Wanderlog - Trip Planner App Mod Apk

Wanderlog - Trip Planner App Взлом - Mod Apk 2.155

Разработчик: Wanderlog
Категория: Путешествия
Цена: Бесплатно


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Лучшее приложение для планирования поездки. Wanderlog — это самое простое в использовании и совершенно бесплатное приложение для планирования любых поездок, включая автопутешествия и групповые поездки! Создавайте маршруты поездок, организуйте бронирование авиабилетов, отелей и автомобилей, просматривайте места для посещения на карте и сотрудничайте с друзьями. После поездки поделитесь путеводителем, чтобы вдохновить других путешественников.

✈️🛏️ Просматривайте авиабилеты, отели и достопримечательности в одном месте (например, TripIt и Tripcase)
🗺️ Просматривайте планы поездок на карте путешествий и наносите свой маршрут (например, Roadtrippers)
🖇️ Легко меняйте порядок мест с помощью перетаскивания
📍 Планируете путешествие? Добавляйте неограниченное количество остановок бесплатно, оптимизируйте свой маршрут, просматривайте время и расстояния между местами и экспортируйте места в Карты Google.
🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏽 Планируете групповое путешествие? Приглашайте друзей и сотрудничайте в режиме реального времени (как Google Docs)
🧾 Автоматически импортируйте бронирования, пересылая электронные письма или подключая свой Gmail
🏛️ Добавляйте мероприятия из лучших путеводителей одним щелчком мыши (например, Tripadvisor и Google Trips/Google Travel)
📃 Доступ к своим планам поездок в автономном режиме (Pro)
📝 Добавляйте заметки и ссылки на свои остановки
📱 Автоматически синхронизируйте планы поездок между устройствами
💵 Устанавливайте бюджеты, отслеживайте расходы и разделяйте счета вместе с группой



Каждый раз, когда вы добавляете место для посещения, оно сразу же закрепляется на вашей карте путешествий на Google Картах. Не нужно использовать различные туристические приложения и веб-сайты для составления планов на отпуск — все это можно сделать в приложении для планирования поездок Wanderlog! Кроме того, если вы посещаете точки по порядку, линии будут соединять различные точки на карте, чтобы вы могли видеть свой маршрут (идеально подходит для дорожных поездок!). Вы также можете экспортировать все свои места в Карты Google.


Все ваши планы на отпуск автоматически сохраняются в автономном режиме в приложении планировщика путешествий Wanderlog, что особенно полезно во время поездки с плохим сигналом и международных поездок.


Ищете лучший планировщик поездок? Путешественники могут планировать свои автомобильные поездки и остановки с Wanderlog. Просматривайте свой маршрут на карте или воспользуйтесь нашим оптимизатором маршрута, который автоматически перестроит и спланирует маршрут, чтобы сэкономить время в пути. Смотрите примерное время и расстояние, пройденное между местами, чтобы убедиться, что все подходит, а также общее время и расстояние, пройденное за данный день, чтобы убедиться, что вы не слишком долго едете на машине. Кроме того, вы можете бесплатно добавлять неограниченное количество остановок во время поездки.


Для планирования групповых поездок добавьте своих попутчиков, указав их адреса электронной почты или поделившись ссылкой на маршрут. Как и в случае с Google Docs, каждый может сотрудничать в режиме реального времени. Установите разрешения и выберите, могут ли люди редактировать или просто просматривать ваши планы поездок.


Доступ к рейсам, отелям и достопримечательностям в одном приложении. Пересылайте электронные письма с подтверждением рейсов и отелей, чтобы импортировать их непосредственно в план поездки, или подключите свою почту Gmail, чтобы они добавлялись автоматически. Предпочитаете держать планы на высоком уровне? Составьте общие списки, такие как «Чем заняться» и «Рестораны», в которых вы хотите поесть. Путешествуете с плотным графиком и хотите создать подробный маршрут? Организуйте свой день, добавив время начала (и окончания), что идеально подходит для отслеживания билетов и бронирований.


Для каждого места просмотрите ключевую информацию, такую ​​как описание и изображение места, средний рейтинг пользователей со ссылками на отзывы, часы работы, адрес, веб-сайт и номер телефона. Вдохновляйтесь, изучая лучшие путеводители по каждому городу в Интернете с обзорными площадками, достопримечательностями и ресторанами, а также из списков из Google Trips и Google Travel, а также от других пользователей Wanderlog, и добавляйте мероприятия из этих путеводителей в свои план поездки в 1 клик.

Установите бюджет отпуска для себя или группы. Возьмите под контроль свои расходы и следите за всеми расходами. Для групповой поездки разделите счет с другими людьми и легко рассчитайте стоимость. Ведите учет того, кто за что заплатил, сколько денег каждый должен или должен, и урегулируйте долги между товарищами по поездке.

