・The Livly Island app icon image has been updated for Christmas.
・A new title screen visual and in-app BGM are coming soon.
・Christmas events are now on their way.
・New Arrival marks display setting has been added.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We will continue furthering our research and strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
17 нояб. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
11 нояб. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Friend List can be filtered by tree type.
・Mutual auto-block feature has been added to Blocked List.
・Font size can be adjusted on message boards.
・Emoji display setting has been added.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We will continue furthering our research and strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.

We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
26 окт. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Preview of next level-up rewards is now available.
・The Livly Island app icon image has been changed back to the 20th Anniversary version.
・A new title screen visual and in-app BGM are coming soon.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We will continue furthering our research and strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.

We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
20 окт. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Item thumbnails can now be attached to posts on message boards.
・A new “All” tab has been added to the island decoration screen and hom and livly dress-up screens.
・New Arrival marks will now appear on thumbnails of newly acquired items.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We will continue furthering our research and strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
29 сент. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
13 сент. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・A chatbot (Trial version) feature has been added to New Mahara Shop.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We will continue furthering our research and strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
We appreciate your continued support of Livly Island.
1 сент. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
25 авг. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
18 авг. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Emojis can now be used on Message Boards.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
1 авг. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Sort feature has been added to the /join function.
・Improvements to item sorting in Trade and Gift functions have been made.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
19 июл. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
12 июл. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners. Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
24 июн. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・A celebration event for the upcoming 1st Anniversary of Livly Island Reboot is now on its way.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.
2 июн. 2022 г.
This is a notification from the Livly Reboot Laboratory.

・Island items that change color to match your main livly are now on their way.
・Issues are fixed with minor updates.

We strive to provide a comfortable environment for all owners.
Thank you for your continued support of Livly Island.

Способы взлома Livly Island

Скачать Livly Island MOD APK 2.51.0

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