Rootd - Anxiety & Panic Relief Mod Apk

Rootd - Anxiety & Panic Relief Взлом - Mod Apk 2.99.3

Разработчик: Simply Rooted Media
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Rootd — это научно обоснованное приложение для лечения тревоги и панических атак под руководством женщин. Как видно из журналов «Женское здоровье», «Time Magazine», «Healthline» и других.

Остановите, поймите и преодолейте приступы тревоги и паники с помощью одобренной терапевтом тревожной кнопки Рутда, управляемого глубокого дыхания, журнала тревоги, успокаивающих визуализаций, страницы статистики, экстренного контакта и уроков. Поможем преодолеть тревогу и вернуть уверенность в себе.

Мы приступили к созданию Rootd после нескольких лет страданий от панических атак и тревоги. Единственная помощь, которую мы смогли найти, была либо слишком дорогой, неэффективной, либо плохо спроектированной. Наша миссия — помочь другим найти доступное облегчение от паники и тревоги, а также положить конец стигме в отношении пострадавших.

Наконец, это приложение для борьбы с приступами паники и тревогой, сочетающее управляемый процесс для немедленного и долгосрочного облегчения с чистым и привлекательным дизайном.


Основные функции и контент Rootd включают в себя:

Тревожная кнопка, позволяющая быстро положить конец паническим атакам, основанная на новейших методах когнитивно-поведенческой терапии (КПТ).

Найдите душевное спокойствие, узнав, откуда возникает тревога, как наше тело и разум испытывают приступы паники и почему все это может происходить с вами.

Идеальный инструмент для ежедневной практики глубокого дыхания и обретения спокойствия во время стресса.

Инструмент журнала побуждает пользователей определять настроение и привычки, помогая выявить подсознательные триггеры тревоги и приступов паники.

Управляемое сканирование тела, визуализации и звуки природы помогут вам разобраться в ситуациях, когда вы чувствуете тревогу.

Если вам нужно услышать дружелюбный голос, вы можете немедленно позвонить другу, члену семьи или в ближайший справочный центр прямо из приложения.

Гордитесь своим прогрессом в исцелении и цените то, как далеко вы продвинулись.

Когда вы будете готовы начать навсегда менять свои отношения с приступами паники и тревогой и продолжить путь к облегчению жизни на всю жизнь, вы можете обновиться, чтобы разблокировать полный доступ к Rootd, в том числе:

Изучите изменения, которые вы можете внести, и упражнения, которые вы можете выполнить в краткосрочной перспективе, которые принесут облегчение, помогут справиться с повышенной тревогой и успокоить ум.

ДОЛГОСРОЧНЫЕ УРОКИ. Долгосрочные уроки Рутда проведут вас через оставшуюся часть пути к пожизненному облегчению и жизни без приступов паники.

Цены и условия подписки

Получите полный доступ ко всему контенту и функциям Rootd, купив ежемесячную или ежегодную подписку на полный доступ с автоматическим продлением. Или получите пожизненный полный доступ за единоразовый платеж. Цены могут варьироваться в зависимости от страны.

Оплата будет снята с вашей учетной записи iTunes при подтверждении покупки. Ваша подписка Rootd будет автоматически продлеваться в конце каждого срока, и с вашей кредитной карты будут списываться средства через вашу учетную запись iTunes, если автоматическое продление не будет отключено по крайней мере за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода. Подписками можно управлять, а автоматическое продление можно отключить в любое время в настройках учетной записи iTunes после покупки.

Политика конфиденциальности:

Rootd — это средство от беспокойства и панических атак у вас в кармане.

История обновлений

Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.
If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.
If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.
If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.
If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.
If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.
If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.
If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.
If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
22 мар. 2023 г.
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
27 февр. 2023 г.
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
16 февр. 2023 г.
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
27 янв. 2023 г.
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
20 янв. 2023 г.
Rootd is anxiety & panic attack relief any time or place you need it. With over 2 million users worldwide, Rootd is the go-to app for anxiety & panic attacks for more and more people each day.

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
13 янв. 2023 г.
Try Rootd's holiday-themed visualizations, to help you place more focus on the joys (and not the anxieties or stresses) of the holidays!

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
20 дек. 2022 г.
Try Rootd's holiday-themed visualizations, to help you place more focus on the joys (and not the anxieties or stresses) of the holidays!

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
23 июл. 2022 г.
July 24th is self care day, and to celebrate we've updated Rootd to include:

- Two new FREE visualizations for Self Care Day
- Ukrainian localization
- Updated Spanish Audio
- New gamification of the lessons and journal tool

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the Play Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. Take care, love Rootd
30 июн. 2022 г.
We've updated Rootd to include:

- Ukrainian localization
- THREE more Sleep Sounds
- SIX new visualizations in English :)
- Updated Spanish Audio
- New gamification of the lessons and journal tool

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the Play Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. Take care, love Rootd
1 марта 2022 г.
This update contains bug fixes and additional content:

- More streamlined onboarding to get you to the tool you need ASAP
- Fixed audio in the beloved Breathr tool
- Voice to text dictation for the journal tool
- Japanese Localization!

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
28 февраля 2022 г.
This update contains bug fixes and additional content:

- More streamlined onboarding to get you to the tool you need ASAP
- Fixed audio in the beloved Breathr tool
- Voice to text dictation for the journal tool
- Japanese Localization!

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
16 декабря 2021 г.
This update contains bug fixes and additional content:

- More streamlined onboarding to get you to the tool you need ASAP
- Fixed audio in the beloved Breathr tool
- Voice to text dictation for the journal tool
- Japanese Localization!

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
24 ноября 2021 г.
This update contains bug fixes and additional content:

- More streamlined onboarding to get you to the tool you need ASAP
- Fixed audio in the beloved Breathr tool
- Voice to text dictation for the journal tool
- Japanese Localization!

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!
27 октября 2021 г.
This update contains numerous improvements and additional content:

- Fixed audio in the beloved Breathr tool
- Voice to text dictation for the journal tool
- More Visualization and Sleep content

If you like Rootd, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store and get in touch anytime at [email protected]. We can't wait to hear what you think about these updates!

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