T20 Cricket Champions 3D Mod Apk

T20 Cricket Champions 3D Взлом - Mod Apk 1.8.588

Разработчик: Zapak
Категория: Спорт, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Приготовьтесь блистать в захватывающих матчах чемпионата мира T20! Создайте команду своей мечты 11, участвуя в крупнейших матчах Кубка T20. Разбивайте шестерки, четверки(четверки) и используйте бонусы, отбивая и играя в боулинг, чтобы добиться триумфа, с конечной целью - обеспечить титул чемпиона мира T20 для своей нации!

Участвуйте в режиме «Новые живые события» и играйте синхронно с реальными поединками в крикете 11 Circle, такими как Индия против Новой Зеландии, Индия против Зимбабве, Пакистан против Бангладеша, Австралия против Англии, Шри-Ланка против Вест-Индии, Афганистан против Нидерландов, Непал против Бангладеш и т. д. Задайте свою собственную судьбу матча и выиграйте невероятные награды.

Воплотите свою крикетную мечту в режимах БЫСТРОГО МАТЧА и ТУРНИРА.

Выходите на поле и выбирайте один из множества вариантов ударов с высоты или с земли, в зависимости от мяча. Определите направление подачи и точно рассчитайте время для удара через промежутки на поле или через ограничительные канаты.

Установите СКОРОСТЬ, НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ и ВРАЩЕНИЕ/ВРАЩЕНИЕ при подаче. Разрабатывайте стратегию каждой подачи, смешивая темп, продолжительность подачи и направление, чтобы подобрать калитки.

Используйте Spring Bat, Vampire Batsman и другие бонусы. Доставляйте SuperFast Ball, FireBall и многое другое во время игры в боулинг.

• Простое управление игрой для отбивания и боулинга
• Захватывающие режимы быстрого матча и турнира
• Режим живых событий с наградами
• Захватывающие матчи с популярными командами со всего мира
• Потрясающие бонусы
• Полная 3D-графика, реалистичная анимация движения бэтсмена и физика мяча

*Также оптимизировано для планшетных устройств

Эту игру можно скачать и играть совершенно бесплатно. Однако некоторые игровые предметы можно приобрести за реальные деньги в игре. Вы можете ограничить покупки в приложении в настройках вашего магазина.

История обновлений

Unlock exclusive deals and in-app purchases with just a tap! Don't miss out on special offers designed to enhance your gameplay experience. Various performance improvements and bug fixes for smoother gameplay.
Unlock exclusive deals and in-app purchases with just a tap! Don't miss out on special offers designed to enhance your gameplay experience. Various performance improvements and bug fixes for smoother gameplay.
Unlock exclusive deals and in-app purchases with just a tap! Don't miss out on special offers designed to enhance your gameplay experience. Various performance improvements and bug fixes for smoother gameplay.
Unlock exclusive deals and in-app purchases with just a tap! Don't miss out on special offers designed to enhance your gameplay experience. Various performance improvements and bug fixes for smoother gameplay.
Get ready for the thrilling cricket experience in T20 Cricket Champions 3D! Our latest update brings you the exciting new World Series live event. Join the action with the addition of Netherland to the roster. Compete as your favorite teams and lead them to victory!
Get ready for the ultimate cricket experience in T20 Cricket Champions 3D! Our latest update brings you the exciting new Asia Cup 2023 live event. Join the action with the addition of Nepal to the roster. Compete as your favorite teams and lead them to victory!
Exciting new features to enhance your T20 cricket game:

- Explore the new stadium in Ahmedabad for an ultimate gaming experience.
- Unlock Extra Balls to guide your team to victory with 2 additional deliveries.
- Don't let a lost toss bring you down, ask for a ReToss and get a second chance.
Use coins or watch ads to unlock the above features.

Take your game to the next level with these exciting updates!
Exciting new features to enhance your T20 cricket game:

- Explore the new stadium in Ahmedabad for an ultimate gaming experience.
- Unlock Extra Balls to guide your team to victory with 2 additional deliveries.
- Don't let a lost toss bring you down, ask for a ReToss and get a second chance.
Use coins or watch ads to unlock the above features.

Take your game to the next level with these exciting updates!
Exciting new features to enhance your T20 cricket game:

- Explore the new stadium in Ahmedabad for an ultimate gaming experience.
- Unlock Extra Balls to guide your team to victory with 2 additional deliveries.
- Don't let a lost toss bring you down, ask for a ReToss and get a second chance.
Use coins or watch ads to unlock the above features.

Take your game to the next level with these exciting updates!
Exciting new features to enhance your T20 cricket game:

- Explore the new stadium in Ahmedabad for an ultimate gaming experience.
- Unlock Extra Balls to guide your team to victory with 2 additional deliveries.
- Don't let a lost toss bring you down, ask for a ReToss and get a second chance.
Use coins or watch ads to unlock the above features.

Take your game to the next level with these exciting updates!
30 янв. 2023 г.
Enjoy real cricket excitement of the International matches with new live events. Some bug fixes and improvements in the UI make for a smoother, effortless, and flawless navigation and gameplay experience. So get down the pitch and dive into the ultimate cricket fun.
23 дек. 2022 г.
Enjoy real cricket excitement of the International matches with new live events. Some bug fixes and improvements in the UI make for a smoother, effortless, and flawless navigation and gameplay experience. So get down the pitch and dive into the ultimate cricket fun.
21 сент. 2022 г.
Enjoy real cricket excitement of the International matches with new live events. Some bug fixes and improvements in the UI make for a smoother, effortless, and flawless navigation and gameplay experience. So get down the pitch and dive into the ultimate cricket fun.
29 июл. 2022 г.
Enjoy real cricket excitement of the Zapak Premier League and International matches with new live events. Some bug fixes and improvements in the UI make for a smoother, effortless, and flawless navigation and gameplay experience. So get down the pitch and dive into the ultimate cricket fun.
23 мая 2022 г.
Enjoy real cricket excitement of the Zapak Premier League and International matches. Some bug fixes and improvements in the UI make for a smoother, effortless, and flawless navigation and gameplay experience. So get down the pitch and dive into the ultimate cricket fun.

Способы взлома T20 Cricket Champions 3D

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