Календарь беременности - Momly Mod Apk

Календарь беременности - Momly Взлом - Mod Apk 3.12.6

Разработчик: Momly: Pregnancy Apps,Due Date Tracker,Contraction
Категория: Материнство и детство
Цена: Бесплатно


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Добро пожаловать в наше БЕСПЛАТНОЕ приложение для беременных. Мы хотим помочь будущим мамам и предоставить всю информацию, которая поможет им легко вести беременность.

Вся информация о беременности в одном месте: - калькулятор беременности и даты родов - беременность по неделям - еженедельные подсказки и информации о развитии ребёнка - счетчик схваток

Развитие ребёнка и беременность по неделям: Календарь беременности поможет рассчитать дату родов и узнать больше о развитии ребёнка и изменениях в твоём теле. Наблюдай, как вы с ребёнком меняетесь в эти волшебные месяцы, с помощью еженедельных обновлений. Календарь беременности будет показывать размер и внешний вид твоего ребёнка каждую неделю.

Здоровая беременность: Благодаря нашему приложению ты сможешь следить за здоровьем: вводи данные о весе, давлении и частоте сердцебиения в течение всех 3 триместров (280 дней). На основании этих данных мы создадим графики здорового набора веса, артериального давления и сердечного ритма.

Считай схватки: Приложение поможет подсчитать схватки на последнем этапе беременности. Используй счетчик схваток в последнем триместре или всякий раз, когда тебе скажет твой врач.

Подготовься: Мы поможем тебе с повседневными задачами и послеродовой подготовкой. Смотри наше руководство по безопасности, чтобы узнать, какую пищу и виды активности следует избегать во время беременности. Наш календарь беременности поможет тебе следить за всеми обследованиями и здорово вести беременность. Всё, что тебе нужно - в одном приложении!


Скачай наше приложение и получи все нужные ответы. Позволь нам сопровождать тебя на всех этапах беременности, неделя за неделей. Используй приложение на ходу. Получай информацию в магазине, на приёме у врача или на дородовых курсах.

Если тебе нравится наше приложение, пожалуйста, оцени его. Если у тебя есть какие-то вопросы или комментарии, пиши нам на [email protected]. Мы будем рады помочь.

Пожалуйста, помни, что приложение и календарь беременности не предназначены для использования в медицинских целях или для замены консультации квалифицированного специалиста. Если у тебя есть вопросы касательно твоего здоровья и беременности, задай их врачу или акушерке.

Disclaimer: this application does not represent a government entity.

История обновлений

As always, we monitor our app closely to make sure there are no bugs to worry you 🕵️ We want to make this time as hassle-free as possible for you. Enjoy! 😊

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
We're still continuing to develop and improve your pregnancy app to benefit you first and foremost. This time we fixed some minor bugs, which will make the app better and more enjoyable to use! 🤰

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
We're still continuing to develop and improve your pregnancy app to benefit you first and foremost. This time we fixed some minor bugs, which will make the app better and more enjoyable to use! 🤰

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
Your pregnancy app has improved! 🤰❤️
Over the last few weeks, we worked on some backend issues. Because of that, you will not see any visible changes in the app. But we promise it will work smoother and better than before.

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
We’ve been busy improving the pregnancy app 🤰, and you can check out the results! ❤️ We polished the layout and fixed some minor bugs. This will make the app better and more enjoyable to use!

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
As always, we monitor our app closely to make sure there are no bugs to worry you 🕵️ We want to make this time as hassle-free as possible for you. Enjoy! 😊

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
Your pregnancy app has improved! 🤰❤️
Over the last few weeks, we worked on some backend issues. Because of that, you will not see any visible changes in the app. But we promise it will work smoother and better than before.

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
Quick news! ✨It just got a lot easier to access the profile and settings in the app (we've added it to the bottom menu of your screen).

It’s one of the extra improvements we often make based on your feedback and our hard data to always exceed your expectations. Let us know if we pulled it off this time ;)

Email us at [email protected] or leave a review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
We’ve been busy improving the pregnancy app 🤰, and you can check out the results! ❤️ We polished the layout and fixed some minor bugs. This will make the app better and more enjoyable to use!

