CHEERZ- Photo Printing Mod Apk

CHEERZ- Photo Printing Взлом - Mod Apk 2025.1.1

Разработчик: Cheerz developers
Категория: Фотография
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot CHEERZ- Photo Printing mod apkGame screenshot CHEERZ- Photo Printing hackGame screenshot CHEERZ- Photo Printing apk download


Cheerz, сделать фотопечать проще простого!
Заказывайте распечатки фотографий прямо со своего телефона: фотоальбомы, фотопечати, магниты, рамки, постеры... Все, не выходя из собственного дома. Волшебно, не так ли?

Cheerz печатает воспоминания более 4 миллионов клиентов по всему миру! При 97% удовлетворенности это много улыбок, верно? 🤩


- Фотоальбом: благодаря упрощенному интерфейсу создайте уникальную фотокнигу, чтобы запечатлеть свои воспоминания на высококачественной бумаге.
- Фотопечать: между изображением на экране и отпечатком в ваших руках нет никакого сравнения.
- Фотокнига «Сделай сам»: ничего более персонализированного, чем эта. Вы получите полный комплект: распечатки фотографий, ручку, украшения, малярный скотч... для создания альбома на всю жизнь!
- Коробка для фотографий: не только ваши любимые фотографии, но и красивая коробка для их безопасного хранения.
- Ящик памяти: настоящий ящик с сокровищами (фотографий) с уникальным кодом для печати до 300 отпечатков в течение всего года.
- Фотомагниты: персонализированные магниты, которые можно приклеивать повсюду. Лучший повод заглянуть в холодильник.
- Плакаты, рамки, холсты, алюминий: постеры, рамки, холсты, алюминий, когда вы не можете выбрать между фотографией или декором.
- Календарь: красивый персонализированный фотокалендарь, который заставит вас улыбаться каждый день в году!

▷ Коротко о продукции Cheerz: воспоминания, фотооформление, персонализированные подарки... И много-много Cheerz в каждом снимке!


Интерфейс спроектирован таким образом, чтобы каждый фотопродукт создавался с удовольствием. Фотоальбом делается быстро и легко.

Единственное приложение, которое упрощает создание фотоальбома на вашем смартфоне!
2 возможности: создание фотокниги с нуля для самых креативных или использование автозаполнения благодаря простому и понятному интерфейсу. Любой повод скоро станет поводом для создания фотокниги...
Наша команда R & D подобна джиннам, ваше желание - их команда! За 2 года они произвели революцию в создании фотопродуктов на мобильных устройствах!

Со всем смирением наше приложение получило 5 звезд с момента его запуска.
Наша команда счастья отвечает менее чем за 6 часов, включая выходные.
Премиальное качество фотопечати: напечатано во Франции на настоящей фотобумаге (это означает цифровую и серебристую бумагу для некоторых продуктов)
Быстрая доставка и отслеживание заказа

Cheerz стремится уменьшить свой углеродный след, делая более ответственный и экологически безопасный выбор.
Наши фотоальбомы и репродукции имеют сертификат FSC® — знак, пропагандирующий ответственное управление лесами (в Перу мы даже пересаживаем деревья!).

Французы известны своим хорошим вкусом, и не только в еде и моде 😉

Зачем печатать фотографии?
Воспоминания священны, и фотографии на вашем телефоне заслуживают того, чтобы быть напечатанными (а не пылиться в вашем смартфоне)!

Печатать удобнее, чем когда-либо! В мгновение ока создавайте для себя качественную фотопродукцию: фотокниги, фотопечати, увеличения, постеры, фоторамки, коробки, фотохолсты, магниты...

Дружеское напоминание: Cheerz — это подарок на любой случай: альбом воспоминаний об отпуске, последние выходные с друзьями, декоративная рамка в новой квартире... и это лишь некоторые примеры.
Идеальный подарок по низкой цене, который обязательно понравится!
До скорого,
Команда Cheerz 😉

Cheerz, ранее Polabox, — это французская служба фотопечати, специализирующаяся на мобильной фотопечати и фотографиях, публикуемых в социальных сетях. Наши продукты имеют хорошую репутацию, и они, как известно, заставляют наших клиентов улыбаться!

Вся наша фотопродукция печатается на нашей фабрике Cheerz, местной фабрике, расположенной в Женвилье, недалеко от Парижа! Приложение Cheerz скачали более 4 миллионов пользователей в Европе.

Cheerz есть в Facebook (более 500 000 подписчиков) и в Instagram (более 300 000 подписчиков). Поверьте нам, мы заставим вас хотеть печатать свои фотографии.