История обновлений

Wanderlog just got even better! Scrolling and section expansion are now smoother, and trip planning looks cleaner with design fixes. Expense inputs respond faster and flights look sharper with better spacing and alignment. You can also hide distances between places for a simpler view. Shared trips now open smoothly, and map search works better. Enjoy exclusive discounts and improved visuals for a seamless experience. Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got even better! We've improved trip planning, fixed missing place photos, and made attachments more flexible. Flights now look sharper with better spacing and alignment, and the progress bar moves smoothly. Plus, we've refined the onboarding experience and made expense inputs easier to use. Enjoy exclusive discounts and improved visuals for a seamless experience. Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got even better! We've improved trip planning, fixed missing place photos, and made attachments more flexible. Flights now look sharper with better spacing and alignment, and the progress bar moves smoothly. Plus, we've refined the onboarding experience and made expense inputs easier to use. Enjoy exclusive discounts and improved visuals for a seamless experience. Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got better! We've fixed reservation bugs, improved cruise views, and enhanced the map. Mobile surveys now have a progress bar, and navigation is smoother. We resolved issues with trip loading, logins, duplicates, missing photos, subscription delays, and unsaved notes. Enjoy exclusive discounts and improved visuals for a seamless experience. Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got better! We've fixed reservation bugs, improved cruise views, and enhanced the map. Mobile surveys now have a progress bar, and navigation is smoother. We resolved issues with trip loading, logins, duplicates, missing photos, subscription delays, and unsaved notes. Enjoy exclusive discounts and improved visuals for a seamless experience. Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got better! We fixed bugs with reservations, improved cruise views with ports and itineraries, and enhanced the map view. Mobile surveys now have a progress bar and smoother navigation. We've also resolved issues with trip loading, logins, and duplicate entries. Enjoy exclusive discounts and improved visuals for a seamless experience. Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got better! We’ve improved performance, added new reservation types, fixed attachments, ensured ferries display correctly (counts and icons), included arrival and departure times in every Cruise block, and fixed account setup. Enjoy smoother trip syncing—Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got better! We've improved performance, added new reservation types, enabled autofill for any geo, fixed attachments, ensured ferry blocks display correctly and Include arrival and depart times in every Cruise block. Plus, enjoy smoother trip syncing, and a fixed account setup screen. Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got even better! We've improved performance, added new reservation types, enabled autofill for any geo, fixed attachments, ensured ferry blocks display correctly and Include arrival and depart times in every Cruise block. Plus, enjoy smoother trip syncing, and a fixed account setup screen. Happy planning!
Wanderlog just got even better! We've improved performance, added new reservation types, enabled autofill for any geo, fixed attachments, and ensured ferry blocks display correctly. Plus, enjoy smoother trip syncing, and a fixed Account Setup Screen. Happy planning!
Planning your trip just got easier with our new AI-powered trip plan assistant! We also improved the performance of explore places list and added a way to filter categories.
Sit back and experience the ease of planning your next trip with our new AI-powered trip plan assistant! We also improved the performance of explore places list and added a way to filter categories.
Sit back and experience the ease of planning your next trip with our new AI-powered trip plan assistant! We also improved the performance of explore places list, fixed a bug where adding places sometimes failed, and added a password visibility toggle.
Wanderlog is easier to use than ever: we've added transit time and distance estimates for Japan and fixed 2 bugs with checklists and dragging to rearrange items. We also fixed a crash viewing certain guides.
Wanderlog is easier to use than ever: we've added transit time and distance estimates for Japan and fixed 2 bugs with checklists and dragging to rearrange items.
Wanderlog is easier to use than ever: we've added transit time and distance estimates for Japan and fixed bugs with checklists and dragging to rearrange items.
Wanderlog is easier to use than ever: we've made logging in with a password manager easier, and fixed some small bugs with our map.
Wanderlog is easier to use than ever: we've made logging in with a password manager easier, and fixed some small bugs.
Wanderlog is easier to use than ever: we've made logging in with a password manager easier, and fixed some small bugs.
Get better deals: with Wanderlog Pro, get a discount up to 20% on Hertz rental cars. We also fixed small issues with crashes affecting certain travelers, issues pasting links into notes, and improved compatibility with password managers.
Wanderlog is now faster! Expanding a place in your trip plan is now 4x faster than before, and switching between the Overview, Itinerary, and Explore tabs now happens instantly in most cases. We also fixed a bug where users couldn't open shared links with the app.
Wanderlog is now faster! Expanding a place in your trip plan is now 4x faster than before, and switching between the Overview, Itinerary, and Explore tabs now happens instantly in most cases. We also fixed 3 bugs. One caused users to see the subscribe modal more often than intended, and the others caused navigation and trip plan saving errors.
21 мар. 2023 г.
Wanderlog is now faster! Expanding a place in your trip plan is now 4x faster than before, and switching between the Overview, Itinerary, and Explore tabs now happens instantly in most cases. We also fixed a bug where users saw the subscribe modal more often than intended and another bug that caused crashes on startup or editing places.
11 янв. 2023 г.
Wanderlog is getting faster! We've further increased trip load times, and also fixed a few crashes due to outdated versions of code we relied on.
7 дек. 2022 г.
Wanderlog is getting faster! Trip plans should now load in roughly half the time thanks to a few performance improvements. We've made it easier to access the help menu and fixed an issue where we asked for the location permission before we needed to.
22 нояб. 2022 г.
Wanderlog is getting faster! Trip plans should now load in roughly half the time thanks to a few performance improvements. We've made it easier to access the help menu.
7 нояб. 2022 г.
Wanderlog is easier to use than ever: we've improved our help information and fixed small issues with opening attachments with certain file names, as well as a crash in version 2.77 of the app.
22 окт. 2022 г.
Looking for local specialties like oysters in San Francisco or tempura in Tokyo? We now have information on local specialties for thousands of geographies. You now can also choose to hide your notes and reservations when sharing your trip plans to help keep your data private. Finally, we've fixed 2 bugs with the Android back button on guide pages and in dark mode.
21 сент. 2022 г.
Looking for local specialties like oysters in San Francisco or tempura in Tokyo? We now have information on local specialties for thousands of geographies. You now can also choose to hide your notes and reservations when sharing your trip plans to help keep your data private. Finally, we've fixed 2 bugs related to moving places between sections.
8 сент. 2022 г.
Looking for local specialties like oysters in San Francisco or tempura in Tokyo? We now have information on local specialties for thousands of geographies. We've also made it so you can choose to hide your notes and reservations when sharing your trip plans to help keep your data private. Finally, we've fixed bugs with opening links and changing trip dates.
12 авг. 2022 г.
Wanderlog is more informative than ever: we've made it easier to learn more about your destination by integrating information from Wikivoyage! In addition, Pro users now can use Wanderlog in dark/night mode. We've also fixed a bug that caused the app to hang when adding buses and trains.
14 мая 2022 г.
Wanderlog is easier to use than ever! We've improved scrolling performance and stability so that for your longer trips, you can plan with peace of mind. We've also added some other promotional content
10 мая 2022 г.
We've made opening and adding places from guides even faster and fixed a rare crash. In the past month, we've also added checklists and tooltip hints.

