Canasta Palace - Cards and Fun Mod Apk

Canasta Palace - Cards and Fun Взлом - Mod Apk 2025.1.1

Разработчик: Spiele-Palast Kartenspiele / Card Games
Категория: Карточные игры, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Canasta Palace – играйте в веселую игру Canasta вживую против реальных игроков.

Canasta, командная тактическая карточная игра с массой веселья! По сравнению с такими играми, как Рамми, Бридж или Фаза 10, Канаста требует, прежде всего, ума и тактических навыков. Теперь вы можете испытать ее онлайн и бесплатно в одном из крупнейших онлайн-сообществ карточных игр.

Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы заядлым фанатом или обычным игроком, с нами вы всегда найдете противника на уровне глаз. Удовольствие от игры в карты - наш приоритет, и мы приглашаем вас за наши карточные столы.

- Играйте вживую против реальных противников в любое время.
- Познакомьтесь с активным сообществом игроков.
- Общайтесь с другими фанатами Canasta Palace.

- Нет необходимости регистрироваться; просто начните играть.
- Наслаждайтесь прямой игрой благодаря автоматическому поиску игроков.
- Сортируйте карточки одним нажатием кнопки.

- Используйте оригинальные игральные карты Canasta или карты домов с оптимизированной разборчивостью.
- Выберите колоду карт: французскую, американскую, турнирную...
- Откройте для себя разнообразные специальные правила: 3 колоды, 3 джокера в колоде, 2 карты и другие.
- Играйте в соответствии с вашими личными предпочтениями и собственными правилами.

- Мы обеспечиваем постоянную поддержку нашей службы поддержки клиентов.
- Наша система тасования карт проверена независимыми экспертами и надежна.
- Настройки конфиденциальности в Canasta Palace можно гибко настраивать.

- Набирайте опыт и повышайте уровень.
- Канаста - это одновременно снятие стресса и тренировка памяти.
- Доберитесь до 10 лучших в лиге.
- В турнирах и за длинными столами вы можете повысить свою выносливость.

Цель Канасты - набрать как можно больше очков, вытягивая и удаляя карты сверстников. В отличие от Рамми, в Канасте нет цели закончить игру как можно быстрее. Для завершения раунда вам понадобится набор из семи карт, который называется естественной канастой. Смешанная канаста должна содержать как минимум четыре равные карты. Остальное можно заполнить дикими картами. В дополнение к Джокеру все двойки считаются дикими картами. Дикие карты могут заменить любую другую карту.

🔍 Поставьте лайк Canasta Palace на Facebook

🔍 Узнайте больше о нас и наших играх:

Вы можете скачать это приложение бесплатно. Игра всегда бесплатна. Однако вы можете приобрести дополнительные игровые улучшения, такие как игровые фишки, премиум-членство и специальные игральные карты в игре.
Для игры требуется активное подключение к Интернету.
Загружая приложение, вы соглашаетесь с нашими условиями и политикой конфиденциальности.



Если вам когда-нибудь понадобится помощь, не стесняйтесь обращаться в нашу дружелюбную службу поддержки клиентов:
[email protected]

Канаста в основном предназначена для взрослой аудитории. Согласно немецкому законодательству, Канаста не является азартной игрой. В нашем приложении нет реальных денег и реальных призов, которые можно выиграть. Практика или успех в играх казино без реальных выигрышей («Игры социального казино») не означает будущего успеха в играх на реальные деньги.

Canasta Palace - продукт компании Spiele-Palast GmbH (Palace of Cards). Игра с семьей, друзьями или целыми группами - одно из любимых развлечений для многих людей! Наша миссия - подарить радость от игры в цифровом доме в Карточном дворце и создать активное сообщество игроков с помощью высококачественных реализаций карточных онлайн-игр.

♣️ ♥️ Желаем удачи ♠️ ♦️

Ваша команда Canasta Palace

История обновлений

Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Fixed issues that arose due to connection problems.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Compliance update regarding Google's Ads policy
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Resolved an issue where players couldn’t leave the table after the game ended.
- Introduced new ad positions in the competition area.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Resolved issue with statistics where fixed round numbers were not fully visible
- Fixed application crashes occurring on iOS devices
- minor bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Improved language content.
- Improved consent management.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

* Rewarded video is available as a daily login reward.
* Improved Quickplay feature in different languages.
* Resolved minor visual bugs.
* Fixed issues with input fields.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Improved multiple localizations.
* Added retry feature in case of connection failures.
* UI improvement for rewarded ads.
* Rewarded video ads are available with login rewards.
* Added turn time display.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Fixed overlap issues with ad banners and buttons.
- Ensured proper removal of ad banners at game start.
- Fixed other banner-related issues.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Improved layout and user experience.
* Extended character selection for club names.
* Ads: Added Mediation Partner Unity Mediation.
* Fixed a bug regarding drawing a card.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Fixed bug regarding ads shown with premium.
* Updated and added languages.
* Improved user interface.
* Extended "Quick Play" settings.
* Better handling of errors for rewarded video ads
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Updated and added languages.
* Improved user interface.
* Extended "Quick Play" settings.
15 мар. 2023 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Updated language selection popup.
* Fixed position of chips in game list entry and minor visual bugs.
* Improved item titles for subscriptions.
* Added US-American Spanish, Latin American Spanish and Canadian French localization.
7 мар. 2023 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Implemented improvements concerning layout and usability.
* Fixed issues regarding Facebook login.
* Fixed a rare bug; users cannot end up on an empty server now.
* Fixed a bug that caused a freeze in certain game situations.
2 февр. 2023 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Fixed different display bugs.
* Improved the slot machine's display and language localization.
* Started A/B testing ads in the game.
4 янв. 2023 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Fixed bugs in the purchase flow and game help.
* Improved minor visual bugs regarding text fields.
* Finished shop layout a/b test.
* Removed old shop layout.
14 окт. 2022 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Improved: Premium subscription product overview, account securing process, introduction for new users.
* Fixed: reconnection after lock screen, minimization bug on Android 13 at the first start.
20 сент. 2022 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Improved support for Android 13.
26 июн. 2022 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
- added version information, visible from the settings
- improved the in-game turn countdown integration
- improved levelling information in the help section
- fixed orientation changes in the avatar customization screen
- improved flow for updates
28 апр. 2022 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
- added copy-to-clipboard buttons for user and table ids
- improved feedback when purchasing new decks
- improved purchase feedback
- improved visibility on some screens
- fixed Facebook links
24 февраля 2022 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- New shop design.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Fixed last trick popup overlapping results popup.
3 августа 2021 г.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Implemented improvements concerning layout and usability.
- Fixed several minor bugs.

Способы взлома Canasta Palace - Cards and Fun

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