Tapet Wallpapers Generator Mod Apk

Tapet Wallpapers Generator Взлом - Mod Apk 9.010.021

Разработчик: Tapet
Категория: Персонализация
Цена: Бесплатно


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Tapet ® («Обои») — первое в своем роде приложение, автоматически генерирующее обои.
Вы можете выбрать случайные обои или позволить приложению создавать их для вас ежечасно или ежедневно.

* Обои создаются в соответствии с разрешением экрана вашего устройства, что обеспечивает их максимально возможное качество.
* Изображения идеально вписываются в ваш экран и даже создают красивый эффект параллакса, делая обои еще приятнее.
* Следите за новыми захватывающими узорами!
* Вы можете настроить приложение, чтобы оно удивляло вас новыми обоями каждый час или каждый день. Скорее всего, вы никогда не увидите одни и те же обои дважды.

История обновлений

Introducing Styles mode: A simpler approach to Tapet's greatness!
Introducing Styles mode: A simpler approach to Tapet's greatness!
Introducing a whole new Tapet!

New in this version:
- Collaborative playlists
- Community playlists
- A new UI
- Visit tapet.app for more details
- More performance improvements
- Fresh new patterns list view!
- New patterns: Poncho, Silan
- New Sabine and Poncho pattern variants
- Misc platform improvements
- New patterns: Monterrey, Gurion
- New Profile view
- Settings button on main screen
- Support selecting the app language
16 мар. 2023 г.
- New Profile view
- Settings button on main screen
1 мар. 2023 г.
- New patterns: Coco, Nassau
- Slightly slower slideshow
- Long-tap the Login button for a quicker login
- Mark new patterns in the list
- Misc bug fixes
8 февр. 2023 г.
- New: Login to have your stuff stored in the cloud for you
- New patterns: Wilton, Sabine, Takuya
- New pattern variant for Sealax
- New: Pattern Samples button (just like long-tapping the preview)
11 окт. 2022 г.
- New pattern: Pinzur
- Minor fixes for Firmelo and Antares patterns
- "Like" button status bug fix
5 окт. 2022 г.
- Special pattern in memory of Mahsa Amini
- Added support for themed icon
- Added more gradient options to the color editor (only to the palette edges)
- Allow auto-saving when liking
20 сент. 2022 г.
- New patterns: Lalit, Whiskey, Kavya, Miami
- Misc minor improvements
- New experimental options: Apply without closing, Strict likes lock, Show version number
11 авг. 2022 г.
- New patterns: Fenel, Eden, Shemesh
- Misc improvements
- Fix for lock-screen effects not being applied
- When sharing - convert to 8bit
18 июл. 2022 г.
- Smaller buttons
- New experimental HDR mode
- Fix for duplicate and invalid history thumbnails
- Misc platform improvements

Bug fixes:
- Add new palette from preview from My-Palettes
- Auto-save separate applied wallpapers
- Applying effects to separate applied wallpapers
- Rate app - open the Play Store to allow changing the rating
- Header title can overlap buttons
22 июн. 2022 г.
- New patterns: Aviel, Barta
- New algorithm for normalizing pattern selections (internal change)
- Hide system bars when using shortcuts
- Experimental change that prevents the background changer to randomize when the app recently opened
- Immersive mode only works on Pixel phones
- Do not cache the screen resolution (support dynamically changing screen sizes)
- Misc bug fixes
30 мая 2022 г.
- New patterns: Firmelo, Chervil
- Spika and Berbere patterns are now free
- Palettes edited in the quick-editor are now saved to My-Palettes when applied
- Added the pattern name to the saved file names
- Long-tap the like button to open the likes list
- Now you can select a color palette from the pattern samples to generate new samples using the selected palette. Long-tap the button to select from My-Palettes.
- New Goletya pattern
- New quick edit button for quickly editing the current preview's palette
- New quick color-picker with gradient tools
- New gradient and flip buttons in the palette editor
- New "pick liked" shortcut
- New button to reset an effect settings to defaults
- Misc UI fixes
11 мая 2022 г.
- New Goletya pattern
- New quick edit button for quickly editing the current preview's palette
- New quick color-picker with gradient tools
- New gradient and flip buttons in the palette editor
- New "pick liked" shortcut
- New button to reset an effect settings to defaults
- Misc UI fixes
29 апреля 2022 г.
- New patterns: Beton, Potat, Mastal
- New effect: Scheduled Dark to allow bypassing Android's built-in dark more schedule
- Fix for Opuntia pattern to have optional borders
- Improved effects list and editor
- Fix for colored status bar on Pixel devices
- Automatic intervals are disabled by default
- Added experimental "Sometimes" in patterns
- Added experimental option to match the preview with the wallpaper
- Additional misc UI and stability fixes
10 апреля 2022 г.
- Support personal photos also from shortcuts (not only from interval)
- When the wallpaper target is "Separate" - show an option to select the target when applying manually.
- Long-tap the apply button to select the wallpaper target
- New Ovis pattern
- Added a "Sometimes" option to effects (30%)
- When the current preview has an applied effect - show an indicator on the Effects button
- Removed the 45-minutes interval
- "Align with clock" is now an experimental setting
- Misc minor UI fixes
29 марта 2020 г.
New pattern

Способы взлома Tapet Wallpapers Generator

Скачать Tapet Wallpapers Generator MOD APK 9.010.021

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