Zodiac Palm Reader: MagicWay Mod Apk

Zodiac Palm Reader: MagicWay Взлом - Mod Apk 4.0.4

Разработчик: Mysterious Apps LLC
Категория: Стиль жизни
Цена: Бесплатно


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MagicWay — это все, что вам нужно, чтобы получить скрытые знания о себе и своей судьбе.

Мы открываем для вас путь к Астрологии, Зодиаку, Хиромантии, Рунам, Гороскопу, Таро, Зодиакальной совместимости и многому другому.

Мы тесно сотрудничаем с ведущими астрологами мира, чтобы получать невероятно точные результаты и предлагать первоклассные гадания и хиромантию.

Наша главная цель - каждый день давать вам исчерпывающий зодиакальный отчет и вдохновлять вас на великие дела, ведь в вас скрыта невероятная личность.

У вас есть доступ к ряду разделов в нашем приложении. Каждая из них предлагает массу знаний. Помимо хиромантии и гадания, вы узнаете много нового о своем знаке зодиака, подробной зодиакальной совместимости с другими знаками и своем гороскопе на каждый день. Вы узнаете, что говорят о вас древние руны и священные карты Таро.

Основными задачами нашего приложения являются хиромантия и подробный профиль вас как личности, раскрывающий каждую тайну, которая скрыта внутри вас. Как приложение для чтения ладоней, мы каждый день улучшаем точность наших прогнозов. Мы предлагаем чрезвычайно подробные отчеты, и, воспользовавшись преимуществами основ хиромантии, которые мы также предлагаем, у вас есть шанс стать начинающим хиромантом.

Ключ к счастью и успеху – идти по пути самопознания.
Мы стремимся каждый день предоставлять пользователям фантастический пользовательский интерфейс и персонализированные результаты.

Несмотря на то, что мы предоставляем много информации в качестве хироманта, наше приложение также предоставляет массу другой информации о зодиаке, например, бесспорно точную информацию о любом знаке зодиака, включая вашу собственную, невероятно точную информацию о совместимости любого знака с любым другим. знак, потерянные и забытые руны предков, подробное гадание на картах Таро и, конечно же, ежедневный зодиакальный гороскоп. Регулярно используя наше приложение, вы разовьете свои астрологические навыки и получите более глубокое понимание жизни.

В качестве хироманта мы предоставляем следующее:
• хиромантия по линии головы,
• хиромантия по линии сердца,
• хиромантия линии жизни,
• хиромантия по линии судьбы,
• хиромантия солнечной линии,

Мы предлагаем зодиакальную совместимость для 12 знаков зодиака:
• ♈ Овен,
• ♉ Телец,
• ♊ Близнецы,
• ♋ рак,
• ♌ лев,
• ♍ дева,
• ♎ весы,
• ♏ скорпион,
• ♐ Стрелец,
• ♑ Козерог,
• ♒ водолей,
• ♓ рыбы,
Мы предлагаем всю необходимую информацию о совместимости знаков зодиака.

Мы предлагаем очень подробный индивидуальный зодиакальный отчет, основанный на дате вашего рождения, текущем положении планет, хиромантии и многом другом. Поиск и понимание того, кто мы есть в жизни, имеет решающее значение, и мы сделаем все, что в наших силах, чтобы помочь вам.

Что касается зодиакального гороскопа, мы предлагаем его для:
• ♈ Овен,
• ♉ Телец,
• ♊ Близнецы,
• ♋ рак,
• ♌ лев,
• ♍ дева,
• ♎ весы,
• ♏ скорпион,
• ♐ Стрелец,
• ♑ Козерог,
• ♒ водолей,
• ♓ рыбы,
Зодиакальный гороскоп — самый известный способ познать себя в астрологическом смысле. Это база, которая нуждается в ежедневном осмотре.

Попробуйте возможности нашего приложения, проникнитесь ими, дайте себе время впитать божественные знания, которые оно предлагает, и наблюдайте за изменениями в своей жизни.

История обновлений

🌟 MagicWay: Unlock the Secrets of Your Palms!

✨ Palmistry Revolution: Dive into a next-level experience with ultra-precise palm analysis.

🖐️ Visual Palm Insights: See your life, love, and destiny lines vividly mapped onto your hands in real-time.

🔮 Advanced Features: Beautifully rendered visuals overlaying your palm's key elements to reveal life's secrets.

✨ Let MagicWay astonish you with its artistry and accuracy in uncovering the stories written in your hands!
🌟 MagicWay: Unlock the Secrets of Your Palms!

✨ Palmistry Revolution: Dive into a next-level experience with ultra-precise palm analysis.

🖐️ Visual Palm Insights: See your life, love, and destiny lines vividly mapped onto your hands in real-time.

