CABCY: your taxi app in Cyprus Mod Apk

CABCY: your taxi app in Cyprus Взлом - Mod Apk 0.45.08

Разработчик: CABCY Systems Ltd
Категория: Путешествия
Цена: Бесплатно


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Приложение CABCY Taxi работает в Никосии, Лимассоле и Ларнаке на Кипре. Мы предлагаем мгновенные и предварительно забронированные поездки, честные цены и комфортабельные автомобили.

CABCY Taxi App Cyprus тщательно отбирает автомобили, и пассажиры могут быть уверены, что получат только презентабельные и удобные такси.

С помощью приложения CABCY вы можете подтвердить бронирование сейчас или запланировать его на определенную дату и время - это очень удобно для поездок и трансферов в аэропорт, чтобы не сомневаться, что ваше такси будет там в нужное вам время! CABCY Taxi App управляет трансферами в аэропорт Ларнки.

Наши цены соответствуют официальным ценам на таксометры и такси, установленным государством Кипр. Пассажиры могут увидеть ориентировочную стоимость поездки до бронирования поездки.

Мы лично встречаемся с водителями такси в Никосии, Лимассоле и Ларнаке, чтобы осмотреть их машины и получить документы, подтверждающие, что они являются лицензированными таксистами, прежде чем активировать их в приложении. Заказывая такси через приложение CABCY на Кипре, вы получаете профессионального лицензированного водителя такси.

CABCY Taxi App работает в Никосии, Лимассоле, Ларнаке и выполняет трансферы из аэропорта Ларнаки. В ближайшее время мы планируем расшириться на остальную часть Кипра.

Мы используем современную систему навигации. Пассажиры могут видеть на карте маршрут водителя, чтобы выбрать место, и отслеживать свою поездку к месту назначения, чтобы убедиться, что водитель ведет их в правильном направлении.


Добро пожаловать в приложение CABCY и наслаждайтесь поездкой на такси по Никосии, Лимассолу и Ларнаке!

История обновлений

In this release, we’ve redesigned the main screen to make it more intuitive for customers and encourage them to book rides.
In the latest release, we've fixed critical and minor bugs identified in the previous version. Taking into account user feedback, we've refined visual elements and user interaction flows for a more intuitive and visually appealing experience. We've also improved load times and responsiveness - the app is now quicker across various devices.
In this release, we’ve added a feature that allows customers to offer monetary bonuses for drivers to get a car faster.
In this release, we’ve improved UX and UI and changed which symbols could be used for customer’s names. For example, emojis can no longer be used for customers’ names.
In this release, we’ve updated the user’s side menu to make it more clear. We also implemented Flocash MTN to top up Customer wallet.
In this release, we’ve updated the user’s side menu to make it more clear. We also implemented Flocash MTN to top up Customer wallet.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
22 февр. 2023 г.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
30 янв. 2023 г.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
15 дек. 2022 г.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
22 нояб. 2022 г.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
3 нояб. 2022 г.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
2 сент. 2022 г.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.

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