for Spotify Mod Apk for Spotify Взлом - Mod Apk 1.10.0

Разработчик: StatsFM B.V.
Категория: Музыка и аудио
Цена: Бесплатно


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Ваша музыка, ваша статистика, ваша история!

Имея более 10 миллионов пользователей по всему миру, более 100 миллионов статистических данных о треках, более 14 миллионов альбомов и более 6 миллионов исполнителей, с помощью вы сможете получить представление о своих самых прослушиваемых песнях и исполнителях за любой период, который вы только можете себе представить!

↪ ранее назывался Spotistats

Не хотите ждать конца года, чтобы увидеть свой Spotify Wrapped? Или не нравится дизайн и предоставленная бесполезная информация? Нет проблем, здесь, чтобы показать вам все, что вы когда-либо хотели, и даже больше!

С Plus можно даже узнать, сколько раз вы слушали свои любимые песни!

Узнайте больше о своем слушательском поведении!

Вся ваша история прослушивания в одном месте:
• Ваши лучшие треки, лучшие исполнители, лучшие альбомы и даже лучшие жанры.
• Когда вы слушаете (часы прослушивания и многое другое)
• Сколько вы слушаете (количество воспроизведений, минуты/часы потокового вещания)
• Какая музыка (живая, энергичная и т. д.)
И еще много статистики и крутых графиков

Прогибайтесь перед друзьями

Вы можете не только просматривать статистику своей учетной записи, но даже можете искать, добавлять своих друзей и сравнивать с ними свою статистику!

Ваше личное путешествие

Подробная и точная статистика о ваших любимых песнях, исполнителях или плейлистах:
• Счетчик прослушиваний (сколько раз и минут прослушивания)
• Насколько популярна песня/исполнитель/плейлист на Spotify.
• Для исполнителей/альбомов вы можете увидеть свои лучшие треки.
• Какой это тип музыки (живая, энергичная, танцевальная, инструментальная и т. д.)
• Топ слушателей (которые слушают песню/исполнителя/альбом больше всего)
• История потокового вещания этой песни/исполнителя/альбома за всю вашу жизнь.
И еще много статистики

Короче говоря, для Spotify — обязательный спутник Spotify.

Следите за нами, чтобы быть в курсе обновлений и интересных вещей:
Твиттер —
Дискорд -
Инстаграм —
ТикТок -
Реддит —

Примечание. Некоторые упомянутые функции требуют однократного импорта всей вашей истории потокового вещания. Spotify является товарным знаком Spotify AB. StatsFM B.V. никоим образом не связана со Spotify AB.

Загрузите сегодня и начните свое незабываемое путешествие!

