English B2 FCE Mod Apk

English B2 FCE Взлом - Mod Apk 2.0.5

Разработчик: Shining Apps LLC
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно


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Готовитесь к первому сертификату английского языка? Если ответ положительный, это ваше приложение! Сдайте экзамен B2 FCE с помощью нашего большого набора упражнений!

Добро пожаловать в ваш английский центр B2! Это приложение предназначено для студентов, которые готовятся к экзаменам FCE Cambridge по английскому языку или просто хотят улучшить свои навыки английского языка. Добро пожаловать в идеальное место для изучения английского языка! Вот что содержит приложение:

- Использование английского языка: сотни экзаменов по английскому языку уровня B2.
- Чтение: множество экзаменов по чтению уровня B2.
- Аудирование: широкий выбор экзаменов B2 Listening.
- Грамматика: более 500 тестов по грамматике в форме тестов.
- Искусственный интеллект: создавайте неограниченное количество упражнений по английскому языку с помощью нашего интегрированного искусственного интеллекта. Генератор упражнений


История обновлений

Get ready, we've turbocharged the app with new features! Check out what's new:

- 🔊 New Listening Matching exercises! - Listen to the speakers preferences and choose the best answer for each of them.
- 📑 New Multiple Matching Reading Exercises! - Read the texts for each character and answer the questions with the best fit!
- 💥 Minor bugfixes and performance improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- 📲 English Shorts - Improve your English in a whole new way with this innovative infinite-scroll feature, where every reel presents a unique English challenge!
- 📸 Customise your avatar with your coolest image! - Now available in your account page!
- 💥 Minor bugfixes and performance improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- 📲 English Shorts - Improve your English in a whole new way with this innovative infinite-scroll feature, where every reel presents a unique English challenge!
- 📸 Customise your avatar with your coolest image! - Now available in your account page!
- 💥 Minor bugfixes and performance improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- Daily Language Pick! - Every day we will prompt you with a new word for you to learn. Are you ready for daily improvements?
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- Daily Language Pick! - Every day we will prompt you with a new word for you to learn. Are you ready for daily improvements?
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- Get creative with your username - Now you are able to modify your personal data in your Account page!
- Tips and tricks on every exercise that will help you master all the parts of the official exam!
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
We are excited to bring you the latest updates:
- Bugfixes: We've fixed a bug that could appear for some users after upgrading to the latest version
- Performance Boost: We've fine-tuned our app performance, ensuring a smoother and faster user experience across all functionalities.

Способы взлома English B2 FCE

Скачать English B2 FCE MOD APK 2.0.5

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