Освоить САКСОФОН | tonestro Mod Apk

Освоить САКСОФОН | tonestro Взлом - Mod Apk 5.102

Разработчик: tonestro
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно


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Научись играть на альтовом, теноровом, сопрано и баритоновом саксофонах и совершенствуй ритм и подачу. tonestro слушает тебя, пока ты играешь на саксофоне, и дает тебе немедленную обратную связь в реальном времени по ритму и подаче. Тюнер позволяет тебе легко настроить свой саксофон.

Ты можешь учиться и играть:
- Альт-саксофон
- Тенор-саксофон
- Сопрано-саксофон
- Баритон-саксофон

tonestro для саксофона предлагает большую коллекцию песен, упражнений и управляемых уроков для любого уровня мастерства. Научись читать ноты и совершенствуй свои навыки игры на саксофоне, играя множество песен и упражнений.

С помощью тюнера ты быстро и легко настроишь свой саксофон на идеальное звучание. Метроном и специально написанная фоновая музыка с подпевками ко многим песням помогут тебе достичь идеального ритма.

Еженедельные задания с подобранными вручную песнями дают тебе дополнительную мотивацию для совершенствования своих навыков, когда ты сравниваешь себя с саксофонистами со всего мира.


- Получай мгновенную обратную связь по ритму и высоте тона
- Научись играть на саксофоне или узнай что-то новое
- Наслаждайся большой коллекцией песен
- Открой для себя уроки и упражнения для игры на саксофоне
- Начни с первых уроков по нотной грамоте или выбери одну из множества песен
- Выучи правильную аппликатуру с помощью аппликатурных карт
- Настрой свой саксофон с помощью встроенного тюнера
- Наслаждайся песнями, играя вместе с ними
- Сохраняй мотивацию с помощью еженедельных заданий


Научись играть на саксофоне или улучши свои навыки с помощью уроков, аппликатурных схем и упражнений. Пошаговые уроки проведут тебя через твои первые ноты на саксофоне. Подробные объяснения и аппликатурные карты подскажут тебе, как играть ту или иную ноту. Тюнер поможет тебе найти правильную высоту тона. Проверь свои знания на экзаменах и посмотри, насколько быстро ты прогрессируешь. Используй полученные навыки и сыграй свои первые песни на саксофоне.

Для опытных саксофонистов всегда найдётся что-то новое благодаря продвинутым урокам, песням и упражнениям.


Используй функцию живой обратной связи tonestro по ритму и высоте тона, чтобы улучшить свои навыки. Посмотри, где ты испытываешь трудности с интонацией, и поработай над своей подачей, чтобы стать лучшим саксофонистом. Переключись в режим тренировки и выбери более медленный темп, чтобы поработать над правильным ритмом. Пусть метроном ведет тебя по песням, а с помощью тюнера ты не только настроишь свой саксофон, но и увидишь, на каких нотах тебе нужно быть очень осторожным с питчем.


Открой для себя песни из всех музыкальных жанров и играй на саксофоне для любого уровня мастерства. Неважно, являешься ли ты поклонником классической музыки или предпочитаешь вместо нее джазовые композиции: С большой нотной библиотекой tonestro ты найдешь именно те песни, которые тебе нужны для игры на саксофоне.

И тебе не обязательно играть в одиночку: Играя вместе, ты играешь с целой группой на заднем плане. На твоей стороне всегда будет тональный тюнер tonestro - простой в использовании тюнер, который проследит за тем, чтобы ты был в тонусе. И всегда есть метроном, который будет вести тебя по ходу песни.


Хочешь доказать свои навыки? Участвуй в наших еженедельных соревнованиях! Соревнуйся с саксофонистами со всего мира и борись за подиум. Практикуй песни, чтобы набрать как можно больше очков и стать лучшим саксофонистом в мире тональностей. Не забудь сначала воспользоваться тюнером, чтобы начать соревнование с идеальной подготовкой.

Terms: https://www.tonestro.com/terms

История обновлений

Big news: Learn from the masters and get individual learning support from professional music teachers with the new On-Demand Live-Teaching Video Sessions.
This back-to-school season, get ready for new learning experiences!

Presenting our "Warm-ups & Scales" feature designed for brass and woodwind enthusiasts:
- Enhance your technical proficiency with scales that form the basis for melodies, harmonies, and chords.
- Jump-start your practice sessions with warm-ups curated for individual needs, such as sound quality, rhythm, intervals, etc.
- Explore the dedicated "Warm-ups & Scales" playlist in our song library.
This back-to-school season, get ready for new learning experiences!

