vFlat Scan - сканер PDF Mod Apk

vFlat Scan - сканер PDF Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: VoyagerX
Категория: Работа
Цена: Бесплатно


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vFlat сканирует ваши книги быстро и красиво, сглаживая изогнутые страницы с помощью технологии глубокого обучения.

Вам больше не придется уничтожать книги. Превратите свою книжную полку в библиотеку электронных книг с vFlat.

Не огорчайтесь, если первая версия vFlat не оправдала ваших ожиданий.

vFlat быстро улучшается, и по вашему запросу могут быть добавлены следующие функции!

Наш список задач

- Лучшее усиление изображения
- Лучшее выравнивание страниц
- Сбор отсканированных страниц в книгу
- Режим сканирования документов
- Автоматическое обнаружение и сортировка номеров страниц


- Если у вас возникли проблемы со сканированием при помощи vFlat, попробуйте выполнить инструкции из демонстрационного видео. (Https://youtu.be/rsaOgzo5z9Y)


- vFlat не собирает ваши данные. Все ваши отсканированные страницы/документы принадлежат вам, и точка.

Информация о разрешениях

- Камера: vFlat требуется разрешение на использование камеры для сканирования книг.
- Хранение: vFlat требуется разрешение на хранение отсканированных страниц в вашем телефоне.

Приложение vFlat совместимо с устройствами, поддерживающими OpenGL ES 3.1 и более поздние версии.

Мы будем рады услышать ваши отзывы: [email protected]

История обновлений

Having issues with 'Text Recognition'? Now you can see the error code, the cause, and the solution.
We've also upgraded the enhancement feature for captured document photos!
Is there something to be fixed in the text recognition results? Just edit the parts you want and create a text file!
We’ve also fixed a bunch of other bugs.
We’ve made some behind-the-scenes updates to keep things running smoothly.
We’ve made some behind-the-scenes updates to keep things running smoothly.
- You can choose to scan with an ultra wide lens on specific devices! If you’re tired of blurry scans, give the ultra wide lens a try.
- We’ve made improvements to make scanning material with tables more clearly.
- We’ve also fixed a bunch of other bugs.
We've been working on improving the app's performance and fixing bugs.
You can now share PDFs for free up to 5 times per month.
We’ve made minor usability improvements based on user feedback.
We’ve also been working on several bug fixes.
We’ve made some behind-the-scenes updates to keep things running smoothly.
We’ve made some behind-the-scenes updates to keep things running smoothly.
We’ve made some behind-the-scenes updates to keep things running smoothly.
- Введен план подписки для доступа к премиум-функциям
- Добавлены новые премиум-функции, такие как редактирование результатов OCR и экспорт в Word
- Введен план подписки для доступа к премиум-функциям
- Добавлены новые премиум-функции, такие как редактирование результатов OCR и экспорт в Word
14 мар. 2023 г.
We've made some changes to our text recognition credit policy.
14 февр. 2023 г.
- Improved some screens to provide a better scan experience.
- Modified some phrases in the app to be more natural in some language environments by referring to the user’s opinion.
- Minor improvements for service stability
16 янв. 2023 г.
vFlat is also available in Greek.
Is there an awkward phrase in vFlat? You can now suggest a translation in [Settings] screen.
vFlat team is always working hard to improve your experience on vFlat! In this release, we’ve improved usability issues and fixed general bugs.
27 дек. 2022 г.
Now available to search the folder within the library! You can search by the name of the folder.

Fixed an issue of network connection occurring under certain circumstances.

