FoxOne Special Missions + Mod Apk

FoxOne Special Missions + Взлом - Mod Apk 3.13.3

Разработчик: Supercharge Mobile
Категория: Экшен-игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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FoxOne: Special Missions - новая игра из серии Fox One с совершенно новой кампанией, новыми целями, новыми врагами и новыми сценариями. И при всём этом сохранился оригинальный геймплей, благодаря которому игра успешно закрепилась среди игроков, имея очень высокие оценки во всех магазинах приложений, в которых она была опубликована.
Наряду со всеми прочими особенностями из наших предыдущих игр, игра FoxOne: Special Missions включает в себя:

◆ Новые великолепные пейзажи, такие как Портстаун с высокими небоскребами.

◆ Новые самолеты: F-35A Lightning II и A-10 Thunderbolt II среди 8 других моделей.

◆ Новые возможности покрытия для существующих самолетов.

◆ Кнопку графических настроек (низкое, среднее и высокое качество).

◆ Режим свободного полета с 10 этапами с возрастающей сложностью для тренировки летных навыков без риска атаки.

◆ 2 этапа в режиме выживания с возрастающей сложностью атак и динамической генерацией врагов (истребители, бомбардировщики, вертолеты), ход этапов меняется при каждом прохождении.

◆ Точечные удары по городским районам: уничтожайте наступающие танки на городских улицах с помощью высокоточного оружия.

◆ Новые угрозы, такие как зенитно-ракетный комплекс SA-9 Gaskin.

◆ Новые цели, такие как радиолокационные станции и вражеские авианосцы.

◆ Улучшенные визуальные эффекты и производительность.

■■■ Оригинальные характеристики предыдущих игр FoxOne, которые поддерживаются и в новой версии: ■■■

★★★★★F-15 Strike Eagle, Mirage 2000, F-22 Raptor и многие другие мощные реактивные истребители, всего доступно 25 моделей производства разных стран.

★★★★★ У каждого самолета своя собственная уникальная и аутентичная 3D-кабина.

★★★★★Невероятно компактное приложение (< 100 Мбайт) с графикой качества HD.

★★★★★Непревзойденное ощущение скорости. Почувствуйте драйв, рассекая небеса на 25 различных сверхзвуковых самолетах, соответствующих реальным моделям. У каждого самолета свое место и применение в игре.

★★★★★ Легкое управление: в отличие от других симуляторов полета, FoxOne отличается чрезвычайно интуитивным и чувствительным управлением, что позволяет вам сосредоточиться на бое, вместо того, чтобы заботиться о координации полета.

★★★★★ Вас ждёт широкий спектр различных видов оружия для оснащения вашего реактивного самолета, включая встроенные пушки, управляемые ракеты воздух-воздух и воздух-земля, бомбы и неуправляемые ракеты.

★★★★★Участвуйте в 15 постоянно усложняющихся разнообразных миссиях (нелинейное прохождение) в различных уголках мира.

★★★★★ Подключение к Wi-Fi не требуется - играйте когда и где угодно.

★★★★★ Уничтожьте реакторы и базы скрытые глубоко внутри каньонов и подземных сооружений.

★★★★★ Защитите союзнические объекты или охраняйте целые города от вражеских бомбардировщиков.

★★★★★ Невероятная реалистичность: никаких мультипликационных визуальных эффектов и дурацких персонажей, здесь все по-настоящему.

★★★★★ Вы готовы взять на себя роль наемного летчика-истребителя? Вы готовы к напряженным и ужасающим миссиям? Если это так... начинайте игру FoxOne!
Летать, чтобы жить... убивать, или быть убитым.

■■■ Ссылки по теме: ■■■ ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆

■■■Обзор на FlightSim dot Com:■■■

■■■ Интервью с разработчиками: ■■■

■■■ Поддержка: ■■■

■■■ Контактный E-mail: ■■■
[email protected]

История обновлений

We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
9 февр. 2023 г.
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
27 янв. 2023 г.
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
5 янв. 2023 г.
We're excited to announce a major update for FoxOne Special Missions+! The new user interface is sleek and modern, making it even easier to navigate and play. Plus, we've made numerous improvements to the overall game experience to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players. With these updates, FoxOne Special Missions+ is better than ever. Thanks for your support, and happy gaming!
16 дек. 2022 г.
** Major improvements in this version. Enjoy! **
- To select your *profile* to play go to the options Menu - we have removed it from the main game flow.
- Enjoy your mission commander storylines.
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
7 нояб. 2022 г.
** Major improvements in this version. Enjoy! **
- To select your *profile* to play go to the options Menu - we have removed it from the main game flow.
- Enjoy your mission commander storylines.
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
25 окт. 2022 г.
** Major improvements in this version. Enjoy! **
- To select your *profile* to play go to the options Menu - we have removed it from the main game flow.
- Enjoy your mission commander storylines.
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
14 окт. 2022 г.
- Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
28 сент. 2022 г.
- Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
22 сент. 2022 г.
- Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
14 сент. 2022 г.
15 авг. 2022 г.
19 мая 2022 г.
20 декабря 2021 г.
5 августа 2021 г.

Способы взлома FoxOne Special Missions +

Скачать FoxOne Special Missions + MOD APK 3.13.3

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