Presenting our "Warm-ups & Scales" feature designed for brass and woodwind enthusiasts:
- Enhance your technical proficiency with scales that form the basis for melodies, harmonies, and chords.
- Jump-start your practice sessions with warm-ups curated for individual needs, such as sound quality, rhythm, intervals, etc.
- Explore the dedicated "Warm-ups & Scales" playlist in our song library.
This back-to-school season, get ready for new learning experiences!

Presenting our "Warm-ups & Scales" feature designed for brass and woodwind enthusiasts:
- Enhance your technical proficiency with scales that form the basis for melodies, harmonies, and chords.
- Jump-start your practice sessions with warm-ups curated for individual needs, such as sound quality, rhythm, intervals, etc.
- Explore the dedicated "Warm-ups & Scales" playlist in our song library.
Harmonize your performance with our latest update!
- Brass & woodwind instruments tuner is now even more accessible.
- Harnessing advanced audio recognition technology, it delivers immediate visual feedback for spot-on tuning.

We’ve also included bug fixes and improvements for a smoother learning experience.
Harmonize your performance with our latest update!
- Brass & woodwind instruments tuner is now even more accessible.
- Harnessing advanced audio recognition technology, it delivers immediate visual feedback for spot-on tuning.

We’ve also included bug fixes and improvements for a smoother learning experience.
Get ready for the World Music Day with our new challenge, which features:

- A collection of classical pieces, with live feedback provided for each note, pitch, and rhythm.
- Leaderboards based on performance accuracy.
- Possibility to invite friends.

We’ve performed bug fixes and improvements to make learning experience smoother than ever.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
Get ready to expand your musical horizons with the latest update!

- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
17 мар. 2023 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
2 мар. 2023 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
25 янв. 2023 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
9 янв. 2023 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
19 дек. 2022 г.
- Enjoy our new collection of the most popular songs for the holiday season. It's the time to be with family & friends, so let's play some festive holiday songs for them.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
28 нояб. 2022 г.
- tonestro делает изучение инструмента доступным для каждого: Проверь новое специальное предложение "Черной пятницы" и изучи приложение бесплатно с нашей 7-дневной пробной версией.
- Это обновление также содержит исправления ошибок и дальнейшие улучшения.
27 окт. 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new Halloween songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
17 окт. 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new Halloween songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
16 сент. 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
23 авг. 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
19 авг. 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
29 июл. 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
13 июл. 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
27 июн. 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
10 июн. 2022 г.
- ASK YOUR TEACHER: Now you can contact your teacher and get help when you encounter any obstacles on your learning journey!
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
20 мая 2022 г.
- ASK YOUR TEACHER: Now you can contact your teacher and get help when you encounter any obstacles on your learning journey!
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
12 мая 2022 г.
- ASK YOUR TEACHER: Now you can contact your teacher and get help when you encounter any obstacles on your learning journey!
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
29 апреля 2022 г.
- ASK YOUR TEACHER: Now you can contact your teacher and get help when you encounter any obstacles on your learning journey!
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
14 апреля 2022 г.
- ASK YOUR TEACHER: Now you can contact your teacher and get help when you encounter any obstacles on your learning journey!
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
16 марта 2022 г.
- EASTER OFFER: Check out our special easter offer and get tonestro Premium now!
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
4 марта 2022 г.
- We added some brand-new songs and improved our learning content. Progress through the lessons with your personal teacher and learn to play great tunes on your instrument.
- This update also contains bug fixes and further improvements.
3 февраля 2022 г.
- This update contains bug fixes and further improvements.
16 января 2022 г.
- This update contains bug fixes and further improvements.
5 января 2022 г.
- WE WELCOME 2022: Check out our special new years offer and get tonestro Premium now!
- Bug fixes and further improvements.
29 декабря 2021 г.
- WE WELCOME 2022: Check out our special new years offer and get tonestro Premium now!
- Bug fixes and further improvements.
21 декабря 2021 г.
- Last chance to take advantage of our Christmas offer. Don't wait any longer and get tonestro Premium now.
- Bug fixes and further improvements.
3 декабря 2021 г.
- Enjoy a completely new learning experience with step by step video tutorials and fun exercises for many instruments.
- Already in the Christmas spirit? Discover our new Christmas playlist and learn to play your favorite holiday songs.
- Bug fixes and further improvements.
17 ноября 2021 г.
- BEST DEAL OF THE YEAR: Check out our special Black Friday offer and get tonestro Premium now!
- Meet your personal clarinet teacher Isabella in our brand new courses with video tutorials, fun exercises and many amazing songs.
- Bug fixes and further improvements.
26 октября 2021 г.
- Bug fixes and further improvements.

Способы взлома Освоить САКСОФОН | tonestro

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