История обновлений

Oh February, that month full of love.... Do you know what that means? Yes. Our new Valentine's Day collection is finally here! This year, turn your ‘Do you remember?’ into ‘I love you’ and make the most beautiful declaration to your loved one. For our part, we're continuing to improve our App to offer you an ever more enjoyable experience. It's our way of declaring our love 💌
Between the New Year, Dry January, and maybe kicking off 2-3 good resolutions, the start of the year is packed with emotions… and it’s not over yet! Love is back on our website with the arrival of our new Valentine’s Day collection! So, ready to make the most beautiful declaration?
P.S : Since we (really) love you and your happiness makes ours, we’re continuing to improve our app to give you an even better experience 💌
The sun is shying away, the air has cooled... autumn has made a sensational entrance. But autumn also means the return of films under the blanket, comforting hot chocolates and your favourite jumpers. And to contribute to this cocooning mood, we thought that gradually adding new templates to our albums would warm your heart. So, are you feeling better now? 🥰
The sun is shying away, the air has cooled... autumn has made a sensational entrance. But autumn also means the return of films under the blanket, comforting hot chocolates and your favourite jumpers. And to contribute to this cocooning mood, we thought that gradually adding new templates to our albums would warm your heart. So, are you feeling better now? 🥰
The sun is shying away, the air has cooled... autumn has made a sensational entrance. But autumn also means the return of films under the blanket, comforting hot chocolates and your favourite jumpers. And to contribute to this cocooning mood, we thought that gradually adding new templates to our albums would warm your heart. So, are you feeling better now? 🥰
Whether you're going on vacation or coming back from it, you will cross path with the 2023.13.0 release. Like your vacations, it's a whole program. Take a tour of the gift card screen, and you'll be in for a change of scenery. Go on an adventure with our new Pocket of Memories. To ensure an unforgettable experience, we've updated our privacy settings and fixed the links to the app. Have a great vacation!
Fix a major issue of app opening for some devices.
Whether you're going on vacation or coming back from it, you will cross path with the 2023.12.0 release. Like your vacations, it's a whole program. Take a tour of the gift card screen, and you'll be in for a change of scenery. Go on an adventure with our new Pocket of Memories. To ensure an unforgettable experience, we've updated our privacy settings and fixed the links to the app. Have a great vacation!
We re-invented the notification center, everything is all introduced in a small bell! When you open our app, you are informed of everything that is happening again on the side of Cheerz. Lit, yes, but only in the Kingdom of the lit!
We re-invented the notification center, everything is all introduced in a small bell! When you open our app, you are informed of everything that is happening again on the side of Cheerz. Lit, yes, but only in the Kingdom of the lit!
We re-invented the notification center, everything is all introduced in a small bell! When you open our app, you are informed of everything that is happening again on the side of Cheerz. Lit, yes, but only in the Kingdom of the lit!
We re-invented the notification center, everything is all introduced in a small bell! When you open our app, you are informed of everything that is happening again on the side of Cheerz. Lit, yes, but only in the Kingdom of the lit!
Well done for trying Dry January - even 1 day counts - otherwise, you always have a second chance to do better: February, which has the advantage of having the fewest days in the year! The important thing is not so much to drink water, but to aim higher and higher. To try to reach this improved version of yourself. And we, well, we're in charge of improving this version of our app! We can do it!
8 февр. 2023 г.
How do you count down to the holidays? At Cheerz, we're working hard to bring you the best Christmas collection yet! Our elves are hard at work in the Cheerz Factory (our Santa workshop), our dev team are the reindeer without whom the sleigh won't take off, they're cleaning up the stardust on the way (the bugs), and our very own Father Christmas (his name is Patrick) is ready to hand out the presents! It's about damn time!
20 янв. 2023 г.
How do you count down to the holidays? At Cheerz, we're working hard to bring you the best Christmas collection yet! Our elves are hard at work in the Cheerz Factory (our Santa workshop), our dev team are the reindeer without whom the sleigh won't take off, they're cleaning up the stardust on the way (the bugs), and our very own Father Christmas (his name is Patrick) is ready to hand out the presents! It's about damn time!
5 дек. 2022 г.
How do you count down to the holidays? At Cheerz, we're working hard to bring you the best Christmas collection yet! Our elves are hard at work in the Cheerz Factory (our Santa workshop), our dev team are the reindeer without whom the sleigh won't take off, they're cleaning up the stardust on the way (the bugs), and our very own Father Christmas (his name is Patrick) is ready to hand out the presents! It's about damn time!
21 нояб. 2022 г.
How do you count down to the holidays? At Cheerz, we're working hard to bring you the best Christmas collection yet! Our elves are hard at work in the Cheerz Factory (our Santa workshop), our dev team are the reindeer without whom the sleigh won't take off, they're cleaning up the stardust on the way (the bugs), and our very own Father Christmas (his name is Patrick) is ready to hand out the presents! It's about damn time!
16 нояб. 2022 г.
How do you count down to the holidays? At Cheerz, we're working hard to bring you the best Christmas collection yet! Our elves are hard at work in the Cheerz Factory (our Santa workshop), our dev team are the reindeer without whom the sleigh won't take off, they're cleaning up the stardust on the way (the bugs), and our very own Father Christmas (his name is Patrick) is ready to hand out the presents! It's about damn time!