Условия использования
Политика конфиденциальности

История обновлений

We got a new beta for you!
- Enhanced navigation experience for free trial users
- Resolved scrolling issues in grid view for top lists
- Added date range selector to the stats tab on artist, track, and album pages for imported users.
- Added a new streams per day chart with a full-screen mode for imported users!
- Fixed performance issues with the top page grid view, you should now be able to view up to 10,000 items without crashing the app for imported users.
- Fixed an issue that cause users block status being shown incorrectly.
- Added Swipefy links to the external links section of track, album, and artists pages.
- When tapped, the Swipefy badge on the user's profile page now brings you to their Swipefy page.
- Improvements to the top tab playlist creator and manager.
- Improvements to the chat embedded for artists, tracks, and albums.
- Possible fix for the top tab and the top listener's pages, grid view the third row sometimes out of order.
- Fixed direct difference not working for the stats tab.
- Fixes the app importer infinitely loading after trying to select the smaller "Account data" zip file.
- Fixed translation issue for non-English translations displaying hashtag instead of the stream count.
- Fixed the Japanese language option not switching the app to Japanese.
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to show a full-screen error when sending a first chat message with someone if it was an embedded link.
- Added support for Spotify's new extended data files in the app data importer.
- Improved the import message on the stats page to make the text more visible on the overlay.
- Fixed issues with user search making it hard to find people.
- Fixed overview page "More" button for stream stats displaying the incorrect tab selection when pressed.
- Fixed issue with the app defaulting to Azerbaijani instead of English when the phone's current language is not supported.
- Added new range options to the profile page and stats page for imported users.
- Added new explore filters, and you can now load more than the top 10 results.
- The overview page date range now saves what you selected for when you return to it.
- Fixes default to the stats tab on Artists/Tracks/Album pages message from not hiding after the user dismisses it.
- Fixes wording on the subtitle of the genres section on the stats page for viewing other users.
- Added option to Artists/Tracks/Album pages to default to the stats tab.
- Fix privacy issues for viewing other users stats page when they have something hidden
- Moved the users profiles top artists to be above top tracks.
- Improved the error message for when there is an issue with Spotify's login system.
- Fixed error on top listeners page if the user didn't have plus.
- Fixed issue with "More info and perks" button not working for plus users.
- Added detailed stats tab for tracks, albums, and artists pages (For imported users)!
- Added stats for how many times an album has shown up in your top tracks list (For imported users).
- Added support for Artist-mates (Filter soulmate matches by artists)!
- Added support for removing your profile photo.
- Added support for removing chat messages.
- Added option to block a user from their user page.
And much, much more! Check it out now :)
14 дек. 2022 г.
- Introducing Compare; You can now compare your stats with other users!
- Introducing Friends leaderboards; They are just like top listeners but with just your friends!
- Soulmates update; Soulmates now offers filter options & you can now refresh your matches!
- Added a new top charts share options for Plus users
- Added a new top charts date range selector for imported users.
- Added a new "Streams by year" chart
- View when you first listened to a track, album or artists
And much, much more!
9 сент. 2022 г.
Spotistats is now called for Spotify!

New features:
* Plus users can now view up to 10,000 of their top tracks, artists and albums!
* Introduced “Records”. Get a golden, silver or bronze record by being the #1, #2 or #3 top listener of an artist!
* Plus users can now import their streaming history directly from within the app
* The app now supports 120Hz
* Added a few languages
11 авг. 2022 г.
Introducing Soulmates! Find your musical soulmates against 5M+ fellow Spotistats users, chat and share new music with each other!
• Use the new soulmates feature on the friends tab, and find the top 100 users who share the same musical taste as you
• With the new chat feature it's much easier to reach out to people on the platform and share tracks, artists and albums
• Gave the user pages a new look to show more stats
• Redesigned a lot of small things
Fixed a lot of bugs/issues :)
18 июн. 2022 г.
Unfortunately not a lot of cool features this time but I've rewritten enormous parts of the app to allow for waaaaay more stats and game-breaking features in the next update. If you don't notice a lot of differences that's a good sign :)
11 апреля 2022 г.
- Reimplemented the friends pages to show a lot more stats
- Added notifications (friend requests, weekly/monthly summaries)
- Brought back the top genres page which shows your top artists for each genre
- Creating (syncing) top playlists actually works now
- Minor design changes
And lots of smaller bug fixes :)
19 марта 2022 г.
For Plus users:
- You can now order your top lists by minutes streamed instead of just the count
- Added 6 new exciting charts to the stats page
- Added syncing playlists
- Added minutes and times streamed to the tracks on the albums page

For everyone:
- Added position indicators to the top tracks etc page
- Added new stat specific privacy settings
- Added bio’s and pronouns to your user page
- You can now change your custom URL
- Added light mode and 25 new theme colors
10 ноября 2021 г.
- (Almost) all duplicate tracks, artists and albums are now merged for more accurate stats
- You can now see all the albums a specific track appears on
- Made the grid modes for the top items more clear

For Spotistats Plus users (after import):
- everything streams related loads over 10x faster now
- view up to 250 top tracks, artists and albums
- view your top 10 tracks for each artist

Added Romanian and Indonesian translations

Способы взлома for Spotify

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