Steam City: Построй свой город Mod Apk

Steam City: Построй свой город Взлом - Mod Apk 1.0.474

Категория: Симуляторы, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Жители и работники города ждут вас! Создавайте свой собственный город в стиле ретрофутуризма и развивайте его с помощью уникальной инфраструктуры. Вы сможете воплотить самые оригинальные мечты о развитии технологического прогресса в антураже викторианской эпохи.

Ресурсы - главный источник для развития города. В процессе игры вам предстоит наладить добычу полезных ископаемых, а также производство необходимых материалов на фабриках и заводах. Как мэр, вы будете решать, какие ресурсы продавать на бирже, а какие отправлять в другие города на кораблях, чтобы увеличить городской доход.

У вас появится собственный блокнот с записями, где будет вестись учет всех неотложных задач и проблем города. Выполняйте задания, чтобы получить награду и повысить свой статус мэра. Чем выше ваш статус, тем больше возможностей вам откроется.

Развитие города зачастую требует совместных усилий. Вы сможете создать союз и пригласить в него других мэров, чтобы развивать ваши города вместе. Дружеские союзы позволят вам свободно обсуждать городские проблемы, выгодно обмениваться ресурсами и помогать друг другу в сложных ситуациях.

Город - это живой организм, которому необходимы ресурсы для развития. Стройте торговые здания, чтобы городская жизнь кипела, а налоги поступали вовремя. Сбор налогов поможет расширить территорию города, возвести новые постройки и увеличить городское население.

Возьмите управление в свои руки и создайте свой уникальный город!

Если в игре возникли проблемы, пожалуйста, напишите в техническую поддержку: [email protected]

Создано для вас в MY.GAMES B.V.

История обновлений

Say hello to our new update! It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news! See you in Steam City!
Say hello to our new update! It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news! See you in Steam City!
Say hello to our new update! It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news! See you in Steam City!
Say hello to our new update!It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news!See you in Steam City!
Say hello to our new update!It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news!See you in Steam City!
Say hello to our new update!It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news!See you in Steam City!
Say hello to our new update!It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news!See you in Steam City!
Say hello to our new update!It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news!See you in Steam City!
22 мар. 2023 г.
Say hello to our new update!It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news!See you in Steam City!
22 февр. 2023 г.
A brand new update!
Our developers keep working on amazing and exciting additions to the game! Keep up with the latest news!
There has also been some bug fixing and game performance has been improved.
Thank you for playing Steam City!
25 янв. 2023 г.
Say hello to our new update!It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news!See you in Steam City!
30 дек. 2022 г.
Say hello to our new update!It includes various fixes and technical improvements to the game. Steam City will also feature exciting new events and profitable special offers very soon, so keep up with the news!See you in Steam City!
16 дек. 2022 г.
A brand new update!
Our developers keep working on amazing and exciting additions to the game! Keep up with the latest news!
There has also been some bug fixing and game performance has been improved.
Thank you for playing Steam City!
7 дек. 2022 г.
We hope that you like the new features and buildings in this update.
There are also some small visual improvements for you to enjoy: the windows, menus and buttons now look even nicer and more convenient to use!

Способы взлома Steam City: Построй свой город

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