Book Parking Spaces - Parclick Mod Apk

Book Parking Spaces - Parclick Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: Parclick S.L.
Категория: Карты и навигация
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot Book Parking Spaces - Parclick mod apkGame screenshot Book Parking Spaces - Parclick hackGame screenshot Book Parking Spaces - Parclick apk download


Parclick позволяет искать и находить парковочные места в более чем 250 городах Европы. Чего ты ждешь? Загрузите сейчас и сэкономьте до 70% на парковке. С приложением Parclick можно легко и дешево припарковать машину, мотоцикл или фургон в любом месте.

Вы устали ехать в новый город и часами искать место для парковки? С Parclick вы можете найти автостоянку, где захотите, с учетом вашего расписания и по самой выгодной цене. Забудьте о круговой езде в поисках места для парковки!

Parclick прост и интуитивно понятен: найдите свое местоположение с помощью GPS-навигатора или найдите пункт назначения с помощью приложения, выберите между специальными предложениями на автостоянках в вашем районе и забронируйте место на парковке прямо из приложения. Вам нужен только код бронирования, чтобы войти и припарковать свой автомобиль (автомобиль, мотоцикл, фургон, минивэн и т. Д.) На часы или дни.

Как я могу использовать приложение Parclick 🤔

✔ Выберите место для бронирования и даты парковки 🚗

Позвольте приложению определять ваше местоположение с помощью GPS-навигатора или искать улицу, город или достопримечательность и выбирать, на какой срок вы хотите припарковать свой автомобиль. Так же вы можете выбрать лучшие предложения, доступные на парковках по всей карте. А если вы путешествуете поездом, лодкой или самолетом, приложение также поможет вам найти предложения по парковке в аэропортах, портах и ​​на вокзалах.

✔ Выбирайте из огромного количества доступных доступных парковок 🅿

Parclick предлагает сотни парковочных мест, чтобы удовлетворить любые ваши потребности: круглосуточный доступ, подходящий для всех видов транспортных средств (автомобили, мотоциклы, фургоны и т. Д.), Системы наблюдения и т. Д.

✔ Выберите, забронируйте и получите код доступа 🎫

Зарегистрируйтесь, зарегистрируйте свой автомобиль и выберите предпочтительный способ оплаты. После того, как вы выберете свою автостоянку, вы получите номер бронирования, который нужно предъявить к месту назначения. Приложение позволяет управлять всеми вашими бронированиями и использует GPS-навигатор для определения местоположения выбранной вами парковки. Забронируйте заранее, сколько захотите!

✔ Паркуйтесь в сотнях городов по всей Европе 👌

Parclick предлагает парковочные места в европейских странах, таких как Франция, Испания, Германия, Португалия, Бельгия и многих других. Не тратьте время на поиски места для парковки: легко забронируйте парковочное место заранее и забудьте о круговых поездках в поисках места для парковки.

Где я могу использовать Parclick? 🗺

- Италия: Рим, Милан, Венеция, Флоренция, Пиза, Неаполь, Бари ...
- Испания: Барселона, Мадрид, Валенсия, Севилья, Бильбао, Кадис ...
- Франция: Париж, Лион, Ницца, Бордо, Реймс, Мец ...
- Португалия: Порту, Лиссабон, Фаро, Коимбра ...
- Другие европейские города: Брюссель, Амстердам, Женева, Базель и многие другие.

Parclick - это бесплатное приложение, позволяющее сэкономить до 70% на более чем 1400 парковках по всей Европе. С Parclick вы можете фильтровать результаты по цене и расстоянию от вашего местоположения. Parclick предлагает гибкость для водителей, которым нужны парковочные места с учетом их потребностей.

Приложение предлагает специальные предложения для местных мероприятий, ежемесячные подписки со скидками и доступ к абонементам Multiparking, которые позволяют парковаться на разных парковках в одном городе. Найдите парковку рядом с вами и забронируйте место заранее, независимо от вашего транспортного средства (автомобиль, фургон, мотоцикл, минивэн и т. Д.). Найдите Parclick в более чем 250 европейских городах с более чем 1400 парковками!

Забудьте о потерянных монетах под подушками дивана. Перестаньте отчаянно бегать за счетчиками парковки, как капитан Ахаб после Моби Дика.

В начале года мы предоставили вам возможность оплачивать паркоматы в Барселоне. Мы также обещали вам, что скоро будет доступно больше городов. Мы хотим держать свое слово, так что вот оно: теперь вы можете использовать наше приложение для оплаты зоны SER в Боадилья-дель-Монте! Следите за обновлениями, чтобы увидеть больше городов;)

Все еще нет Parclick на вашем телефоне? Загрузите приложение бесплатно и откройте для себя простой и дешевый способ парковки!

История обновлений
- The app is now available for use on Android Auto and CarPlay, pay the parking meter without getting out of your car!
- New discounted parking offers in more than 280 cities.
- And once you've tried the app, share your experience!
- We've added more filters to help you find the perfect parking space.
- Dark screen mode is now available in the app.
- New discounted parking offers in more than 280 cities.
- Oh, and once you've tried the app, share your experience!
- We've added more filters to help you find the perfect parking space.
- Dark screen mode is now available in the app.
- New discounted parking offers in more than 280 cities.
- Oh, and once you've tried the app, share your experience!
- We've added more filters to help you find the perfect parking space.
- Dark screen mode is now available in the app.
- New discounted parking offers in more than 280 cities.
- Oh, and once you've tried the app, share your experience!
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
23 мар. 2023 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
16 дек. 2022 г.
In this update we have implemented filters in the parking search! Now you can filter the results, including only the features you really want ;)
Also, we have Google Pay now available to book your car park space.

-The best deals–
Find parking spaces at the best prices in 280 cities across Europe.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Write to us at [email protected]
18 нояб. 2022 г.
In this update we have implemented filters in the car park search! Now you will be able to filter the results, including only the features you really need or are interested in and choose more easily the most suitable car park for you ;)
-The best offers
Find parking spaces at the best prices in 280 cities across Europe.
-Let us know how it went!
We love your feedback. If you have suggestions, write to [email protected]. And if you like our app, leave us a review.
19 сент. 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
9 сент. 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
22 авг. 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
28 июл. 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
12 июл. 2022 г.
- We have updated our design -
We’re bringing you a new, updated design to make it easier and more intuitive to navigate through our app.
Try it out and let us know how you see it!
- The best deals -
Find parking at the best prices in 280 cities across Europe.
- Let us know how it went -
If you like our app, leave us a review. And if you have any suggestions, send us an email to [email protected]
- Share your experience -
Because something so great should be known by everyone
20 июн. 2022 г.
- We have updated our design -
We’re bringing you a new, updated design to make it easier and more intuitive to navigate through our app.
Try it out and let us know how you see it!
- The best deals -
Find parking at the best prices in 280 cities across Europe.
- Let us know how it went -
If you like our app, leave us a review. And if you have any suggestions, send us an email to [email protected]
- Share your experience -
Because something so great should be known by everyone
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
17 мая 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
25 апреля 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
15 марта 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
7 марта 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
18 февраля 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
13 января 2022 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
22 декабря 2021 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
24 ноября 2021 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level
17 ноября 2021 г.
This update includes a few small performance improvements and several bug fixes.

– Discounts and promotions –

Easy access to car park offers in 280 cities

– Share the love –

We value your feedback! If you have something to share then email us at [email protected]. If you're enjoying the app please leave us a rating and a review.

– Outta this world –

Spread your experience with Parclick at on-street and off-street level

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