Muscles & Kinesiology Mod Apk

Muscles & Kinesiology Взлом - Mod Apk 9.00.050

Разработчик: Visible Body
Категория: Медицина
Цена: 2 399,00 ₽ (Download for free)


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Muscles & Kinesiology is a detailed guide to understanding how muscles and bones interact and how common injuries and conditions occur. Explore thousands of 3D models to visualize and learn about musculoskeletal structure, function, movement, and pathologies in this handy pocket reference—perfect for on-the-go practitioners, athletes, yogis, and students.

+ Explore thousands of 3D models of muscles, bones, ligaments, bursae, nerves, and vasculature from any vantage point or zoom level.

+ Compare normal anatomy and common pathologies with dazzling 3D models of sprains, cervical radiculopathy, a torn meniscus, carpal tunnel syndrome, bone spurs, and many more.

+ Manipulate dozens of muscle action animations, even in mid-motion, to understand the biomechanics of muscle movement.

+ Access detailed information about any of the thousands of anatomical structures in the app, including in-depth definitions, interactive muscle attachments, bony landmarks, innervation, blood supply, and more.

The base purchase includes complete male and female gross anatomy models that can be dissected, common muscles actions, dozens of common pathology models, and five animations.

The additional Musculoskeletal Pathology Animations in-app purchase can extend the guide to include an in-depth series of presentations given by subject matter experts on anatomy, function, and pathology.

История обновлений

20 сент. 2022 г.
A big update to content and features! Muscles & Kinesiology for Android devices now includes updated 3D views of male and female anatomy and common conditions, plus new fascia models and advanced sharing features.
11 августа 2017 г.
• 5 бесплатных видеофильмов: пояснично-крестцовый радикулит, подошвенный фасцит, биомеханика коленного сустава, анатомия бедра и адгезивный капсулит.
• Новый раздел мультимедиа с видеопрезентациями, в которых участвуют физиотерапевты, доктора и исследователи.
• Новый пользовательский интерфейс с возможностью восстановления последнего сеанса, полностью обновленный дизайн и увеличенная производительность.

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