- Survey experience enhancements
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes and minor survey experience enhancements
- We remember you, we promise! You will no longer need to login as frequently as before. Our app will remember that you logged in and will stay logged in until you sign out or haven’t used the app for a while.
- You can now participate in activities in the app and don’t have to go to a browser to answer questions. We also make sure that you want to exit a survey just in case you accidentally clicked exit so you don’t have to start an activity all over again.
We’ve zapped a few bugs to make sure your overall Walmart Customer Spark Community runs a bit more smoothly. If you are a Californian, you might see that you need to agree to our CA Privacy Notice and Notice of Financial Incentive. Now you can tell our Customer Care agents the ID associated with each activity in the event of an issue, which should get you solutions/responses sooner.
- Added Password update functionality
- Bug fixes and Enhancements
All the capabilities you know and love from the Customer Spark Community, in the palm of your hands, on the go, in one app!