Golfify - Golf Tournaments Mod Apk

Golfify - Golf Tournaments Взлом - Mod Apk 6.9.0

Разработчик: Golfify
Категория: Спорт
Цена: Бесплатно


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Создавайте соревнования по гольфу и управляйте ими интуитивно от начала до конца, предоставляя игрокам на поле и за его пределами гораздо более интерактивный игровой опыт. Играете ли вы в казуальную игру с друзьями или участвуете в соревновании из 100 групп, Golfify увеличит удовольствие от игры и уменьшит количество администратора, участвующего в организации соревнований по гольфу.

Создавайте соревнования

Любой желающий может создавать соревнования всего за несколько секунд. Выбирайте из множества игровых режимов и более 24 000 курсов по всему миру. Пригласите игроков присоединиться к соревнованию или добавьте их как неактивных пользователей. Для подсчета очков в группе должно быть только одно активное устройство. Это идеально, если у вас есть игроки, которые не хотят использовать приложение.

Таблицы лидеров и статистика в реальном времени

Хотите знать, какой результат вам нужен 18-го числа, чтобы обыграть друга или, может быть, даже выиграть чемпионат? Теперь вы можете. Игроки имеют доступ к полной таблице лидеров, которая обновляется в режиме реального времени, как в профессиональном турнире.

Посмотреть статистику

Когда игра в гольф закончена и результаты подтверждены, просмотрите свою статистику, чтобы увидеть, что вы можете улучшить в следующий раз.

Мы надеемся, что вам нравится использовать Golfify.

Следите за этим пространством, у нас есть несколько замечательных функций в разработке!

Golfify - оживление гольфа

История обновлений

- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- New Divisions feature to split the leaderboard into player categories.
- Seamless player management
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- New Divisions feature to split the leaderboard into player categories.
- Seamless player management
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- New Divisions feature to split the leaderboard into player categories.
- Seamless player management
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- New Divisions feature to split the leaderboard into player categories.
- Seamless player management
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- New Divisions feature to split the leaderboard into player categories.
- Seamless player management
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- New Divisions feature to split the leaderboard into player categories.
- Seamless player management
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- New Leaderboards: See richer data for each player and sort the leaderboard by any property and hide the leaderboard when needed.
- New Games: Skins, custom points and special contests like closest the pin.
- More features and fixes !
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- Event Sponsor Analytics: See how much exposure your sponsors get.
- Improved create event flows, create a new event in just a few taps.
- Lots more features, bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Specify rounds to count for individual, team and groups in Multi Round Events.
- Directly edit course information for your event
2 янв. 2023 г.
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- Event Sponsor Analytics: See how much exposure your sponsors get.
- Improved create event flows, create a new event in just a few taps.
- Lots more features, bug fixes and performance improvements.
11 дек. 2022 г.
- Unlocked features: Try all of Golfify’s features, including our incredible Ryder Cup Style events, without a subscription for events with less than 8 players.
- Event Sponsor Analytics: See how much exposure your sponsors get.
- Improved create event flows, create a new event in just a few taps.
- Lots more features, bug fixes and performance improvements.
8 нояб. 2022 г.
- Reactivate scorecards: The host can re-activate any scorecard in a live event, and make corrections.
- Raw handicaps: When using raw handicaps, players will get their handicap without any adjustment for the course. This is great for groups with their own handicap system.
- Bulk Upload: Upload all your players using a spreadsheet file.
- Group Team Scores to Count: This allows hosts to create events similar to the LIV tour.
- Lots more features, bug fixes and performance improvements.
15 сент. 2022 г.
- Reactivate scorecards: The host can re-activate any scorecard in a live event, and make corrections.
- Raw handicaps: When using raw handicaps, players will get their handicap without any adjustment for the course. This is great for groups with their own handicap system.
- Bulk Upload: Upload all your players using a spreadsheet file.
- Group Team Scores to Count: This allows hosts to create events similar to the LIV tour.
- Lots more features, bug fixes and performance improvements.

Способы взлома Golfify - Golf Tournaments

Скачать Golfify - Golf Tournaments MOD APK 6.9.0

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