- Using our new checklist feature, make todo or bucket lists or use some templates we've put together.
- Thanks to better list rendering, there should be no more jitter as you scroll and organize your flights, hotels, or places to visit.
- For new users, personalized tooltips will introduce you to features that you might have missed.
30 апреля 2022 г.
This release is jam-packed! We've added checklists, sped up app load, and made features easier to find. We also fixed a crash when viewing the tutorial in 2.58.

- Using our new checklist feature, make todo or bucket lists or use some templates we've put together.
- Thanks to better list rendering, there should be no more jitter as you scroll and organize your flights, hotels, or places to visit.
- For new users, personalized tooltips will introduce you to features that you might have missed.
21 апреля 2022 г.
This release is jam-packed! We've added checklists, improved how we load trip plans, and made some of the app's features easier-to-find.

- Using our new checklist feature, make todo or bucket lists or use some templates we've put together.
- Thanks to better list rendering, there should be no more jitter as you scroll and organize your flights, hotels, or places to visit.
- For new users, personalized tooltips will introduce you to features that you might have missed.
25 марта 2022 г.
Wanderlog now starts up faster so you don't have to wait to get to your trip plan. We've also saved more information offline to make it available to our Pro users and fixed bugs with RTL languages like Hebrew. Finally, we've also made it easier to copy addresses.
1 марта 2022 г.
You can now split expenses with others on your trip! When adding an expense, you can add who paid for it, as well as who it was for. We fixed a bug where some attached images would fail to load.
9 февраля 2022 г.
You can now split expenses with others on your trip! When adding an expense, you can add who paid for it, as well as who it was for. We also fixed a bug with adding bus and train transportation and improved the interface for manually adding flights.
14 января 2022 г.
You can now add image, PDF, and email attachments to your trip plans if you have Wanderlog Pro! If you have Wanderlog Pro, you can upload or forward your confirmations to avoid having to dig through your emails every time.
8 января 2022 г.
Happy new year! We've fixed a crash when adding places in v2.49. Wanderlog is also faster and easier-to-use than ever. We made expanding and shrinking sections faster, and are gearing up to launch attachments for Pro.
30 декабря 2021 г.
Happy New Year! We've added support for landscape views on Android tablets. We've also fixed a bug that made certain options in our settings page not work and further improved performance.
16 декабря 2021 г.
We've continued to make Wanderlog more performant! You can now add and edit places more quickly, especially in long trip plans. For Wanderlog Pro users: you can now get flight deal alerts to save hundreds of dollars on your next trip!
23 ноября 2021 г.
Wanderlog now supports buses and trains, in addition to flights, hotels, and rental cars! Forward your intercity buses and train confirmation emails or enter them to have them all at your fingertips
10 ноября 2021 г.
For users who already use our offline features, we've added a way to save guides and top places lists offline! Just open up a guide and tap the download button in the right-top corner.

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