We've made several improvements to serve our users a better experience.
16 дек. 2022 г.
In this release, vFlat has been improved to flatten the curved paper better!
7 дек. 2022 г.
In this release, vFlat has been improved to flatten the curved paper better!
21 нояб. 2022 г.
- Now you can use [Send to PC] feature in a personal hotspot-connected environment.
- vFlat team is always working hard to improve your experience on vFlat! In this release, we’ve improved usability issues and fixed general bugs.
8 нояб. 2022 г.
- Added a setting page [Manage Storage]: It’s available to empty trash or clear cache data. Checking your storage space periodically would help keep your data in vFlat safe!
- Improved usability issues and fixed general bugs
27 окт. 2022 г.
- Added [Send to PC] feature: Connect vFlat to your PC by scanning QR code once. Now transfer your scanned image to your PC much easily!
- Make it easier to reach [Auto Scan] button on the camera screen while scanning.
- You can add/remove or arrange frequently used features in the bottom menu as you like.
- We’ve improved usability issues and fixed general bugs.
11 окт. 2022 г.
- Finally, in-app purchases are available on vFlat!
Now you can buy a credit if needed more than 100 pages of text recognition. Or you can get rewards by watching ads.
- Now vFlat can also recognize QR codes.
- You can arrange frequently used features in the bottom menu as you like. Tap the pencil icon on the rightmost [More] of the menu!
7 сент. 2022 г.
What’s new?
Now the text of the scanned page is read aloud! This is only available for pages with text recognition completed.
Are you uncomfortable with the marks on the scanned images? Just erase the part you want and make them neat!
The library screen has been refreshed. You can now select multiple folders at the same time.
vFlat is also available in Czech, Malay and Slovak.
We have some minor adjustments to improve the usability.
16 авг. 2022 г.
- You can scan easily without touching the screen! Check out [Auto scan] in the camera screen.
- What if you could translate the scanned documents right away? Try the newly added translation feature. - Once text recognition has been completed, you can find it at [More] > [Google translate].
- Have you ever felt frustrated with the blurry texts? The new color enhancement will be helping you.
- We've improved usability issues and fixed general bugs.
9 авг. 2022 г.
- You can scan easily without touching the screen! Check out [Auto scan] in the camera screen.
- What if you could translate the scanned documents right away? Try the newly added translation feature. - Once text recognition has been completed, you can find it at [More] > [Google translate].
- Have you ever felt frustrated with the blurry texts? The new color enhancement will be helping you.
- We've improved usability issues and fixed general bugs.
23 июл. 2022 г.
We've made some behind-the-scenes updates to keep things running smoothly
1 июл. 2022 г.
- Major improvement for better flattening the curved page
- Now vFlat collects just scanned pages at once. Create PDF easier that ever!
- You can add color tags to pages needed.
- You can change the language just for vFlat.
- Just tap the screen to take pictures! You can apply it from Advanced features in Settings.
20 июн. 2022 г.
1. Two-page scan mode got smarter!
In AUTO mode, vFlat automatically recognizes shape of the page and switch to suitable mode.
2. Added auto focus ON/OFF option.
Try the auto focus OFF option newly added to [Advanced Features] in [Settings].
3. Try using the settings menu on the camera screen!
Added [Send Feedback] there to make it easier to send feedback.
Just tap [Import] to bring images from your gallery or PDF files to vFlat and scan them.
13 июн. 2022 г.
1. Two-page scan mode got smarter!
In AUTO mode, vFlat automatically recognizes shape of the page and switch to suitable mode.
2. Added auto focus ON/OFF option.
Try the auto focus OFF option newly added to [Advanced Features] in [Settings].
3. Try using the settings menu on the camera screen!
Added [Send Feedback] there to make it easier to send feedback.
Just tap [Import] to bring images from your gallery or PDF files to vFlat and scan them.
31 мая 2022 г.
1. Two-page scan mode got smarter!
In AUTO mode, vFlat automatically recognizes shape of the page and switch to suitable mode.
2. Added auto focus ON/OFF option.
Try the auto focus OFF option newly added to [Advanced Features] in [Settings].
3. Try using the settings menu on the camera screen!
Added [Send Feedback] there to make it easier to send feedback.
Just tap [Import] to bring images from your gallery or PDF files to vFlat and scan them.
6 апреля 2022 г.
1. Improved the settings for PDF creation
• Now you can see more accurate estimated size of PDF files.
• Also with enhanced UX, you can easily consider both quality and size while creating PDF files.
2. Fixed text sharing bug
• Fixed an issue where text files were not shared properly under specific conditions.
• Further stability enhancements and bug fixes
3. Fixed a bug with backup/restore feature. We will strive hard to protect your valuable data!
23 февраля 2022 г.
- Bug fixes & UI improvements.
15 февраля 2022 г.
- Add trash bin.
- Bug fixes & UI improvements.
3 февраля 2022 г.
- Bug fixes & UI improvements.
13 января 2022 г.
- Bug fixes & UI improvements.
28 декабря 2021 г.
- Bug fixes & UI improvements.
20 декабря 2021 г.
- Add In-App Review.
- Bug fixes & UI improvements.
15 декабря 2021 г.
- Optimize PDF file size.
- Bug fixes & UI improvements.

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