WeatherXM Mod Apk

WeatherXM Взлом - Mod Apk 4.6.1

Разработчик: WeatherXM
Категория: Погода
Цена: Бесплатно


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Дополнительное приложение для ваших устройств WeatherXM. Заявите права на свои устройства, управляйте ими и получите доступ к сети с погодой в режиме реального времени через проводник приложения, где вы сможете найти любое устройство WeatherXM в мире.

WeatherXM — это метеорологическая сеть, управляемая сообществом, которая вознаграждает владельцев метеостанций и предоставляет точные метеорологические услуги предприятиям Web3.

& бык; Получите свое устройство WeatherXM за считанные минуты. Создайте учетную запись, подключите свое устройство к своей учетной записи с помощью серийного номера и установите местоположение устройства.
& бык; Управляйте своими устройствами WeatherXM с помощью простого в использовании интерфейса.
& бык; Просматривайте доходы токенов WXM для каждого вашего устройства и в целом
& бык; Подключите свой кошелек WXM
& бык; Просматривайте данные о погоде в реальном времени на ваших устройствах
& бык; Смотрите индивидуальный местный прогноз вашего местоположения
& бык; Просматривайте исторические диаграммы погодных данных ваших устройств.

История обновлений

- Introducing a new Station Photo Verification process, available after station claiming or through the station settings screen.
- Various fixes and improvements.
- Introducing a new Station Photo Verification process, available after station claiming or through the station settings screen.
- Various fixes and improvements.
- Updated Terms and Conditions.
- Optimized the Helium station claiming process to support the LoneStarTracking platform.
- Various fixes and improvements.
- Various fixes and improvements.
- Support for Android 15 compatibility.
- Expanded forecast icons for a more detailed weather display.
- Various fixes and improvements.
- Reward Analytics with improved visualization, including total station rewards, per-station breakdown, and beta reward analytics
- Global Announcement Banner for important updates directly in the app
- Enhanced Station Health Metrics for better quality insights and easier troubleshooting
- Improved Forecast Screen for a clearer, more user-friendly experience
- Localized Number Formats display numbers based on your locale
- Various fixes & improvements
- Introduction of in-app promotional banner for feedback and community surveys.
- Show Reward Splitting information in station rewards, where applicable
- Introduction of notification system for specific station issues
- Various fixes & improvements
* Date picker on historical charts
* Sorting & Filtering on devices list
* Numerous Fixes & Optimizations
* Added the ability to add a station you don't own to your favorites (max 10). Favorite stations will show up in your station list.
* Added the ability to share a public link of your station.
* Added y-axis in historical charts
* Support for Android 14
* Numerous optimizations & bug fixes
* New Network Stats screen
* New Explorer Search functionality
* Numerous optimizations & bug fixes
* Fixed a serious bug on the claiming flow that prevented stations from being claimed due to bad location
* Minor bug fixes and optimizations to improve stability
* Widgets! The first widget containing the current weather card is available for using.
* Added support for multiple alerts per device (e.g. "offline" & "update needed").
* Integrated solar radiation in historical charts.
* Added `Claimed At` information in station info and a wallet button for navigating to the blockchain explorer in the wallet screen
* Implemented App Linking to auto-open the app on certain circumstances.
* Numerous optimizations & bug fixes.
* Redesign of Device Details & Forecast.
* Redesign of Charts in Historical Screen.
* Added Precipitation Accumulated, Solar Radiation and Dew Point.
* New Station Settings Screen
* Numerous optimizatons & bug fixes

Способы взлома WeatherXM

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