27 окт. 2022 г.
As we know, some of you read from the beach, others from the open space. At Cheerz, we tend to take the second option. We're taking advantage of the calm to do what we do best: Mojitos (figuratively speaking)! The perfect recipe? A 40 proof rum for lubrication, a bit of cane sugar to avoid bugs, sparkling water to bubble and mint to refresh the page. A slice of lime is optional. Cheerz!
13 окт. 2022 г.
As we know, some of you read from the beach, others from the open space. At Cheerz, we tend to take the second option. We're taking advantage of the calm to do what we do best: Mojitos (figuratively speaking)! The perfect recipe? A 40 proof rum for lubrication, a bit of cane sugar to avoid bugs, sparkling water to bubble and mint to refresh the page. A slice of lime is optional. Cheerz!
22 сент. 2022 г.
As we know, some of you read from the beach, others from the open space. At Cheerz, we tend to take the second option. We're taking advantage of the calm to do what we do best: Mojitos (figuratively speaking)! The perfect recipe? A 40 proof rum for lubrication, a bit of cane sugar to avoid bugs, sparkling water to bubble and mint to refresh the page. A slice of lime is optional. Cheerz!
23 авг. 2022 г.
Nothing screams summer like some good house music, and Drake and Beyoncé seem to know what's up. To the rhythm of Queen B's (AKA Yoncé, Sasha Firece, Honey B) "Break My Soul" , our devs have been working to correct the bugs to make our app as harmonious as Bey herself (if we do say so ourself). Now our devs can finally get to working on their footwork, and you cna print your photos with ease :)
2 авг. 2022 г.
Nothing screams summer like some good house music, and Drake and Beyoncé seem to know what's up. To the rhythm of Queen B's (AKA Yoncé, Sasha Firece, Honey B) "Break My Soul" , our devs have been working to correct the bugs to make our app as harmonious as Bey herself (if we do say so ourself). Now our devs can finally get to working on their footwork, and you cna print your photos with ease :)
6 июл. 2022 г.
Nothing screams summer like some good house music, and Drake and Beyoncé seem to know what's up. To the rhythm of Queen B's (AKA Yoncé, Sasha Firece, Honey B) "Break My Soul" , our devs have been working to correct the bugs to make our app as harmonious as Bey herself (if we do say so ourself). Now our devs can finally get to working on their footwork, and you cna print your photos with ease :)
6 июн. 2022 г.
We know you too well. While you've been warming up for the summer, planning your holidays, having your first barbeque or reorganzing your wardrobe, our devs corrected the bugs that would've gotten between you and your summer album. Now you can modify the titles and the covers of your albums with ease. Summer 2022, here you come! (And 5 star app rating, here WE come!)
5 мая 2022 г.
When it comes to planning holidays, there's 2 types of people: the organized type A's who love a pre-booked itinerary, and the flexible type B's who go with the flow. We thought of both in or new update! The type A's have all they need to personalise their albums with new layout, text and chapter options. And type B's will always have the auto-fill and apply to all options. Either way, at the end of the trip, we'll always be here to pamper your favourite photo products.
25 апреля 2022 г.
Sun's out buns out! Bring out the t-shirts, the summer dresses and your summer best. If our app was a woman, picture her in floral print , all glowed up. No more blemishes on our catalogue pages, she dances through the creation of her copper frame. It's the beginning of her hot girl summer.
13 апреля 2022 г.
It's a mild, sunny spring day, the vibe is right. When all of a sudden, burst of childrens laughter errupt around us. Turns out we spent the day with a toilet paper tail hanging out our jeans. It happens to the best of us. Removing that damn toilet paper is a bit like fixing the bugs in our app. You remove it with a swift swing of the arm that circles back for a smooth ruffle of the hair. Like you never saw a thing. Our app is far too serious to joke about.
18 марта 2022 г.
More coveted than Lady Gaga's comeback, it's the return of spring! Well, we're a little ahead of schedule. We brought out our stunner shades, ate our first ice cream and welcomed the first rays of sun. But more importantly, we've done some spring cleaning for you! Check out our functional improvements and small bug corrections. The best part? When you open a draft, your photos are now perfectly arranged in your gallery. Isn't that neat? Right, we'll let you get your dose of Vitamin D too. TTFN
4 марта 2022 г.
22 февраля 2022 г.
The years start coming and they don't stop coming... kind of like our updates, huh? A new year, a new update. For this version, we like to think we've outdone ourselves. You'll never know if you don't go, we'll never shine if we don't glow 🎵
9 декабря 2021 г.
When our developers arrived at the office dressed as elves, we had a good laugh, and for a Monday morning, it's so much more than we could hope for. One of the elves had a Christmas surprise... the last update of the year is out. At the foot of the tree, we have bug corrections and improvements, and EVEN BETTER: new photo gift ideas! Thank you Santa Claus!
29 ноября 2021 г.
When our developers arrived at the office dressed as elves, we had a good laugh, and for a Monday morning, it's so much more than we could hope for. One of the elves had a Christmas surprise... the last update of the year is out. At the foot of the tree, we have bug corrections and improvements, and EVEN BETTER: new photo gift ideas! Thank you Santa Claus!
10 ноября 2021 г.
So how do you like Autumn thus far? The nature is beautiful and you feel your heart at ease as you walk through the forest?
So do we. That's why we've specially spiced up our app so that you can make your most beautiful albums with fluidity and lightness like the little orange leaf carried by the wind that you are. Don't thank us, we're here for that!

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