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
As always, we monitor our app closely to make sure there are no bugs to worry you 🕵️ We want to make this time as hassle-free as possible for you. Enjoy! 😊

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
We're still continuing to develop and improve your pregnancy app to benefit you first and foremost. This time we fixed some minor bugs, which will make the app better and more enjoyable to use! 🤰

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
We're still continuing to develop and improve your pregnancy app to benefit you first and foremost. This time we fixed some minor bugs, which will make the app better and more enjoyable to use! 🤰

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
The more you scroll, the more you know! 😃 This time, we’ve added some fresh content to the app to broaden your knowledge about the pregnancy and brighten your day ☀️ Enjoy!

Any thoughts? Email us at [email protected] or help others find our app by rating it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Your pregnancy app has improved! 🤰❤️
Over the last few weeks, we worked on some backend issues. Because of that, you will not see any visible changes in the app. But we promise it will work smoother and better than before.

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
3 февр. 2023 г.
Get ready to be wowed by our latest update! We've given Momly a major technical and visual glow-up, because it's easier to navigate your pregnancy journey with an app that reflects your inner joy ✨

Don't worry, we might have changed some things but we’ve kept all your favorite features 🫶

Any thoughts? Email us at [email protected] or help others find our app by rating it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
27 янв. 2023 г.
We're still continuing to develop and improve your pregnancy app to benefit you first and foremost. This time we fixed some minor bugs, which will make the app better and more enjoyable to use! 🤰

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
3 янв. 2023 г.
28 дек. 2022 г.
Your pregnancy app has improved! 🤰❤️
Over the last few weeks, we worked on some backend issues. Because of that, you will not see any visible changes in the app. But we promise it will work smoother and better than before.

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
26 окт. 2022 г.
We’ve been busy improving the pregnancy app 🤰, and you can check out the results! ❤️ We polished the layout and fixed some minor bugs. This will make the app better and more enjoyable to use!

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
7 окт. 2022 г.
As always, we monitor our app closely to make sure there are no bugs to worry you 🕵️ We want to make this time as hassle-free as possible for you. Enjoy! 😊

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
6 сент. 2022 г.
As always, we monitor our app closely to make sure there are no bugs to worry you 🕵️ We want to make this time as hassle-free as possible for you. Enjoy! 😊

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
22 июл. 2022 г.
We're still continuing to develop and improve your pregnancy app to benefit you first and foremost. This time we fixed some minor bugs, which will make the app better and more enjoyable to use! 🤰

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
26 апреля 2022 г.
Your pregnancy app has improved! 🤰❤️
Over the last few weeks, we worked on some backend issues. Because of that, you will not see any visible changes in the app. But we promise it will work smoother and better than before.

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
4 апреля 2022 г.
We’ve been busy improving the pregnancy app 🤰, and you can check out the results! ❤️ We polished the layout and fixed some minor bugs. This will make the app better and more enjoyable to use!

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
17 февраля 2022 г.
As always, we monitor our app closely to make sure there are no bugs to worry you 🕵️ We want to make this time as hassle-free as possible for you. Enjoy! 😊

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
17 февраля 2022 г.
We're still continuing to develop and improve your pregnancy app to benefit you first and foremost. This time we fixed some minor bugs, which will make the app better and more enjoyable to use! 🤰

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks! 😊
29 декабря 2021 г.
Your pregnancy app has improved! 🤰❤️
Over the last few weeks, we worked on some backend issues. Because of that, you will not see any visible changes in the app. But we promise it will work smoother and better than before.

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
5 октября 2021 г.
This is quite a special update for us 😊
Firstly, you asked us to add 3D fetuses to our app, so here they are 😄 You can now see how big your baby is in 2D/3D visualizations, and via fruit size comparisons.

Secondly, we’ve made reporting when your baby is born a bit more mom-friendly 😉

Oh, one more thing, you might’ve noticed that your lovely pregnancy tracker has a new name? Say hi to Momly ❤️

Let us know what you think. Rate us ☆☆☆☆☆ or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!

Способы взлома Календарь беременности - Momly

Скачать Календарь беременности - Momly MOD APK 3.12.6

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