🔮 Advanced Features: Beautifully rendered visuals overlaying your palm's key elements to reveal life's secrets.

✨ Let MagicWay astonish you with its artistry and accuracy in uncovering the stories written in your hands!
🌟 MagicWay: Unlock the Secrets of Your Palms!

✨ Palmistry Revolution: Dive into a next-level experience with ultra-precise palm analysis.

🖐️ Visual Palm Insights: See your life, love, and destiny lines vividly mapped onto your hands in real-time.

🔮 Advanced Features: Beautifully rendered visuals overlaying your palm's key elements to reveal life's secrets.

✨ Let MagicWay astonish you with its artistry and accuracy in uncovering the stories written in your hands!
🌟 MagicWay: Unlock the Secrets of Your Palms!

✨ Palmistry Revolution: Dive into a next-level experience with ultra-precise palm analysis.

🖐️ Visual Palm Insights: See your life, love, and destiny lines vividly mapped onto your hands in real-time.

🔮 Advanced Features: Beautifully rendered visuals overlaying your palm's key elements to reveal life's secrets.

✨ Let MagicWay astonish you with its artistry and accuracy in uncovering the stories written in your hands!
New in MagicWay: Horoscopes Update!

🌟 Horoscopes DateTab: Enhanced daily to yearly insights for 2024.

✨ Weekly: Money, Peaceful Mind, Productivity.

🌙 Monthly: Body & Soul, Emotions, Relationships – now with beautifully detailed moon phases.

🔮 Yearly 2024: Overall, Transformation, Romance, Intellect.

💫 Destiny: Life's Path, Rhythm, Leadership, Love.

🌘 Detailed Moon Phases: Elegantly showcase the moon's phases and their influence on you.
Fixed important bug related to zodiac at main screen.
This version also includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We hope you enjoy it.
This version also includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We hope you enjoy it.
This version also includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We hope you enjoy it.
This version also includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We hope you enjoy it.
We fixed critical bug with horoscopes.

Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We hope you enjoy it.
We added more Daily & Weekly Palmistry insights. Added more Daily horoscopes & Restructured Tarot.

This version also includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We hope you enjoy it.
This version includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes new Daily Traits. We improved totem animal feature. Fixed bugs and performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.
This version includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes new Daily Traits. We improved totem animal feature. Fixed bugs and performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.
This version includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes Affirmations and Quotes. We improved totem animal feature. Fixed bugs and performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes showing your Celtic, Native American and Chinese sign. We also added flower, stone, planet for every zodiac sign. Fixed bugs and performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.
19 февр. 2023 г.
Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes fix for bug related to ads unlocking mechanism.

We hope you enjoy it.
5 янв. 2023 г.
Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes bug fixes and other performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.
22 окт. 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We have greatly expanded the palm reading section.
A new option to change background is also available in app settings.
Also this version includes bug fixes and other performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.
9 окт. 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We have greatly expanded the palm reading section.
A new option to change background is also available in app settings.
Also this version includes bug fixes and other performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.
1 окт. 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We have greatly expanded the palm reading section.
A new option to change background is also available in app settings.
Also this version includes bug fixes and other performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.
30 авг. 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We have greatly expanded the palm reading section.
Also this version includes bug fixes and other performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
19 авг. 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! MagicWay team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We have greatly expanded the palm reading section.
Also this version includes bug fixes and other performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
1 авг. 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We have greatly expanded the palm reading section. We improved performance and removed lags.
Also this version includes bug fixes and other performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
24 июл. 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We have greatly expanded the palm reading section. We improved performance and removed lags.
Also this version includes bug fixes and other performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
13 июл. 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

We have greatly expanded the palm reading section. We have greatly improved performance and removed lags.
Also this version bug fixes and other performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
30 мая 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes improved animations and UX, bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes improved animations and UX, bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
15 мая 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes improved detailed compatibility, bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
27 апреля 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes brand new zodiac signs features, bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
13 апреля 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes brand new zodiac signs features, bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
20 марта 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes brand new zodiac signs features, bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
7 марта 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes brand new compatibility feature, bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
23 февраля 2022 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes improved horoscopes and tarot features, bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
31 декабря 2021 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
17 декабря 2021 г.
Thank you for staying with us! Magic of Zodiac team works hard to deliver high-quality features for you.

This version includes bug fixes and performance improvements.
We hope you enjoy it.
29 ноября 2021 г.
Fix bug with tarot cards reading
14 ноября 2021 г.
Fix Critical issues
19 октября 2021 г.
Fix critical bug with Runes

Способы взлома Zodiac Palm Reader: MagicWay

Скачать Zodiac Palm Reader: MagicWay MOD APK 4.0.4

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