Spider Fighter 2: Супер мафия Mod Apk

Spider Fighter 2: Супер мафия Взлом - Mod Apk 2.37.0

Разработчик: Starplay DMCC
Категория: Экшен-игры, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Игра Паук боец представляет захватывающий мир драк, супергероев и экшена вдохновленной вселенной Марвел. Один человек против целого преступного мира! Вступи в бой с мафией и другими преступными элементами, используя невероятные навыки супергероев. Собери свою команду героев, улучшай их боевые способности, и отправляйся в захватывающие битвы. Развивай своего персонажа, сражайся с могущественными противниками и стань чемпионом в этом увлекательном файтинге, где каждая драка - новая возможность проявить свою силу и мастерство. Войди в мир супергероев и драк, покори босса мафии в огромном городе!

Укус радиоактивного паука начал мутации в организме человека и дал ему сверхспособности. Среди способностей паука - сверхчеловеческая сила, шестое чувство, подобное "паучьему чутью", предупреждающему об опасности, идеальные боевые навыки, а также сверхгероическая скорость и ловкость.
Создавай множество устройств, дополняющих способности паука.

Как и с героем, суперзлодеи получили свои способности после научных несчастий или неправильного использования научной технологии.

Эта игра с борьбой паука происходит в городе преступных злодеев. Преступные боссы захватили город. Создавай сверхспособности и способности паука, чтобы дополнить человеческое тело и победить мафию! Полиция и армия скомпрометированы. Великий город готов к падению. Теперь твоя очередь, как избранный человек - ты супергерой-боец-паук! Так что стань супергероем и побеждай боссов в лучшей игре борьбы героя-паука!

Игра о супергерое создана в жанре "beat 'em up", как супергеройские игры из нашего детства и комиксов. Перемещай своего героя по сцене и совершай рукопашные атаки и эпические сверхспособности.

Эта игра создана для поклонников супергероя и других супергероев из комиксов. Действуй непредсказуемо с помощью своей быстрой атаки паука, побеждай соперников и получай опыт для перехода на следующий уровень супергероя. Собирай деньги, чтобы открывать новые привилегии и невероятные пассивные и активные сверхспособности и стать абсолютным супергероем из обычного человека! Высвободи свой гнев на улицах преступного города!

Используй удивительную силу паука, пассивные навыки и способности.

Ты удивительный паук, двигайся как суперпаук, уклоняйся от атак врагов и бей их в воздухе. Это гибрид геймплея борьбы человека со сверхспособностями.

История обновлений

New awesome dark skin for you! Now you can fight evil with new premium look of your favourite character.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
New awesome dark skin for you! Now you can fight evil with new premium look of your favourite character.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
New awesome dragon skin for you! Now you can fight evil with new premium look of your favourite character.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
New awesome VIP skins for you! Now you can fight evil with new premium look of your favourite characters.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
New awesome skins system! Now you can fight evil with new good look. Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
New awesome skins system! Now you can fight evil with new good look. Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization. Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
22 февр. 2023 г.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
23 янв. 2023 г.
20 янв. 2023 г.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
13 дек. 2022 г.
Christmas and New Year update is coming!
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
10 нояб. 2022 г.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
3 нояб. 2022 г.
21 окт. 2022 г.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
7 окт. 2022 г.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
22 сент. 2022 г.
20 сент. 2022 г.
New awesome villain with a unique skillset and gameplay style released. Show your skills to defeat the most attractive villain ever. Enjoy it! Also a lot of bug fixes and player experience improvements.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
30 авг. 2022 г.
New awesome hero with a unique skillset and gameplay style released. Upgrade your favorite heroes in order to defeat all the enemies and bosses. Enjoy it!
Also a lot of bug fixes and player experience improvements.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
16 авг. 2022 г.
New awesome hero with a unique skillset and gameplay style released. Upgrade your favorite heroes in order to defeat all the enemies and bosses. Enjoy it!
Also a lot of bug fixes and player experience improvements.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
10 авг. 2022 г.
Bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and performance optimization.

Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements.
22 июл. 2022 г.

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