Парикмахерская для девочек Mod Apk

Парикмахерская для девочек Взлом - Mod Apk 3.34

Разработчик: Pazu Games
Категория: Симуляторы, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Дайте волю своему воображению и сделайте потрясающие прически в популярном Парикмахерская для девочек!
Создавайте классные прически и стрижки, делайте волосы вьющимися, вьющимися или прямыми, отращивайте, подстригайте, стирайте, сушите и окрашивайте в удивительные сочетания, добавляйте аксессуары и создавайте уникальный образ именно для вас. В этом парикмахерском салоне вы можете выступить в качестве стилиста и изменить дизайн вашей модели именно так, как вы хотите.

Парикмахерская для девочек представляет вам Pazu Games Ltd, издатель популярных детских игр, таких как Makeup Girls, Animal Doctor и другие, которым доверяют миллионы родителей по всему миру.
Детские игры Pazu разработаны специально для детей в возрасте до 10 лет. В них предлагаются забавные развивающие игры для девочек и мальчиков, чтобы они могли наслаждаться ими.
Мы приглашаем вас бесплатно попробовать игры Pazu для детей и малышей и открыть для себя замечательный бренд для детских игр с большим арсеналом развивающих и обучающих игр для девочек и мальчиков. Наши игры предлагают разнообразную игровую механику, адаптированную к возрасту и возможностям детей.
В играх Pazu нет рекламы, поэтому дети не отвлекаются во время игры, не получают случайных кликов и не имеют внешних помех.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите наш веб-сайт: https://www.pazugames.com/

Получите бесплатный Парикмахерская для девочек и начните создавать новые прически и образы.

История обновлений

Updates Notes:

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time

Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes:

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time

Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes:

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time

Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes:

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time

Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes:

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time

Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
6 февр. 2023 г.
Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time
4 дек. 2022 г.
Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time
25 сент. 2022 г.
Huge Update Alert!
We've got some updates for you!

New characters join our hair salon! Hop in and try new stylish hairstyles & accessories
More big updates in the near future stay tuned!!
We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time
10 июл. 2022 г.
Wow! Huge content alert!
- New characters join our hair salon! Hop in and welcome the cutest boys!!
- More big updates in the near future stay tuned!!
- We’ve fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time
Dear moms and dads, We encourage you to contact us with any questions, issues, or suggestions you may have.
22 мая 2022 г.
Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time
2 марта 2022 г.
Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time
12 января 2022 г.
Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.

- Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time
26 декабря 2021 г.
We've got some updates for you!

The holidays are a magical time for making improvements, so we did more of them!
Now our kids can enjoy the magical experience of Christmas with a Pazu’s Christmas event!

Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
15 декабря 2021 г.
We've got some updates for you!

The holidays are a magical time for making improvements, so we did more of them!
Now our kids can enjoy the magical experience of Christmas with a Pazu’s Christmas event!

Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
5 сентября 2021 г.
Wow! Huge content alert!

Version Highlights:

- We've added new beautiful hair glitters with a variety of different colors.
- We've added new hair jewelry to add more awesome decoration options.
- We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time.

Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.

Способы взлома Парикмахерская для девочек

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